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This is for someone who wanted to remain anonymous. I hope you like this one! Thank you for being so sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰💜💜💕💕💕❤️❤️

Rosie's POV
His fingers brush through my hair and he kisses my head gently "how are you feeling love" I groan softly and he holds me tight "it's okay darlin I've got you and I'm not gonna let go... Never" he whispers kissing my cheek gently "I've never felt this bad before" I whimper softly "oh baby I know... If I could I would take all your pain away" he gets the thermometer and puts it under my armpit holding me tight until it beeped. He checked it and sighed softly "it keeps rising babe... If it gets worse I'm going to have to take you to see niall and liam" I hide my head in his chest and whine softly. "but harry" I whimper "I know I know you dont like hospitals but I'll be right there with you and who knows.... This bug may go away soon" I nodded and cuddled into him closer. I hope so.

I wake up to a tickle in my throat. I shoot up and rush to the bathroom my dizziness getting worse. I collapse on the floor starting to throw up not being able to calm myself down. Harry rushes over and holds my hair back whilst rubbing my back "shhh shh I'm right here" I cry harder as I finish throwing up and he picks me up grabbing a flannel and running it under cold water before putting it on the back of my neck. He grabs a bucket before rushing me out to the car he puts me in the car and does my seat belt up before holding the sick bucket under my chin. Small gasps continue to fall from my mouth and he grabs my hand squeezing it gently to tell me he was right there for me. I want the pain to go away. Harry carried me into the hospital before seeing niall and calling him. Niall rushed over "oh gosh. Follow me" Harry tries to keep me awake but it's getting harder. My breaths fall quiet andI pass out completely.

Harry's POV
As she passed out I rush her into the room and lie her on the bed covering my mouth watching as niall and liam began to work on her "I need ten of morphine and a tube now!" liam and niall work together to move her onto her side and they hold onto her tightly as they push a tube down her throat which sucked any vomit away. Niall injected the IV into her hand and she cried out I teared up and stared down at the floor shaking my head slowly "harry she wants you" I saw Rosie panicking and she made grabby hands at me. I rushed over to her and grasped her hand in mine giving it a tight squeeze "hey baby girl it's okay I'm right here... Ive got you" niall put the plaster over the IV and I held Rosie tightly just wishing for her to get better. Tears streamed down her cheeks but I wiped them away with my thumb and kissed her cheek gently "it's okay sweetie.... You'll be better very soon I promise... I'm going to take great care of you" she stared up at the bag of fluids and gave me a worried look "liam found you were dehydrated so he made niall give you an IV so they can make you more lively and more better it's for the best though okay sweetie" I smile gently and she tries to smile "baby don't try to be happy... I'm not going to judge you for not being happy.. If I was in your place I wouldn't be as strong as you darling. I love you so much" I kiss her head gently before she pats the space next to her and I smile before climbing in beside her and pulling her close trying to make her feel as secure and safe as possible. "I love you Rosie"

Rosie's POV
"okay Rosie I want you to breathe through your nose for me... This will be uncomfortable but please stay calm" I nod slowly and begin to breathe slowly watching as liam took the breathing tube off before he very slowly and throughly took the tube out of my throat. I coughed and leaned into harry. He held me tight and kissed my head "now I need to take the IV out. Just look at harry for me" harry makes me look at him and he smiles wrapping his arm around my neck to keep my head in place. I felt slight pain but stayed calm "good girl love. You did so so well" I smile tiredly and harry picks me up thanking niall and liam before carrying me out to the car. He puts me in the back seat so I can lie down. He kisses me head before getting in the car himself and driving off.

As we get home I'm extremely close to falling asleep. Harry picks me up and takes me inside and upstairs. He lied me down on the bed before getting in next to me and cuddling me close. I cuddled into him and shut my eyes. He rubbed my back starting to hum softly "I hope you get better soon darling" I smile at him and he kisses my lips gently "you're on the road to recovery and I want you to know you're super brave darling.... I love you" I squeeze him tightly "thank you hazza I love you too.... You make me strong" he smiles and pulls me in tighter giving me a gentle squeeze "now get some rest. I'll be right here to wake you up.... Don't be scared anymore. I've got you and I'm never letting you go"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💜💜🥰🥰😍😍🤩🤩😘😘😘🥰💜💜♥️💕❤️❤️

Okay this is insane!!! Chapter 199 bloody hell thank you so much!!!

Word count: 1046

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