Panic Attack In Elevator

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one 🥰🥰😘😘😘💞💞❤️❤️💕💕💓💓💜💜💜😍💜💓

Shay's POV
I felt my heart pound more and more as we got closer to the Elevator. Although I was with the people I love most and that harry was holding my hand I was still shitting myself. Harry pulled me into the Elevator and I felt my breathing pick up my eyes started to water and I gripped him tightly. As the boys got in I felt my legs weaken and soon enough my worst fear happened. The Elevator came to a stop and my eyes widened. I was extremely claustrophobic so this didn't help. I let out a cry and fell to my knees. All the boys followed me and began to try and help calm me down. Niall lied down on the floor and held onto me tightly. Liam began to press the emergency button and ai continued to cry my panicking getting worse. I let out a sob and harry began to rub my back "hey shay baby I'm right here" I couldn't hear. I couldn't listen. Was I going crazy?

As more thoughts rushed through my head I screamed and began to hit my face hard to try and knock myself out as I hated panicking. I then began to scratch at my legs and arms viciously feeling as if the panic was crawling up me. I sobbed and screamed as I was pushed to the floor harry sat on top of me and held my arms above my head "shay you need to calm down! I'm right here. Breathe sweetheart. Breatheeee" he said staring into my eyes. I wriggled around continuing to scream and shout just wanting this to stop. I began to get out of control until harry held my chin forcing me to look in his eyes. I stared into his eyes and he began to talk very softly and gently to me. He held me down still until my panic ceased. He climbed off of me before pulling me into his arms and holding me close. He kissed my head gently and began to rock me "I've got you shay. I promise I'm not going to let you go. I'm not ever going to let you go" I smiled and lied my head on his chest finally relaxing. He was the only person who seemed to understand me. I love him so much.

I hope you liked this one. ❤️❤️💓💜😍💕💕💞💞😘😘🥰

Q- are you claustrophobic?

Me- I am

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