Terrible Headache

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This is for MariamGeorge699 I hope you like this one 🥰🥰😍❤️😘🤩💙💜💙🤩😘😍🥰

Liam's POV
I got out of bed and got dressed before making my way downstairs. Louis was sat on the stool eating some cereal, zayn was cooking pancakes, harry was drinking his coffee whilst reading the newspaper and niall was just acting really strange. Why was he trying to stick his tongue in that jar of peanut butter? I don't know but he definitely needs help. "has mariam came down yet?" harry shook his head slowly "I decided I would let her sleep in as she looked so peaceful" he smiles and I roll my eyes slightly. "you always say that man. Do you want me to wake her up?" harry looks at the clock before looking at zayn "when's the first pancake gonna be ready?" zayn smiled "probably in five minutes" harry nodded before nodding at me "niall and I are going to the studio in a bit but I wanna see my baby before I go so just wake her up quickly" I nodded back before making my way upstairs. I knocked on her door before opening it "mariam?" I walked towards her. Usually she would wake up as she's a very light sleeper but she didn't wake up. I shrugged it off before sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing her back. After a while I noticed I wasn't making any progress. I took a deep breath and bit my lip "mariam? Please stop this" I shook her a bit more harder but still nothing "louis!!!" I shouted. He ran upstairs and smiled "what's up?" I nodded towards mariam and he raised his eyebrow "what's wrong with her?" he asked. "she won't wake up" he gave me a confused look "what do you mean by that?" I glared at him before shaking my head and doing the last thing I could think of doing "harry mate, can you come up here for a second please" a few seconds later harry walked in his fingers doing his buttons up "mariam wake up" harry laughed and threw a pillow at her head but she didn't stir. Usually mariam would laugh or shout at harry but she didn't react "she won't wake up" Harry's eyes widened and he swallowed anxiously before rushing over to her and trying to wake her up.

Mariam's POV
I felt a sharp pain and gasped awake. I looked around the room and stared at everyone. Zayn had a worried look on his face, niall was eating a pancake, dad was in tears, louis was holding my hand and liam looked like he was going to crap himself "what's wrong dad? Hey don't cry" I tried to get up but when I kneeled up the pain in my head got the best of me. I cried out and curled up holding onto my head tightly. Dad immediately wrapped his arms around me and held me tight "it's okay baby I've got you.... Niall I think we're gonna stay home today. Can you tell Simon for me?" niall nodded before shoving the rest of his pancake in his mouth quickly pulling his phone out and starting to rapidly type on it. Dad held me close to his chest and I played with his hair."turn the light off please" I whined. Zayn turned the light off and pulled the blind down. "louis get the ice cream, zayn get some films, liam get all the duvets you can." dad ordered. The boys nodded and rushed off. I smiled and cuddled into dad's chest giggling as louis used my feet as a head rest. Liam was on the other side of me and dad was beside me. I held him tight and watched as the others got comfortable. I pulled the duvet close to me and smiled before watching the moving. This was going to be a good night.

As the credits rolled dad turned the TV off "I think that's enough TV and enough ice cream" I nod and cuddle under the duvet more. Dad holds me close and I close my eyes. A small smile finds its way to my lips as I hear soft music in the background. I swallow the tablets dad got for me before relaxing back down and listening to their soothing voices as they started to sing 'get you the moon' I closed my eyes and gripped dad tightly. Liking the feeling of being held close and my hair being played with. As niall started to harmonise with zayn dad whispered soothingly into my ear "I love you mariam" I smile and he kisses my cheek softly "I love you too dad.... I love you to the moon and back"

I hope you like this one ❤️💜💜🥰🥰🤩🤩😍😍😍😘😘😍😍💜💜🥰💙💙💙💜💜😍😍😍

Stay safe yall. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or touching your face/mouth xx

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