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This is for @edakrh hope you like this one ❤️💙💖💕💚

Eda's POV
"n-niall I don't need a cleaning" I whispered gripping his hand tightly. "yes you do, you have to get a cleaning every two months." I sighed, looking down. "but I don't want one!" I exclaimed as I shot up and ran to my room. I slammed my door shut before jumping onto my bed.

As I laid on my bed completely still, I heard the door open and I sighed. "Eda darling... You need this cleaning... Nothing bad will happen, I promise" I ignored him, pretending to be asleep. "I know you're not asleep... When you sleep your breathing is more shallow..." Liam said knowing all to well that I was awake. "why do you pay so much attention to me when I sleep?" I asked slowly looking up at him. "am I not allowed to look at my beautiful girlfriend?" I blushed, looking down. "Liam... Can't you just say I'm sick?" I asked, lowering my voice. He chuckled shaking his head "no, I'm sorry" I groaned and liam grabbed my arm "if you don't come willingly then I will take you forcefully" Liam threatened and I glared at him "oh no. I'm so scared" I said annoyed. He sighed "fine. Your choice" he grabbed my arm before trying to pull me off my bed. I screamed and began struggling in his grip. The boys were all dentists and I always put up a fight... I mean come on! I'm not the only one who hates dentists right?! "Eda cmon. You're going no matter what" I began slapping his chest and he sighed allowing me to continue.

As he dragged me to the car I continued to scream. I wanted people to think I was being kidnapped... They would save me then. Before I could scream anymore Harry covered my mouth and helped Liam get me into the car. "this is for your own good babe alright" niall said looking at me in the rear view mirror. I pulled a face and he chuckled, shaking his head. As we arrived at the dentist surgery I felt my heart beat quicken. Liam grabbed my arm and niall grabbed the other one before the three others placed themselves around me so if I ran I would be caught. I looked down, hating this already.

"ok sit on the chair" Liam said. I watched as he put his gloves on and I shook my head, trying to run. Harry grabbed me, holding me against his chest "calm down" he whispered. I shook violently and he sat me down, keeping a hand on my shoulder. "ok open" I looked away feeling the tears come out. I sobbed into my hand and soon enough Liam was holding me tight "it's OK... Its ok... Its only a check up love, remember that" I shook my head, shaking harder. He held me tighter, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. Soon enough I was laid on the chair again, breathing fast and trying not to panic. "ok open"

As Liam pulled the tools out again he held my hand, a smile on his face "nothings wrong with your teeth which is a good thing. I just want to give you some special gel you rub into your gums. They are a bit to red" I nodded and he smiled before picking a pot up "ok open" I obeyed and he scraped some pink cream onto his finger before rubbing his finger against my gums. "ok, that should do the trick! Now I did find one cavitie–" my eyes widened and I cut him off with a sob and shook my head violently. "but we'll do it on the next appointment... We might not have to do anything because it is small but we'll have to keep an eye on it OK" I nodded and he sighed, holding me close. "I love you babe"

"I love you too"

Hope you liked this one 💚💕💖💙❤️

Q- what scares you the most about dentists?

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