Sick And Alone

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This is for misswhatever0 hope you like this one ❤️💕💖💙 X

Katie's POV
"I wish you were home" I whined whilst staring at a picture of my boyfriend, harry. Right now Harry is on tour with the boys and I'm at home really sick, I've got the flu I think but a really bad case of it. I haven't told Harry or the boys about me being ill I've just sucked it up. As I slowly crawled from the couch I felt my phone buzz and I groaned, I moved my hand backwards and felt around for my phone until I finally grabbed it. I noticed a message from Harry and I sighed before clicking on it.

Hey babe, how are you? I'm missing you... I miss your hugs. Only four weeks left then I get to come home to my kitten. Love you babe, I'll talk to you later xx Skype?

I smiled and closed my eyes wishing I could hold him. I began typing a message back but before I could, my phone died. I threw my head back, groaning once again. I slowly stood up grabbing the bowl of popcorn along the way. I walked into my shared room with Harry, a small smile tugged at my lips as I could smell his cologne. I crawled onto the soft bed, laying down tiredly. I grabbed my charger before plugging it into my phone. I curled into a ball wrapping my arms around myself.

As the daylight disappeared I got more and more tired. As my eyelids slipped closed I heard the familiar sound of my computer ringing, I quickly grabbed my computer and opening it. I smiled as I saw Harry's face, I clicked answer and laid against the headboard "hey baby" he said smiling at me "hey haz" he chuckled and pressed two fingers against the screen. I smiled and did the same "I miss you" I said Softly. "I know love, I miss you too" I sighed softly and blinked the tears away. "so, how are you?" he asked looking at me intently "I'm fine... You?" his smile faltered and he looked at me seriously. "baby... You don't look, fine" I looked down and Harry sighed "I wish I could give you a hug right now..." I smiled at him "now, kitten I want you to be serious with me alright? Are you... Sick?" I once again looked down "no I'm not sick..." he tutted slightly "listen to me sweetheart... If you're not sick then why are you pale?" I gulped anxiously looking anywhere but the screen "Katie, baby if you tell me what's wrong... I can help you" I sighed finally looking at his face "yes I'm sick" I said sadly. "aww my babyyyyy. How long have you been sick for?" he asked resting his chin on his hands "about two weeks now" he gasped Slightly "goodness me love! OK... You cannot survive alone... So I'm going to sort something out OK?" I was confused "what do you mean haz?" I questioned. "you'll see. Now I've got to go, I love you loads. Just relax! Love you!!!" I smiled "love you too" he blew a kiss before waving and disconnecting. I sighed Tiredly, I wonder what Harry's got in mind.

Harry's POV
"guys if you need to talk to Simon, come with me now" I said getting my stuff together. "why? What's wrong mate?" Liam asked standing up. "Katie's ill, really ill. She's been sick for about two weeks and she never told me. I'm going to talk to Simon to try and figure something out" I explained as I got to the front door. Niall stood up and smiled "I can't come! My foods calling me" I rolled my eyes "as usual ni" louis said shaking his head. "cmon I've got to go!" no one stood up so I just walked out alone. I got into my car and drove all the way to simon's house. Here we go.

"so you're asking whether you can go visit your sick girlfriend?" I nodded "yes... You did that like loads of times! Remember?" Simon sighed, nodding slightly. "ok... Fine, but only on one condition" I grinned, nodding. "you message fans and tell them why you're not on tour... OK?" I nodded "yes!" he nodded "alright... I'll set your plane ticket for an hour... Get along boy" I grinned "thank you so much! Thank you!" I exclaimed as I ran out. I cannot believe he actually let me do something! I've got the best boss ever!

Katie's POV
I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up and smiled as I noticed I had a Snapchat from Harry. I clicked on it and I felt my heart flutter and I gasped.

I closed my eyes, covering my heart as it pounded in my chest. I smiled feeling extremely happy. As a few hours went by I grew tired again, I closed my eyes but opened them again as I heard the front door open "Harry?!" I called immediately wishing I hadn't as my throat began to ache, I cried out, gripping my throat tightly. "baby? Oh my love" I looked up and watched as Harry dropped his bag onto the bed he then slowly got into bed with me, he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight "man I missed you" he whispered as he stroked my hair. I closed my eyes, getting closer to him "I missed you too" I cried Softly. "no don't cry baby" he cooed, rubbing my back. I gripped his shoulders and he pulled back looking into my eyes "have you had your medicine?" I nodded and he smiled. "great... Now I can do this" he whispered, I furrowed my eyebrows until I noticed him getting closer to my lips "haz no! I don't want you getting ill" he smiled at me "I don't care baby... I don't care if I get sick. I just care about getting to kiss you" I smiled and allowed it, his soft lips pushed against mine and I gripped him tightly "how about tonight we just cuddle and watch movies and eat ice cream" I smiled, nodding "sounds great.... I love you" he grinned

"I love you too Katie"

Hope you liked this one 💖💕❤️💙💚

Q- how do you like the snap from Harry? Haha XD XXX

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