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This is for MariamGeorge699 I hope you like this one 😘😘😘😘🤩🤩🤩💙💙🥰😍💜💜💙🤩🥰

Mariam's POV
I sighed and tried to focus. I had a dream last night and it was crazy. I keep telling my friends about it but they're just being mean about it "you know zayn will always be 100 and you will be... Because I'm nice.... 3" I glared at my friend Amy. Why is she so stuck up?! Everyone has a dream and one of my dreams is to become a member of one direction as zayn left the band three weeks ago but my friends don't believe that I can make my dream come true. Well I'm going to show them that dreams can come true! You just have to push "oh don't walk away from the truth Mariam! And anyways you're way too young to be in that band! You're still a teenager! They would never accept you. Oh and you're a girl..... Its called a boy band for a reason" I feel tears come to my eyes and I sigh before rolling my eyes "just shut up" I whimper before I rush off. Miracles can happen..... Or am I in a little stupid bubble again? Maybe I'm getting my hopes up too much.

Two weeks later

The hate on me has gotten worse but today is when I'm going to try and change every bad comment about me into a good comment. I smile and set the camera up. I press record "hey everyone. I'm Mariam and I'm 15 years old... I love one direction and I know this will never happen but I want to try and get this video out to the whole world... I want harry styles to see this.... I want liam payne to see this.... I want niall horan to see this... And finally I want louis tomlinson to see this. Today I'm going to be singing a song that is very special to me. People have been bullying me in my school because they think I'm too young and will not ever have a chance to be in a band but I want to prove these people wrong so here is my cover of Lost boy by Ruth b" I smile before clearing my throat and closing my eyes "there was a time when I was alone no where to go and no place to call home my only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too" I take a deep breath and shake my head trying not to cry. "then one night as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high he came to me with the sweetest smile told me he wanted to talk for a while he said."peter pan that's what they call me I promise that you'll never be lonely" and ever since that day... I am a lost boy from never land usually hanging out with Peter pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from captain Hook...." I smile and stop singing before wiping my eyes."I know I cut it short but I had to as I was about to break down completely. I hope you guys liked this. Please share and tag the boys for me.... I would really appreciate it. Thank you" I smile and turn the camera off before publishing it. Let's see what happens.

Four and a half weeks later

My videos done so so well. Over 10k people have liked it and I've got 20k subscribers which is insane!! I cannot believe this has happened. Its just... Insane. People at my school have now turned completely two faced acting like they love me when I'm there and when I'm not there they talk shit about me but I'm used to that so it's okay. I try to not let the hate get to me but sometimes it does. As I'm editing one of my videos I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up and notice its an odd number but I answer it anyway "hello?" I hear slight mumbles before the person speaks up "hello. Is this Mariam?" I smile a bit confused "yes, this is Mariam... May I ask why you want me?" I hear a soft laugh on the other end "well I'm one directions manager and I've shown the video to the boys and they said they love you so I was wondering... Would you like to be part of one direction? Your age doesn't matter by the way.... Also you're going to be getting a few instagram messages very soon from each of the boys" I feel my heart start to hammer in my chest "Oh my gosh thank you so much!! Thank you thank you!!" I say a few more things before hanging up. This is actually happening... All I had to do was believe in myself and my dreams came true!!!

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