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This is for misswhatever0 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️😘😘😘🤩🥰🥰💜💜💙💙💙💜

Katie's POV
"stop! Police!" I shouted and chased after the man. He ignored me and continued to run "stop police!!!" I shouted louder to try and stop him but he just wouldn't stop. I didn't stop running as I knew I had to stop this man. As I continued to rub I noticed something glimmer in his hand and that pushed me to run faster. He turned around and held something up causing me to stop running "don't come any closer!!" he yelled. I nodded at him "put the gun down. Cmon let's be civil" I said softly trying not to cause anything. His hand shook and his finger trembled on the trigger "no no dont shoot. Please. We both know you dont wanna do this" he takes a step forward "I might not wanna do this because you're one gorgeous looking lady but I will do this because I can and I'm not scared to do so" I feel my heart start to hammer and I took a shaky breath "please don't do this.... You don't want to do this-" he cut me off "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT AND DONT WANT TO DO!!" he screamed. He pulled the trigger and I felt a pain scratch through my chest. I collapsed on the floor and the man ran off leaving me to die...

I came to the realisation that I could and would possibly die if I didn't do anything now so I grabbed my radio and pressed the red button which sent signals to all the active teams "I've been shot! I've been shot! I need an ambulance-" I got cut off by my choking and I stared down in pure horror as I noticed the pool of blood and the trail of blood which was coming from my mouth and chest. I lied my head down and whimpered "n-niall..." was the last thing I managed to get out before I passed out

Niall's POV
I heard my radio crackle and a soft voice whimpering my name. "hello?" I said into the radio but all I got was all the other officers and paramedics asking what was going on "I've got it! I'm at the scene! Princess Elizabeth avenue next to house 20! Young female officer not awake. Faint pulse! Get here now!!" I looked at liam and he gave me a smile before pressing a few buttons before I started to drive to the location the sirens blaring.

I slammed on the breaks as I noticed police cars and ambulances. I got out and so did liam. I ran up to the paramedics and police officers surrounding someone on the floor. As I got to see who it was my eyes widened "we're losing her! Liam you take niall back this isn't a good time! We'll load her into the ambulance." liam nodded and dragged me back to the ambulance. "you're going to be in the back with someone else as you're not in the right place to drive" I stared off into space. Was my little girl going to die?

At the hospital

I followed the doctors pushing her in and liam kept his hand on my back to keep me walking. As we got to the main room harry and Louis rushed in and they began to assess her. "Katie! Katie baby it'll be okay!" harry looked at a nurse and nodded before looking at me sadly. The nurse came over and tried to escort me out of the room but I wasn't having any of it. I struggled but liam held me tightly and pulled me out of the room where I completely broke down but liam held me making sure to try and hold me together.

Katie's POV
I opened my eyes slightly before closing them again "Katie?" I opened my eyes and stared at the man infront of me. I recognised the voice but he was so fuzzy. My eyes widened as I remembered what happened. Adrenaline is a real life saver. "Emily hey... Focus on my voice" I couldn't focus on anything... It was like I was in a bubble and I was being forced to stay still "she's going into shock! Louis give her 20 amps of morphine! Susie give her three sedation shots. I'll give her the mask" everyone did as told and I watched in silence and pure terror as my eyelids began to close without my control. "it's okay kitkat stay strong for me.... You can get through this" I then passed out completely. I'm too young to die.... I don't wanna die!

Niall's POV
I've been in this hospital waiting room practically shitting myself. Katie went into surgery four hours ago and she hadn't come back out yet. Liam had tried to make me go home but I wouldn't dream of it. I had to be here for my sister. "she's going to be fine" liam whispered trying to make me feel better. I shook my head and whimpered "how do you know that?! You don't know that!" liam rushed to me and gripped me tight "I do know! Remember what louis said? He said it only had punctured her lung. That's barely anything and she's a fighter.... She's a fighter niall and she's so strong. Just like you." liam smiles before sitting beside me and making me rest my head on his shoulder" close your eyes niall and relax.... You've been awake for what? 33 plus hours.... You haven't had the sleep you need so do it now" I listened to him before cracking and nodding. I closed my eyes and fell asleep letting my guard down completely.

Harry's POV
I took my gloves off before sitting down breathing deeply. She was going to be fine. My love was going to be okay. I cried into my hands softly before wiping my eyes and standing up. Time to tell niall and liam. That surgery went on for six and a half hours. Even though it was a tiny bullet it was like a mass puncture which could've easily killed her. I walked into the waiting room and walked over to niall and liam who were both fast asleep. I sat down beside liam and gently shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes before seeing me and shaking niall who woke up. Black bags under his eyes. He looked like shit but I understand why. "she's okay... The surgery went amazingly. You can come and see her now" I smile and stand up. Niall jumps up and grips my arm tightly. I wrap my arm around him knowing he needed all the comfort he could get.

Niall's POV
I had seen a lot worse... You probably think I'm acting like a child but you all know how it feels to have someone you love dearly on the brink of death. Harry smiles and leads me in. I see her and I nearly collapse but harry holds me up. He walks me over to a chair and sits me down. Harry sat down on the other side and held her hand. I cried into my hands not being able to cope. Yes she was okay and yes she was going to survive but this is the ultimate down fall of everything that has happened today... The Adrenaline has worn off and my heart aches. Everything aches. I can't stop crying. I just can't. My baby sister was so so close to... "niall" liam said causing me to look up at him with wide eyes "stop thinking of that.... It will impact you badly.... She's okay and don't you dare blame yourself."

Katie's POV
I heard muffled sounds and I slowly opened my eyes. I turned my head and noticed niall resting his head on his arm. He was curled up in the chair and tear marks were visible on his cheeks. His warm hand held my cold one and I gently squeezed his hand with all my energy. He woke up with a start before seeing me awake and rushing out hold me. He gripped me warm tears streaming onto my neck "I'm so glad you're okay" I smile slightly at him "of course I'm okay niall.... I'm a fighter.... I'm strong..." I held his face in my hands and smile at him staring into his eyes "I'm okay I'm right here. Don't worry.... You can't get rid of me that easily" he smiles before getting in beside me and holding me tightly. I feel a presence behind me and I turn my head slightly only to see harry. I smile and close my eyes holding onto niall tightly with on arm and my other hand holding Harry's hand which was resting on my waist. "I love you niall. I'm safe" I kiss his cheek and smile.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️💜💜💙💙💙🥰🥰😘🤩🤩😘😘

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