Suprise Pregnancy

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This is for emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️😍😘🥰💕💜💚💓💕💜🥰😍😘

Emily's POV
I sigh and bite my lip. Today was my biggest day and I'm trying not to freak out. I'm getting married to the love of my life and I just can't wait but I'm feeling awfully sick. I slowly put my earrings on before I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up and met my mothers eyes. She smiled softly at me tears sparkling in her blue eyes. "don't cry mum. You'll make me cry" she smiles and just wipes her tears away "I know baby but I'm just so proud of you! Gosh I'm so glad you're marrying him and when you have your own kids!! Aghhh oh my gosh that'll be the greatest day ever" I smile and giggle "mum!! That's too early" she kisses my cheek and rolls her eyes "whatever Emily" I laugh softly trying to act normal. "do you want a drink love?" I look at the clock and see I have ten minutes. I bite my lip and close my eyes trying to breathe. What if I mess up? What if Ashton walks out on me? What if- "Emily?" I looked at my mum confused "yeah?" I tried to control my breathing "do you want a drink" I nodded quickly and she smiled before walking out. As she walked out I put my hand on the mirror and tried to relax myself. I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a soft cry. My mum walked back in with a cup of water before seeing the tears streaming down my cheeks "Emily? Oh baby. Hey hey don't cry. What's wrong? You're so pale lovely" I swallow anxiously and grip her tightly "I'm calling the boys. Sit down sweetheart" she helps me over to the sofa before grabbing her phone and dialling Ashton's number.

Ashton's POV
"you'll do amazing man" luke said whilst patting my back I nodded and smiled. I rubbed my palms together before looking at Michael who rushed in a panicked look on his face "e-emily!" he exclaimed out of breath. I felt my heart start to hammer and I swallowed hard "Michael hey hey man tell me what's wrong. Is Emily okay?" he shook his head "s-she's really pale and she's having a panic attack" I cursed under my breath before rushing to where she was.

"he sweetie" I held her close "can you tell me where it hurts?" she pointed towards her stomach and I immediately start to check "okay lay down for me" she obeyed and without moving her dress I very carefully pressed on her stomach. She winced a few times "okay princess I'm going to need you to take your dress off" Emily began to cry and I tried to comfort her "b-but what about the wed-" calum cut her off softly "we can postpone it" she nodded slowly before with the help of me and Michael took her dress off. She lied back down and I began to check her stomach more throughly "luke can you go grab my medical bag please" luke nodded and rushed off

Emily's POV
Ashton held my hand and made sure to show me that he was right there for me. Luke came back with the bag and they immediately started working on me. Ashton pulled a pregnancy test out "okay love I want you to go to your dressing room and test this okay?" I whimpered and shook my head "come with me Ash" he smiled and nodded before helping me into the bathroom "okay just stick it under and pee on it as much as possible" I nodded before holding my hand out. Ashton smiled and held my hand tightly "it's okay baby girl" I did the test before leaving it on the side and waiting.

About an hour later Ashton's timer went off and I shakily picked the test up. I looked at the test and my eyes widened slightly "Ash... I'm pregnant" Ashton's eyes widened but his face slowly morphed into a happy smiling one. He pulled me into his chest and fist pumped the air "hell yeah!! We're having a baby!! We're having a baby!!" I smiled and cried happily into his chest. Wow this day is such a roller-coaster. My mum came in and began to jump around crazily causing Ashton and I to go into a fit of laughs.

Two hours later

I smiled and very slowly walked down the Isle. Ashton was stood at the end tears streaming down his cheeks. He wiped them away and said something to the boys. I got to where he was and I faced him "you're so beautiful" he whispers softly. I smile and blush a little bit. He takes my hands and squeezes them before we started saying our verses. "I do" Ashton answers. I grin "I do" I whisper softly. "now you may kiss the bride" I smile widely and wrap my arms around his neck unable to stop smiling as he pulls me into him. We share a long kiss which was so magical. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

He's now my husband and my everything...

Ashton's POV
she's officially my wife! Emily's my wife! I can say that for real now!! Man I love her so much. She is my everything....

My baby girl forever.

I hope you liked this one ❤️😘💕💞💖😍💖💞💞❤️💓💓😍💖💖💞❤️❤️

Q- favourite type of pizza?

I hope you're all having a good day!!! If you're not having a good day just know it's okay and that I love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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