Prank Gone Wrong

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This is for MariamGeorge699 I hope you like this one 💜❤️💙❤️💜❤️❤️😘😘🤩😍🥰❤️❤️ This one is gonna be a more cute/funny one instead of doctor stuff but I'm gonna add some doctor stuff in. I'm sorry if this is terrible sorry I keep bringing myself down but I'm sure this will be good... Lets just try... Whatever comes out of writing it I'm sure will be highly appreciated 😘❤️

Harry's POV
I got out of bed before tiptoeing to Mariam's room. I opened the door and smirked noticing she was still asleep. Time for the prank to start. I ran into nialls room and shook him hard before waking liam and louis up. They all got up and grabbed everything we needed "why are we doing this again?" louis asked tiredly. "we were asleep and she poured chili powder all over our faces.... Remember?" louis nods a look of recognition flashing over his face. I hated when Mariam did that. It hurt so bad so now we're pranking her to get revenge. I took the glue from niall and started to pour the glue over Mariam. On her legs, arms and I lifted her shirt up before putting it on her tummy and pushing her t-shirt down onto the glue. Now I must admit this prank may be a bit harsh but.... She was harsh to us. "okay liam do it" liam nodded before setting all the alarms to go off in five minutes. I grin before we all run out of the room awaiting her reaction.

Mariam's POV
I woke up to a horrible feeling on my legs, arms and especially my tummy. I looked down and my eyes widened. It was so itchy and it tickled so badly! I began to scream as it also burnt. Who the hell did this to me?! Did I not put my glue away from doing my crafts. I looked over at my desk and saw all my glue in a box. I tried to get up but I couldn't. The glue on me felt like I was being held down. Harry, Liam, Louis and niall ran in they were all laughing loudly "that will teach ya not to put chili powder on our faces!!!" I glared at them the pain intensifying. I let out another scream as I pulled some of the dry glue off. Zayn rushed in his hair in a mess and he gave me a worried look "what the hell happened?" I pointed at harry and zayn glared at Harry "are you serious? Man that's harsh!" harry shrugged before picking me up. I gripped him tighter and screamed as he ran downstairs and towards the garden. He pushed the door open before running to the pool. He smirked "on three Mariam" he lets out a loud laugh before starting to swing me side to side. I screamed and just held onto him tighter. As he let go of me I didn't let go of him and I tumbled backwards. Harry tried to get off of me in time but I didn't let him. I fell under water and I laughed opening my eyes and staring at him before resurfacing and realising how cold the water was. Harry and I both screamed and rushed towards the edge of the pool. I reached for the boys hands and they all pulled me out whilst harry got out himself. Niall had rushed off to get some towels. I shivered and zayn wrapped his arms around me trying to keep me warm. Niall came back before wrapping the towel around me and rubbing my arms up and down trying to warm me up. "Let's get you a nice warm bath" I nodded and held onto him tightly.

I relaxed in the bath and rubbed all the glue off before whining as I noticed I had some on my back "you good love?" harry asked. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. He knocked on the door again and I sighed "no Harold I've got glue on my back and can't reach it" I hear a soft chuckle before he walks in. I sigh and glare at him "don't worry lovely. I changed you when you were younger. Oh and I bathed you so don't get worried" I nodded and let him rub all the glue off of my back before he smiled "I'm sorry Mariam.... Truly I am" I nod slightly "watch out though harry.... Who knows what I might do" his eyes widen and he runs off. I giggle before getting out and wrapping the towel around myself. I get into a cute onesie before making my way downstairs. All the boys are there and harry opens his arms for a hug. I hug him tightly and giggle softly. I can't hate this idiot forever.

"ow!" I yelled "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" harry exclaimed as he brushed through my hair more gently. All the boys were pissing themselves and harry sighed before putting the hair dryer down and getting the straighteners. He straightened my hair before smiling "I'm good at doing hair.... I should be a hairdresser!" I giggle before turning around and giving him another hug. "wait wait" he pushed me back down before tying my hair up in a messy bun "perfect" I smile slightly before standing up again. I went to say something but I got cut off by a sneeze "bless you" liam says. I go to thank him but I get cut off once again by three more sneezes "I'll go get the medicine" zayn stands up and walks off "I'll go get the blankets" niall says smiling and pulling on my messy bun. I smile before sitting down. Harry sneezes a few times and I lean into him "if you plan revenge maybe you should plan it out first and not throw me in the freezing cold pool!" harry nods and smiles shamefully "true.... Very true" zayn gives harry and I some medicine before I cuddle up to harry "but don't worry hazza. I still love you" he smiles and kisses my head "I love you too Mariam" I grin at him "but if you plan on sleeping make sure to keep one eye open" he smiles slightly "okay babe.... I'm just glad you still love me" I giggle and hold him close "I'll never stop loving you.... Although you're a stupid butthead you're my butthead" he smiles widely "your butthead"

I hope you liked this one ❤️😘🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😍😍😍🤩🤩😍😍❤️❤️💙💙💙

Q- have you ever been thrown into a pool?

Me- yes.... By a close friend who happened to be a lifeguard who I had a massive CRUSH on. Not going to lie.... That was the greatest moment ever 😂😂💙😊❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1164

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