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This is for fine-line-styles hope you like this one 💕💖💙💜❤️🌟🥰😍

Elise's POV
"baby what's wrong?" harry asked slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed "n—nothing" I pulled the covers over my head sniffling slightly. I felt the bed dip even more before the covers were pulled back and harry had his arms wrapped around me "tell me what's wrong.... I know you sweetie" I whined and leaned against him. "f—fine... I feel sick" he pouted before pulling me closer "aww angel" he places the back of his hand on my forehead before tutting quietly "you've got a fever sweetheart" I groaned quietly before leaning into him more. "you ok?" I didn't answer him. My stomach began to churn and before I knew it I threw up all over him "oh baby. Its ok let it all out.... Liam!!!" liam ran in before taking in the scene his eyes widening. "holy crap! Elise are you ok?" I continued to throw up sobbing loudly struggling to breathe. Harry got up picking me up and rushing me downstairs and outside "w—where are we going?" I choked out. "to the doctors" harry put me in the car before getting in next to me and liam began driving.

As we got to the doctors I had given up my body limp and sick still falling from my mouth. Harry got out and picked me up before rushing me into the office "help!" niall, louis and zayn came from different rooms before rushing over to us "follow me" louis said and harry followed louis before laying me on the bed. I continued to sob before letting out a strangled scream as I continued to be sick. Harry laid me on my side and rubbed my back. I gagged and coughed getting more weaker. Soon enough I closed my eyes and sighed finally being able to breathe again and the sick had stopped. I bit my lip and whimpered "I think she's got a stomach bug but it's one of the worst ones so I'll give her a shot" zayn said. Harry nodded and rubbed my back. "no! No injection!" I cried sitting up but immediately falling back down as I was incredibly dizzy. "hey its ok it will help you" I shook my head side to side small sobs falling from my lips "no more! No more!!" harry pulled me up holding me close and whispering sweet nothings into my ear "shhh baby its ok, you'll be fine" I shook my head continuing to cry loudly hitting his chest weakly. "no! No!" louis held onto my arm and straightened it out and I screamed loudly shaking my head and trying to get away panic setting in completely. I made eye contact with niall and he saw my panic "princess it's going to be ok. Just focus on me and not what's happening" niall began to make funny faces whilst talking in a weird voice which somehow distracted me but I was still sniffling. Liam rubbed my back and I cried out as I felt a sharp pinch. I struggled around but harry held me tighter "shhh baby its nearly done" as the injection was pulled out I heard something about a blood test and I began to freak out more. Cries fell from my lips louder this time and I began rocking my body back and forth trying to get out of his arms "let me go!!! Let me go!!!" I sobbed loudly before another sharp scratch was felt and I cringed going weak. My breathing was unsteady and I was shaking violently. Soon enough harry pulled me up and I gripped him tightly sobbing into his shoulder. "shhh angel I'm here shhh." he began to sing into my ear softly "I get so lost inside your eyes would you believe it? You don't have to say you love me, you don't have to say you're mine, you don't have to say anything" "walk through fire for you, just let me adore you" I sniffled and closed my eyes relaxing more into him. "lately you've been on my mind, honey. Walk through fire for you just let me adore you, oh honey" I smiled and bit my lip.

"ok so it isn't serious?" liam shook his head. "no its nothing serious" he grins and harry squeezes me softly kissing my head. Zayn walks in a warm smile on his face

"who wants some strauberries?"

Hope you liked this one hehe 😍🥰🌟❤️💜💙💖💕😘

Q- what do you think of Harry's new song- adore you?

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