Panic Attack

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This was requested by someone who didn't want to be mentioned xx 💜❤️💕💖💞💓🥰

Harry's POV
I dropped my bag onto the floor whilst putting my keys on the cabinet. I turned the lights on before sitting on the couch. It was quiet... Too quiet. As I was about to turn the TV on I heard a loud crash come from upstairs. I stood up and rushed upstairs as fast as I could before running into my sisters room and there she was on the floor struggling to breathe and wriggling on the floor silent words falling from her mouth. I came out of my trance and rushed towards her pulling her as close as possible "hey hey I'm here baby. Deep breaths deep breaths" she sobbed into my shoulder and I continued to hold her close kissing her head gently "y/n it's me harry.... You need to take deep breaths... Follow me" I put her hand to my chest and began to do exaggerated breaths but she still wouldn't follow my breathing pattern.

Y/n's POV
I gripped him tightly shaking my head rapidly. "h—harry!!!" I screamed into his shoulder my heart breaking more and more "hey baby girl tell hazzy what's wrong" but I couldn't I couldn't get the words out. I tried to copy his breaths but I just couldn't my mind was focused on other things. He continued to rub my back soothing me into a more clear mind on what was happening. As he breathed in I found myself breathing in as well. As I had fully relaxed I broke down in his arms bawling my eyes out into his chest once again leading myself into a panic type state "hey princess no.... I'm here I'm here" he started to rub my back again before pulling me as close as possible so now I was lying on his chest. "baby look into my eyes" I couldn't I couldn't focus on anything I just can't. He ovbiously saw that I couldn't so he grabbed my chin gently and forced me to look into his eyes and he smiled gently. His eyes were so so calming "I love you y/n" I took a deep breath before laying my head on his chest "I love you too hazzy.... I-I'm sorry"

Harry's POV
"hey hey silly you don't need to be sorry. These things happen and it's okay. Now tell me why I found you like this" she whimpered and hid her head in my chest "cmon lovely tell haz" she nodded and took a deep breath "I—i was looking at the news and because I've been feeling awfully ill lately I thought I had corona virus" I held her close "oh baby" I shake my head and chuckle softly "you won't have it I promise.... The people who have got it have all come from overseas or they're visiting but they've come from overseas. You don't need to worry baby girl because I'll protect you and also your immune system is better because you're still young sweetie" she nodded slowly and took a deep breath "o-okay haz... Than you" I smile and kiss her head "of course angel... I'd always protect my princess"

Hope you liked this one. Sorry if this one was "rusty" but I'm only starting to get back at this. Ahhh I love you guys!!! 😘😍🥰💗💖❤️💕💓💞💞💜❤️💗💖💖

Q- anything worrying you lately because I'm here to be your friend 💖

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