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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️💓💕💕💕😍😍💞💞🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘

Shay's POV
As I walked through the campus I continued to hear an odd laughing sound and slight mumbles. Soon enough one of the jocks appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me which caused me to stumble backwards into a boy who was probably the same age as me but I knew he meant trouble. I swallowed anxiously and soon enough I was on the ground behind pinned down by the first boy and the second boy held a basketball bat above his head before he rained hit down on my leg. I screamed and cried loudly as more and more abuse was made to my leg. Why me? What did I do?

As the abuse continued my vision was going blurry Ana I saw a large figure and a lot of shouting before I passed out.

Harry's POV
as I was walking to my class my eyes landed on two jocks hurting a girl. I walked towards them and my eyes widened there she was my kitten crying loudly and trying to get away "THOMAS! PHILLIP! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!" they both froze and stopped what they were doing. I grabbed thomas' collar and chucked him to the ground before rushing to my knees and trying to wake my baby up "hey sweetie. baby girl please open your eyes" she groaned before she fluttered her eyes open. "hey its okay I'm here I'm right here" I looked around me before I noticed a girl drinking from a water bottle. I rushed up to her "my girlfriend has just been beaten up. Can I borrow that water please" she stared at me and realised who I was before nodding and quickly handing the water bottle over before running off. I rolled my eyes before tearing my shirt off and falling to my knees before pouring all the cold liquid onto my shirt I then wrapped my shirt around her leg which caused her to cry out "I know sweetheart. I'm sorry it hurts so much" I continue to fix her before I stand up and pick her up bridal style before rushing her as fast as I can to my dorm room which I don't use often only for times like this or when my baby has a break down and needs me." I lay her down on the bed and shut all the curtains and turn the lights off before getting in beside her allowing her to trace my tattoos as I knew that comforted her. I smiled and kissed her head before putting her favourite TV program on and pulling her close "I love you kitten. Those boys will never touch you again. I'll make sure of it"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️🥰🥰😘😘💞😍😍💕💕💕

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