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This is for alibrooke28 I hope you like this one 😘😍🥰❤️💞💓💕💚💜💕💓💞❤️🥰😍😘

Ali's POV
I sat in the chair swinging my legs back and forth anxiously. I bit my lip as my mum played with my hair. As I played with my hands I noticed a deep yet soothing voice. I looked up and a man smiled at my mum before bending down infront of me. He smiled "hey love. I'm harry and I'm going to be your doctor today. Can you tell me your name?" I smiled and nodded kicking my legs around "Ali!" I exclaimed. He smiled at my happiness before chuckling "it's wonderful to meet you Ali" he puts his hand out for a high five and I slap his hand hard. He grinned "wow very powerful love!" I giggled very glad that he was able to make me feel so comfortable. "okay is it okay if you come back with me? Mummy can come as well" I looked up at my mum and she smiled urging me on. I took Harry's large hand and he squeezed my smaller one before walking me into a room. He picked me up making airplane noises before plopping me on the bed a wide smile on his face. "okay love..." he picks up a torch before turning it on. He went to flash it in my eyes but I turned my head hiding my face "aww. Ali babe. Look" I slowly looked at him "all its going to do is..." he shined the light in his eyes before looking at me "that's all it does love. I just wanna check and make sure your eyes aren't hiding anything" I gave him a confused look "hiding what?" he began to explain that sometimes he found chocolate in people's eyes and as he was explaining he checked my eyes a few times before putting his hand behind my head then pulling his hand to face me before opening his hand and it revealed a chocolate coin. I squealed and took it from him. He smiled before picking the stethoscope up. I began to eat the chocolate and he began to check my lungs and everything else.

As he finished with the main things he then picked up the blood pressure cuff and I didn't like that very much. I pouted and harry smiled "okay lovely this isn't going to hurt. All it's going to do is give you a tight hug because it loves you!" I smiled before nodding. He wrapped it around my arm "good girl hun. Tight squeeze" as it began to squeeze I whimpered and began to panic. Harry was quick to distract me. He got to teddies and began to make them talk to me. I giggled and as it finished squeezing my arms harry made the teddies kiss my cheeks before putting them down and pulling the cuff off. "you were so brave love! Now I've heard that you've got a bit of a nasty cough. Is that right?" I nod and he pouts slightly "well I've got the perfect medicine!" I cringed and looked away "aw sweetie it's tastes really nice! I promise. Just like strawberries!" that made me smile and I nodded. "I like strawberries!!!"

Around twenty minutes later harry came back with the medicine and I squealed "Hazzy!!!" I shouted before going into a coughing fit "easy does it lovely" he rubs my back and smiles before pulling the medicine out. He smiles before pulling the right amount into the syringe "okay lovely here comes the airplane" I was a bit hesitant at first but then I giggled and opened my mouth. He smiles and pushes it into my mouth and I smile at the taste. It was really sweet! Harry gave me one more before putting it away "well done Ali! You did so well. Made me so proud." he smiles before pulling a drawer out and putting it next to me. I smile before searching through it and pulling two sweets out and four stickers. I smile and open my arms for a hug. Harry gives me a hug and kisses my head."well done babe. So proud of you. Mummy's really proud of you too" I smile and just held onto him tight. He's my new best friend.

I hope you liked this one ❤️😘😍🥰💞💓💕💜💚💕💓💞🥰😍😘❤️

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