Explain Now

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one ❤️😘😍🥰💜💚💕💞💓💕💚💜🥰😍😘😘 I'm sorry if this one isn't perfect and I'm going to write this one even though it's a hard topic right now because I love you all so much and I just want to make you all proud xx this is also going to be a bit more of getting things off my chest even though this was requested. Thank you for being so supportive

Shay's POV
My friend had been killed by a drunk driver. That was a year ago and I still struggle with it. She was like my sister! My other half and just my life then she went like nothing mattered anymore. It was like no one cared! I stared down at her gravestone knowing I had disappointed her. Rain dripped down my body as it began to hail and I closed my eyes staying perfectly still. I've pretty much turned mute in life now. I never talk. I never laugh. I never smile. I never do anything because I'm broken! A broken idiot! I kneeled down next to the grave before placing the red flowers next to the stone before standing up and closing my eyes a single tear dripping down my cheek mixing in with the rain. "shay!" came a loud voice. I stayed still not moving a muscle. I heard the mud squelching as someone walked through it and soon enough a hand was on my shoulder "babe cmon we've got to go home" I ignored my dad and moved away continuing to stare down at her gravestone. I felt a burning inside of me and as I looked at my dad I noticed his eyes on my arms which had bruises and scratches covering them from top and bottom. I sniffed before turning around starting to walk off by myself. I hated this.

As we got home I sat down on the sofa and all the guys walked in not looking too happy. Dad sat down beside me before sighing "what's wrong with you" I gave him a strange look not answering him. "shay cmon! Talk to us!!! Are you hurting yourself!? If you are then stop! I get that you lost your friend but she wouldn't want you to be in pain!!" zayn shouted trying to stay calm. I continued to ignore them until dad pushed me down and climbed on top of me so he was staring at me."explain yourself now!" I glared slightly and tried to fidget away "SHAY! YOU'VE GOT BRUISES ON YOUR ARMS AND LEGS! YOU ACT LIKE WE CAN'T SEE BUT WE SEE! WE'RE NOT FUCKING BLIND! JUST- just tell us" dad said breathing deeply. I felt my heart shatter and I just stared off. I thought I did well at hiding everything but ovbiously not. I sighed softly and looked into dad's eyes before shaking my head "i-I'm sorry" I whispered. "tell us" louis said gently. I sighed softly "I-i took morphine then hit myself over and over again until I bruised.... Her death was my fault after all so I deserve it... And-" dad nods for me to continue and I close my eyes "I'm addicted to the medicine I take. I can't stop it... I just can't" dad's eyes widen and his breathing starts to get uneven. Oh no I brought up our past! Well to go shay! You're such an idiot!

Harry's POV
I felt the space closing on me and I curled up starting to sob. "harry! Harry!" louis tries to pull me up but I try to stay as shay was panicking. I needed to look after my baby! I needed to! I NEEDED TO! Louis dragged me into a room and sat me down before sitting next to me and holding onto me tightly "I don't wanna lose her! I can't lose her lou! I can't! Not after her mother! I can't bear to lose someone else as well!" I cried and louis ran his fingers through my hair "haz... Haz listen to me she's not going anywhere. We're going to get help! I promise" I looked into his eyes and he smiled "p-promise?" I whispered. He smiled and nodded "promise."

Shay's POV
My panicking also got worse and liam placed his hands on either side of my head and forced me to look into his eyes "shay! Shay! Focus on me baby. Hey hey lovely. It's okay it's okay" niall then comes behind me and holds me from behind making me feel secure. "princess we're going to help you. We're going to start by taking you out for meals so you eat with us every time we eat so we can make sure you eat properly. Then we'll go to the stages of showing you that her death wasn't your fault" I whimper but nod. "and then we'll show you as much love and affection as you need" he kisses my head and I nod closing my eyes and whimpering "o-okay"

A few minutes later dad stumbles out and he rushes to me his arms wrapping around me and he grips me tight. He kisses my head and just holds me tight "I love you baby. So so much. Daddy's going to fix all of this. We're going to make you all better"

I hope you liked this one ❤️😘😍🥰💜💚💕💓💞 I cried whilst writing this because I honestly got so many things off my chest.

You guys are amazing and worth everything

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