Check Up

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Emily's POV
"Emily baby" I cuddled up closer to harry and whined not wanting to get out of bed "baby jasmine's appointment is in 55 minutes" I opened my eyes as he rubbed my back and smiled as I noticed jasmine was still fast asleep. "okay" I get up slowly and walk over to jasmine before slowly picking her up. "shh shh shh" I whisper as she started to cry slightly. Harry stood up and got her clothes before setting it out for me. I changed her rather quickly before picking her up again and sighing. Harry smiled softly at me and opened his arms for jasmine. I gave her over and he held her close. I packed her bag before getting all the other essentials I needed. Harry walked downstairs and I followed before grabbing a banana for me and Harry and a bottle of milk for jasmine. I warmed it up before giving it to harry smiling as he began to feed her.

As we got to the doctors clinic I got jasmine out and took her into the office with harry right behind me. "hey guys. Hi little jasmine!" louis exclaimed happily before leading us to the exam room. "okay Emily if you sit down on the bed and hold jasmine I'll get to work immediately" he smiles and I obey sitting down and holding jasmine close. Jasmine began to cry loudly and louis pouted "hey baby its okay. Hey hey look" he smiled and showed her a cute elephant Teddy which rattled. She fell silent and stared at it curiously. I smile widely at louis admiring how good he was with kids. Harry is sat next to me and takes the elephant from Louis and starts distracting jasmine.

Louis' POV
As harry distracted jasmine I picked up my stethoscope and began to check her breathing. Fortunately she stayed perfectly still and quiet. "good girl" I smile and pull back before starting to check her eyes and ears and her throat which was a bit of a struggle but I got there. "well done sweetie!" I exclaimed extremely proud of her. "Okay Emily can you lie jasmine on the bed. She's due for some shots" Emily nodded and with Harry's help lied her on the bed.

Emily's POV
I undid her onsie and pulled it down shushing her as she cried loudly. Louis smiled and nodded at harry who started to move the elephant again "hey focus on me love" harry said smiling at jasmine. I love him so much. Jasmine continued to cry loudly and I felt so bad. Louis wiped her thigh gently before starting to sing a funny song "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" harry and I started singing as well and moving and dancing to distract jasmine more. He pushed the needle in and jasmine didn't even flinch. I smile and watch as louis does the other one. "all done! She did so so well. Well done love!" he smiles and pulls a cute purple blanket with lots of animals out of his drawer "this is for jasmine for being such a good girl" he smiles and I grin. "thank you louis. So Much" louis grins and nods "you're all very welcome. Now you all have a safe journey home" we nodded and I gave Louis a hug before walking back to the car and holding Harry's hand. He smiled widely and kissed my cheek before putting jasmine in the car and putting her new blanket over her then pulling me in for a hug I hold onto him tightly and smile "I love you Emily and I'm so proud of my girls" he smiles and kisses me softly

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💓💓💕💕💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰

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