You're Safe Now, Love

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one 🥰🥰❤️❤️💕💕💓💓💓💞💞💞💞 (omg I'm like dying from the gifs)

Shay's POV
His large hand gripped mine and he dragged me into the restaurant causing me to stumble along with him. "Jake slow down" I whispered trying to pull away from him but of course his grip was too good. "shut up and deal with it" he whispered threateningly into my ear. As we got to our table I made eye contact with a man with luscious green eyes and curly brown hair that I just wanted to touch. He had plump pink lips and I smiled at him feeling my heart speed up as he smiled back "shay!" I turned around quickly sitting down and paying attention to Jake his eyes burning holes into me "are you cheating on me?" he asked rather loudly "what? No of course not" I whispered "SPEAK UP SHAY!" I flinched and obeyed, speaking louder. "hey man cmon don't shout at the poor girl" a raspy voice spoke up and I looked towards the man. Jake stood up and puffed his chest out "jake stop... Babe sit down" I held his hand and sat him down. "I swear if that ass looks at you again I'll murder him" I rolled my eyes "did you just roll your eyes at me?! You bitch!" his hand went across my cheek before he shoved me causing my chair to topple backwards and I hit the floor. I cried out holding my head tightly.

Harry's POV
I stood up quickly and rushed to the poor girl."what the fuck man?!" I yelled as he began to pace back and forth. He ran off and I quickly bent down "hey love I'm right here. My names harry. Can you tell me your name and where you are right now" she shook violently and I held her tight "m—my names shay a-and I'm in.... A restaurant and I came to visit London from kansas" I nodded "good love.... Where's the pain right now?" I moved her head onto my lap to try and make her comfortable "m-my neck and head" I nodded "okay well shay I'm going to take you to the hospital." she whimpered but said a quiet "okay" I smiled softly "you're in good hands love. You're safe now" I picked her up very carefully and took her out to my car putting her in it and belting her up before getting in myself. I took her hand in mine and started to drive.

Shay's POV
As we got to the hospital harry picked me up and carried me in. He lied me down on the bed before getting a few things and putting gloves on "okay sweetheart" he helped me sit up "I want you to follow my finger. Okay?" I hummed in response my neck still aching. He moved his finger and I followed it perfectly "okay that's good. Now look up" I looked up and winced "okay that hurts right there..." he begins to press on my neck gently looking for any abnormalities. "okay I think you might've hurt a nerve but that's okay. I have some special cream that can ease the pain" he smiles and shows me the cream. I nodded "you can put it on. Anything to just stop the pain" tears were in my eyes and he gave me a sad look before pulling me close "oh sweetheart. It's okay" I sobbed into his shoulder shaking violently "I-I'm falling harry" he held me tight "no you're not love" I continued to cry. "I thought he loved me. He said he missed me and he said he cared and I believed him! What am I now harry?! I'm a failure!" I bawled my eyes out and he just held me "let it out babe let it out" I continued to cry "and I get the feeling that he'll never need me again..." harry pulled my chin up and stared into my eyes "but I need you" my breath got caught in my throat and I smiled slightly before cuddling into his chest. He rubbed the cream into my neck whilst holding me before pulling away and smiling. "all done love" I hold onto him tightly pressing a kiss to his cheek. "thank you so much harry...." I smile and he squeezes my hand "do you wanna come over to mine for a bit tonight shay?" I nodded excited and he grinned "great. I'll drive you to my place. Oh and here" he smiled and handed me a card with his phone number on it and at the top it read

doctor harry styles - 9943567111

I smiled and bit my lip before pulling harry close. Best day ever.

Omg I hope you liked this one! I mean I can't blame you for falling for harry 😏😉

Q- favourite song to listen to when in a bad mood.

Mine- falling by harry x

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