Doctor Harry

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This is for dimpledstyless94 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💓💞🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ellies POV
I held my hand to my cheek biting my lip and trying to look normal. "el what's wrong?" harry asked. I stared at him sadly. I hated having a dentist as a brother. "nothing" I whispered and he gave me a look causing me to whine "fine I've got a tooth ache" he nodded and smiled sadly "well let's go get it fixed the—" I cut him off quickly "NO!" he sighed "love don't raise your voice at me" I stuck my tongue out at him "you can't make me so shut up poop head!" he sighed and closed his eyes "Ellie don't make me warn you again" I copied him and giggled before smiling cheekily and deciding to call him the name louis always called him "YOU FUCKER!" his eyes widened "Ellie!" I giggled "now I'm going to take you to the dentist" I shook my head "NO NO NOOOOO!! THE FAIRY GODMOTHER WILL BIBBIDY BOBBIDY BOO YOU AWAY!!!!" he chuckled and shook his head "don't make me warn you again love. Stop shouting" I continued to shout and he sighed "fine then" he picked me up and put me over his knee giving me five spanks causing me to start crying louder. "you a meanie hazza!" he pulled me into his chest "I'm sorry love but you need to learn when to stop. Now please let me take you to the office" I nodded and he picked me up taking me to the doctors office quickly.

As we got there harry took me into his room sitting me on the chair and getting gloves on and the other tools. "okay love open" I shook my head. "Ellie" he said sternly. I opened my mouth and he began to check before sighing "ahh I see the problem" he grabbed the explorer and I whimpered shutting my eyes tightly but keeping my mouth open. He began to scrape at something before a hard bit of candy cane came out of my tooth. He pulled it out of my mouth and showed it to me "I told you to stop eating such foods kiddo" he chuckles and ruffles my hair before kissing my head "all done" he picked me up and gave me a sticker. "do you wanna get ice cream" I smiled and squealed nodding quickly "yes pleaseeeee!!" he smiled "okay love"

As we got to the ice cream shop harry walked in with me on his hip. He sat me down on the chair before sitting down and ordering what we both wanted. He sighed and stared at me "Ellie?" I looked at him and smiled "yes haz?" he bit his lip "I'm sorry I spanked you... I just got really angry" I smiled "it's okay hazzy. I forgive you" he smiled and squeezed my hands "ooo look here's our ice cream" I squealed and thanked the waiter before started to eat the ice cream quickly. I squealed slightly "brain freeeeezeeeee" I giggled and harry chuckled. "I love you so much" I smile and continued to eat "and I love you tooooo hazzy"

Hope you liked this one ❤️❤️🥰🥰💞💞💞💓💓💓💕💜💜💜💜

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