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This is for luke_ash_fake_betch I hope you like this one ❤️😍🥰💞💓💕💜😘💚

Rebekah's POV
I breathe heavily and climb up the stairs before collapsing in the bathroom. I slam the door before grabbing a razor and staring at my arms unable to calm down. I needed it. I needed the feeling! I needed the feeling badly. I knew my brother would be disappointed but he wouldn't notice this one time... Right? I gulp before giving up and dragging the razor across my wrist. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply finally being able to let go. As I let myself lean more down I heard the door open and there stood my brother Ashton "rebekah..." he said very worriedly "Ash it's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed "oh yeah of course bleeding and cutting your wrists is normal! Rebekah this is not okay! What were you thinking?!" I whimper then begin to cry hard knowing it was stupid. I should've waited for a better time. But the cravings got to me.

"no! Ash no!" I shouted squirming. "yes rebekah you need help! The boys can help!" he didn't understand! It wasn't my fault it was the voices in my head which were causing this!

We walk into the room and Ashton watches me sit on the bed before leaving the room and locking the door. This is now like prison. I'm stuck. I curled up in a ball and cried softly into my knees "why?! Why?!" the door creaks open and Michael is stood there a sad look on his face. He smiles sadly "oh rebekah" I begin to cry harder "I'm not crazy! I swear! I swear mikey!" he rushes to me and grips my shoulders "I know you're not crazy rebekah. You just need help and I'm going to give that to you" he smiles and I whimper before throwing my arms around him. I grip him tight and sob into his shoulder. He rubs my back and shushes me sweetly "don't worry love. I'm going to help"

The rest of the day was spent with Michael asking me questions about what led me to do this and the other boys coming in and out with different things. Luke walks in and smiles "hey love. Would you like anything to eat?" I shook my head and Michael spoke up for me "yes please luke. She needs food no matter what" I shake my head and Bury my head into the pillow starting to cry hard. I want out. Now.

About twenty minutes later Ashton comes in and smiles at me hugging Michael tight. "here's your food. A pastie and some chips" he smiles before kissing my forehead and going out to talk to the others. Michael continues to hold me and for some reason I start to feel like my heart is being built up again. I close my eyes and hide my head in his chest not letting him go. He seemed to understand me.

Two days later

I was going insane. I wanted to cut but I couldn't. I sobbed louder and harder into calum whilst Michael tried to calm me down "hey hey tell me what's wrong rebekah" I screamed breathing heavily "get me a razor!!!" Michael nods understanding before picking something up. It was a sharpie. He smiles and pulls the lid off "push this into your wrist do it as hard as you want" I gave him a confused look before obeying. A slight pain went through my arm and I relaxed "there you go" Michael said smiling. I stared at him confused "that isn't a normal pen that's called a."time out" pen" I nod slightly still a bit confused "it gives you a harmless electric shock so you feel pain and the need to cut will go away" I nodded slowly and Ashton smiled walking into the room and wrapping his arms around me "you've come on so well and I'm so well. If you keep this up love. You'll be good as new" I smile and nod. I know I'll be able to do this with their help.

Hope you liked this one 💚😘💜💕💓💞🥰💞😍❤️🥰

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