Pneumonia And Surgery

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned I hope you like this one ❤️😍🥰💞💓💕💜💚😘💜💕💓💞🥰😍😍

Destiny's POV
I whimpered into his chest and gripped him tight. I was beyond terrified. I had pheumonia and I had to have surgery. I didn't want to have surgery as its just too scary. My dad rubbed my back and kissed my head "hey baby its okay I'm here okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you and I'm going to make sure you're able to feel better soon" I let go of him and just cry into my hands. I hated this I just wanted to go home. I've been tested over and over again like an animal and I can't stand it. I swallow hard and from working myself up so much I start to feel sick. Dad grabs a sick bowl and quickly puts it under my chin. I throw up and gag violently. I throw up and dad rubs my back until I'm done. I groan in pain and lean my head back whimpering softly. Dad gripped me tight and kissed my head before starting to check me again "stop it dad! Stop testing me!" I shouted. Dad put the stethoscope around my neck before pulling me into his arms and kissing my cheek "I'm sorry baby I'm just worried for you. Destiny please don't work yourself up.... This surgery is going to go smoothly" I shook my head violently and watched as a nurse began to add some cream onto a mask and another nurse was setting a needle up. My eyes widened and I gulped. "doctor styles" the nurse smiles and hands him the mask. He takes it before nodding at the nurse. She walked out before coming back in with uncle Louis and uncle niall. They both came to my side and held my hands making sure to show that they were here for me. I started to shake uncontrollably and dad put the mask over my face "just take nice deep breaths baby. Nice deep breaths" I stared into his forest green eyes and he smiled before I started taking deep breaths. I closed my eyes before I felt a small pinch and darkness surrounded me.

After the surgery

I woke up to slight pain and I whined trying to move "ah ah baby. Don't move. You're still a bit stiff from the surgery" I looked at dad and closed my eyes as he rubbed my cheek gently. He smiled "okay baby so I gave you some more medicine for the pain and the pneumonia. I think it'll be gone in a few weeks. Fingers crossed but now I'm going to be checking you every 15 minutes to make sure the medicine I gave you is working. You did so so well and I'm so proud of you" he kisses my head and I smile closing my eyes starting to get tired again. Dad smiles before getting into bed beside me. He kisses my head and holds me close. I cuddle into him wincing a bit but just glad I was close to him. He rubbed my back before he began to very gently sing to me his voice extremely soothing. I don't even know why J was scared in the first place.... I'm in great hands wit the greatest doctor in the world!

I hope this was okay and that you liked it 😍🥰💞💓💕💜😘💚❤️😘💜💕💓💞🥰😍

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