Lost Baby

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned I hope you like this one. This one is going to be dealing with sensitive topics so if you're not okay with baby's passing away then please don't read this.

Sarah's POV
I sigh shakily and close my eyes. I've always wanted to get pregnant and have a baby with the love of my life but it just seems like everything is against me. My husband married me four years ago and we've been trying and trying to have a baby but I'm just not able to get pregnant. I got told a while ago that I wasn't a able to get pregnant and if I were to get pregnant then there could be very bad complications which I don't want to cause. Right now I'm getting ready to go out for an appointment with my gynecologist. I'm just waiting for calum to get back home. A few months ago calum and I had sex again and ever since then I've been feeling different. I want to say I'm pregnant but I honestly don't know.

Calum walked in and smiled "hey sweetie. You ready?" he dropped his bags on the floor before pulling me in for a tight hug. I smile and grip him tightly "yeah I'm ready. Just a bit nervous" he smiles and brushes his thumb over my cheek "you don't have to be nervous. I promise sweetheart" I nod and smile giving him a tight squeeze before letting go of him "thanks cal. You're the best"

At the doctors/hospital

I leaned my head against Calum's shoulder and sighed worriedly. I bit my lip and he rubbed my arm "relax sweetie. Relax I'm right here" I smile and nod leaning up and kissing him softly. Calum kissed me back before pulling back and kissing my head "Sophie please" I squeeze Calum's hand tightly before standing up. He stands up as well and walks with me towards the doctor "hey love I'm doctor Lisa" I shake her hand gently. Calum walks me with doctor Lisa and I try to stay calm. I bite my lip hard before calum helps me sit down on the bed

"okay Sophie I want you to stay calm for me" I nod and look at calum nervously he smiles and kisses my head. Doctor Lisa begins to check and I swallow hard trying to stay calm. "okay" she smiles softly "yes you are pregnant" calum smiles widely and I smile but notice she looks a bit worried "okay so this is extremely hard to say but I think it's best if you get your baby terminated because if you have your baby I can't assure you that you'll survive" my eyes widen and I look at calum tears starting to form "o-okay thank you" I smile through the tears before cleaning myself up.

The car journey home was quiet and tense. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks but I wiped them away "babe" calum whispers softly putting a hand on my thigh. I close my eyes and take a deep breath "I think you should get the baby terminated" I feel my heart break slightly "no! I'm not getting my baby- terminated!!" calum sighs softly "Sophie-" I shake my head "no Ashton! No! I don't wanna terminate our baby!!" I cry loudly. Calum pulls the car over as I start to scream at him. He gets out of the car before opening my door and grabbing me pushing me against a near by tree before looking into my eyes "SOPHIE IM SORRY! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW SORRY I AM!!! YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN. YOU'RE GOING TO STRESS YOURSELF OUT AND I DONT WANT THAT!" he shakes me shoulders gently a tear streaming down his cheek "I can't lose you Sophie! I can't! You're my everything! My only person who knows what I'm going through in this life!!" he cries before sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. He holds me close "please I can't lose you. I can't" he holds my face and stares into my eyes "baby please" I whimper starting to cry into his chest before I give up and I nod "f-fine. If it'll make you happy—" he cuts me off and forces me to look into his eyes "no babe it isn't to make me happy it's to make sure I don't fucking lose you! Sarah you have to understand that the baby inside you is still a tiny egg... Practically and if we do this then it'll help you okay" I take a deep breath before slowly nodding and closing my eyes "o-okay calum" he smiles and kisses my head "I'm going to get us some help and I'm going to make sure you're okay and get the things you need don't you worry" I nod and he picks me up before putting me in the car. He gets in himself before kissing me softly "I love you Sophie. So so much. If you really want to have a baby. Then we can adopt" I smile and nod slowly "okay cal. Thank you."

A year later

"I still feel terrible" I whisper softly. Calum smiles and kisses my head "you don't have to okay. That's our little boy and girl right over there. Don't you worry" I smile and nod "mummy mummy look!!!" Timothy shouts as he does a cartwheel. I smile and praise him softly "wow done baby" calum and I clap for him before Danielle tackles Timothy down happily. I giggle softly at them both before pulling them both in for a tight hug holding them tightly whilst calum wraps his arms around all of us. I smile and close my eyes. I love my family. I couldn't have asked for a better family.

I hope you liked this one ❤️💞💜💖💓💓💖💜💜💞❤️💕💕💕💞💞💜💜

Q- would you ever adopt a child?

Me- I would

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