Drop In Blood Sugar

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞😍😍💓💓🥰💗💗💜💕💕💕😘😘💗🥰🥰😍😍💞 (I'm sorry if I get some things wrong. I'm not perfect and I don't research some of the things in these stories xx)

Emily's POV
Ashton smiles down at me as he runs his fingers through my hair. I smile and close my eyes feeling a very familiar sensation in my fingers. I look at Ashton worriedly and he gives me the same look. All the boys knew I was diabetic and knew I could be set off easily but they all knew what to do. Ashton continues to play with my hair to see if it was just my anxiety playing with me.

A few minutes later my cheeks were bright red. Ashton placed the back of his hand against my head and nodded "boys close all the doors open the windows and get me those two fans from over there Ashton ordered as he laid me down properly on the sofa. I whimpered and felt it coming. I absolutely hated it and with all my strength grabbed Ashton's hand whimpering softly. "it's okay I'm right here baby girl. I wont let anything happen to you" Michael hands the insulin over and Ashton being used to doing this often jabs it into my thigh and holds my hand kissing the back of it gently before luke hands the blood sugar test over.

Ashton's POV
I take her hand in my hand "small pinch sweetheart" I reminded her before injecting it and taking a bit of blood before looking at the meter. I nodded and smiled slightly "that's too low hun. You need some sugar so here" I handed her the special protein pack and the sweet pack before sitting down next to her and wrapping my arms around her helping steady her hand and guide the food to her lips I kiss her head and whisper encouraging words into her ear whilst holding her tight. After she had finished she cuddled into me completely and I hold her close just glad the interview was more later on so I'm able to keep my sweetheart safe. I rub her back and hold her head to my chest keeping a hand on her leg and rubbing gently which instantly made her relax. I smiled and kissed her nose making her as comfortable as possible before cuddling her completely "you need rest. Close your eyes and sleep" she nodded and turned around in my chest and gripped me before she closed her eyes and pecked my lips. I smiled and wrote different letters into her back until her body had relaxed completely. I smile and start to sing softly. She's so beautiful. So so beautiful. How did I get to lucky?

I hope you liked this one 💞💞❤️❤️😍😍😍🥰🥰💗💗😘😘💜💓💓💕💕😘💗🥰😍😍💞

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