Prank~ Anger

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This is for romi73727 I hope you like this one 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😘😘💜💜🤩🤩😍😍💜💜😘🥰

Rosie's POV
I was sat on the sofa ready to get going. Today I had a show and I was really nervous but so excited! I'm a cheerleader and I've got to admit I absolutely love it. I started at a really young age and my brother Harry actually was the one to get me into it. He helped me do front flips, back flips, ariels and all that and it was honestly amazing. I've gotten so good at it and I know my brothers are extremely proud of me and so are the boys. "Rosie can you come here for a second!" I hear my brother, zayn shout and a few quiet mumbles which was a bit odd but I didn't question it. "yeah" zayn looks at harry and harry takes a sip of his coffee "I'm sorry love but your cheer leading competition has been cancelled and we've been told to tell you that you can't ever go back" my eyes widen "what? You can't do this!! I'm the top of the charts! Please say you're joking" harry shakes his head solemnly and I feel my heart break. I try to say something but zayn steps in "we need your uniform so we can give it back to the head cheer leader" I shook my head and protectively held onto my uniform which I was already wearing "no! I want memories!" harry smiles sadly "cmon love just go upstairs and change out of it" I glare at him before storming off. No way.

Later that day

I've been ignoring the boys all day. I mean it isn't my fault. They cancelled my most favourite thing. I walked downstairs and watched as harry walked towards me. I rolled my eyes before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I moved away from him before pouring myself a drink "cmon Rosie you can't ignore me all day" I looked at my phone before laughing "oh did someone say something? Oh I can't see anyone. It was probably nothing" I walked off before sitting down in the game room ignoring niall and liam completely. They were definitely part of this.

I heard quiet talking as I sat in my room and I walked up to my door before slowly opening it. I poked my head out and saw harry, Louis and zayn talking to each other quietly "don't you think this prank went a bit too far? I mean... She loves cheerleading and I think it's a bit unfair that we did this" I felt my heart tear and the anger inside of me started to build up. Tears burned my vision and I slowly made myself visible "so you guys think this is funny?!" they all turn around and harry looks at me with wide eyes "Rosie we just wanted a laugh... We're sor—" I cut him off "sorry?! No! Shut the hell up you asshole!" I slammed my door shut before running downstairs. I feel like drowning because they did this to me. I opened the sliding the doors before running towards the pool I jumped and realised I was too far away. My eyes widened and I felt my head hit the concrete and my hand felt onto something horribly sharp I then tumbled into the water. I resurfaced and gasped for air. I noticed the water around me was very slowly turning a shade of red. I felt sick to the stomach and I began to scream for harry and zayn. Harry ran out and he saw me before running up to me. He pulled me out of the water and cursed under his breath "jesus Rosie.... You didn't need to go that far!" I felt the adrenaline feeling swirl around my body and I lifted my hand and smacked harry. Hard. "you can cancelled my performance! The only thing that is keeping me happy in this life!!!" Harry's eyes widen and I instantly regret saying that but I don't show it. Harry picks me up before taking me inside. He lied me down on the sofa. All the boys came in and the room fell awkwardly silent. I cried in pain and tried to ignore the horrible feeling. "okay Rosie I'm sorry but I need to pull this out of your hand" I nodded before looking at my hand. My eyes widened at the amount of blood and how big the shard of glass in my hand was. I whimpered and shut my eyes tightly. "okay I'm going to numb your hand up first" I nod and watch as louis pulls a long needle out. I gasp and harry quickly takes a hold of my chin and makes me look at him "it's okay baby... It'll be over soon" I stare into his eyes trying to stay calm. I feel a sharp scratch and I bite my lip wincing a little bit.

"okay can you feel this?" louis gently tapped my hand and I shook my head "okay good... You might feel pressure but that's okay, just stay calm for me" I nodded and continued to focus on harry. I felt slight pressure before I felt a slight pinch and the pain started over again. I breathed heavily and tried to breathe normally. Zayn and the others began to try and calm me down but the amount of blood coming out war crazy... It looked like a murder scene and I'm not even being dramatic. "okay I'm going to stitch you up.... Just stay calm darling. You're being so brave" I nodded and tried to stop the cries coming from my mouth. I buried my head in Harry's chest and just continued to cry. I felt the needle pierce my skin and I screamed slightly but harry kept me calm. He played with my hair and I blinked over and over again trying to stay awake but soon enough I fell into a pit of blankness..... Blank space.

Harry's POV
As she passed out I felt my eyes tear up "louis hurry up. Please" he nods "I'm nearly done man.... She's out of pain it's okay" I nod and breathe deeply. I watch as he sticks a plaster over the stitch before he wraps a bandage around her hand "she'll be fine haz. She just needs as much comfort and love as possible" I nod and smile slightly still feeling absolutely terrible. I picked her up before taking her to my bedroom. I lied her down before zayn got a bowl of hot water and a cloth. I took it and dampened it before gently rubbing all the blood away. As she's completely clean I lay down beside her and pull her into my chest. Zayn gets on the other side and rubs her back trying to get her to come to.

Rosie's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with harry. He smiled worriedly and I have him the best smile ai could muster up. He kissed my head and I felt someone's arms wrap around me tightly. I twisted my head and noticed zayn. I smiled a little bit before holding onto Harry. I've got to admit even though they pranked me I can't stay angry at them because they're my brothers. "I'm so sorry" harry whispered. I smile and gently kiss his cheek "it's okay haz" he smiles gratefully before sighing "but you did deserve that slap" I giggle. Harry smiles and nods "that's very true... I did deserve that slap and zayn deserves that too" harry smiles before slapping zayn gently. I giggle and lean into harry more. He's such an idiot but even if he is an idiot he's a sweet caring idiot but most importantly he's my stupid, sweet, caring idiot.

I hope you liked this one. I'm sorry if it wasn't exactly what you imagined but I tried. 🥰🥰😘😘💜💜😍🤩🤩❤️❤️😳❤️❤️🤩💙💙💙

Q- does anyone else get that feeling when you realise you live in the same world as harry styles/5sos/ whatever celeb you like?

Me- I do and I just watch videos over and over again..... I had the best dream about harry.... Hehe 🤩❤️😳❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1412

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