Don't Do It

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one ❤️💓🥰😘💕💞💜

Shay's POV
I slammed the bathroom door before falling to the floor. I crawled over to the sink before putting the tap on and putting the plug in and making sure the water was coming out full blast. I did the same to the bath before getting a razor and just sitting on the floor. Soft cries continued to fall from my mouth and I screamed before digging the razor into my wrist. I cried loudly and shook violently. I didn't want to be alive anymore.

I pulled my knees close ignoring the blood and just crying. A while later I heard a knock on the door but ignored it "shay!" harry shouted. "shay! Come out right now!" I continued to ignore him and harry didn't like that. He began to kick the door until the door fell off its hinges. I tried to act normal but I just couldn't. Harry took in the scene before his eyes widened and he ran towards me pulling me into his arms. I sobbed into his shoulder shaking violently. I gripped him tightly and he rubbed my back "don't ever hurt yourself! Don't ever fucking hurt yourself! Why are you being stupid shay?! Don't hurt yourself over a death. What do I have to do to show you that this is not your fault?! You did absolutely nothing for this to happen!" he shakes me roughly before he pulls me close his heart beating really quick. He was breathing heavily and he just held me."don't ever do that again shay. I whimpered and just shook my head" I have to so I don't feel guilty" he pulled away before holding onto my chin and pulling it up so I was staring into his eyes "this is not your fault. He wouldn't want you to hurt yourself would he?! He wouldn't want you to kill yourself would he?! Shay what would I do if you killed yourself?! I would be fucking broken but I wouldn't kill or hurt myself over it because I know you wouldn't want that! Don't hurt yourself ever again. Don't make me shout at you like this ever again because I feel horrible for doing it" he pulls me closer and I just grip him crying softly into his neck. He rubbed my back gently hushing me before sighing and looking into my eyes "I love you shay. We're going to get you some help"

I hope you liked this one 💜💞💕😘🥰💓❤️💓🥰😘💞💜💜😍😍😍

All the love

A and H xxx (-:

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