Air Ambulance

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This is for @misswhatever0 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😍😍🥰🥰💞💞💕💕💕

Katie's POV
"" aww frick" zayn yelled as the ball got stuck in the tree "Katie you get it" "harryyyy" I whined pouting at him "cmon babe just do it" he chuckles "its just up there" niall said pointing up the tree. I glared "if I break a bone then I'm gonna hurt you" I giggle before sighing and starting to climb the tree. As I got to the top I noticed the ball and reached to grab it as I grabbed it I heard a buzzing sound and noticed a bee hive. I screamed as I was deathly allergic to bees and fell backwards "catch her!" "she's going to fall!" as I hit the ground a sharp pain ran through my body and I cried out. "shit! Katie!"  I struggled to get up but harry kept me down a worried look on his face tears welling up in his eyes "Katie I'm so sorry... Louis call an ambulance!" Louis obeyed and started to sort things out as I started to cry "I can't feel my legs harry" his eyes widened and he took a deep breath "hey hey Katie that's okay. You're going to be okay" I started to uncontrollably cry. Soon enough I was heaving and shaking from shock. Harry held my hand tightly and squeezed it "louis where is the ambulance?!" I continued to cry trying to calm down as the others surrounded me and began to try and stop me from getting worked up. "it's on its way harry. They're sending an air ambulance. Katie you'll be fine"

I shivered and cried harder as it started to get dark. Harry took his jacket off and covered me in it. Liam was flashing a light around trying to get anyone's attention. Soon enough the sound of a helicopter could be heard and I started to sob harder from the relief of being found. Shouting was heard and a team of paramedics rushed up to me and started to do different things before putting me on a back board. "harry" I cried reaching out for him.

Harry's POV
I watched her tears in my eyes trying not to panic. I followed the crew as they put her in the helicopter before getting in beside her and nodding at the boys to come in the car. I held her hand tightly trying to reassure her as much as possible. As we lifted from the ground she started to panic more and I rubbed her hand "I'm right here princess. It's okay" she continued to softly cry until we were on the ground again.

As we got into the hospital I followed. The others behind me and I made sure to hold onto Katie's hand and not let go of it. I let the doctors do what they had to do before I walked in and took her hand in mine kissing her hand gently. "I'm so sorr-" she cut me off "harry stop saying sorry. It wasn't your fault and even if it was it wouldn't make me love you any less" I smile and continue to grip her starting to cry.

Katie's POV
"haz. No dont cry" I pulled his hand and that notified him to stand up. I pulled him close and just held onto him tightly "harry don't cry I'm fine... The doctors said I'm fine... I'm just paralysed from the legs down" I said softly playing with his hair. He moved me over and got into the bed beside me ignoring the boys making silly noises before cuddling me close and taking a shaky breath "I love you Katie" I smile and kiss his cheek "I love you too harry.... This wasn't your fault. Trust me" I smile and just hold him tight. I'll get through this with his help.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️💕💕💞💞🥰🥰😍😍😘😘💓💗💜💜💓😘😘😍😍🥰🥰💞💕💕

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