↞ Chapter One ↠

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Episode One

"-Congratulations to your families, your friends, and congratulations to you, our new New York City police officers." I muttered a few cuss words when I heard the cheers erupt from inside the room. The officers standing watch didn't like the idea of me bringing a dog into the building, so I was held outside, and told to wait until the end. Which I didn't like at all, but I wasn't going to cause any trouble. The officer in front of me smiled in apology, before pulling the door open and admitting the crowd into Madison Square.

I smile at the people who pass by, lightly pulling Kenai's leash and leading her to the edge of the space. I motion for her to sit, and watch the crowd for my little cousin. Well, my not-so-little cousin, she was nearly twenty-two years old and a police officer now, so I had to watch myself if she heard me calling her my "little cousin."

"Romano!" I shout, waving my hand through the air to catch her attention. She spins quickly, squinting at me, before her face breaks into a smile. She jogs towards me, a hand on her head to stop her cap from falling off. I smile, holding my arm out to pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead lightly.

"Jett! Really, I'm not a kid anymore!" She laughs as she pulls away, swiping a hand across her forehead dramatically. "Look who decided to show up. You coulda told me you were coming, I'da grabbed you a seat."

"Well," I draw the word out, scratching the back of my neck and readjusting Kenai's leash in my hand. "I didn't know if I was going to make it. I didn't want to get your hopes up love."

She shakes her head, and just smiles. "I understand." She nods a bit, and as she does her eyes fall to Kenai and she squeals. Maria easily squats and loves on my dog for a few minutes, talking in a baby voice that Kenai seems to love. "She's gotten so big Jett!"

"Well, obviously, that is how age works." I laugh, and watch as Maria stands up quickly, she pops me on my shoulder in a joking manor, and I grunt. Moving to rub the shoulder and smile at her. "Congrats Maria, I'm proud of you."

"Ah jeez you're gonna make me blush." She laughs, "Thanks Britty."

I snort, a memory flashing through my head at the first time she called me that, and a bit of sentiment fills my heart at the memory. "Alright kid, I'll leave you too it."

"No no no no, you get to meet some of my buddies now." She grabs my arm and tugs me into the crowd, I follow with little resistance, clicking my tongue for Kenai to come. "This is the kid I beat out of the Sharpshooter Medallion, Jameson."

The young man in question was many inches shorter than me, and when he turned around I could not help but admit that he was a good looking man. I smiled, holding a hand out to the man, he reaches forward and takes my hand in his. His was cold but gloved and a feeling of warmth passed up my arm when we made contact.

"Nice to meet you Officer." I smile, shaking his hand twice. "Jethro Howards."

He smiled in return, and as he dropped my hand he leaned forward as if to share a secret.

"She won fair and square, Mr. Howards. I had no chance against Maria. Don't let her tell you anything differently." Jameson laughs, a loud laugh that fills the space between us. He reaches and smacks Maria on the shoulder in a playful way.

I start to tell him to Please call me Jett, but Maria beat me to speaking, taking Kenai's leash from me and presenting her to Jameson in a dramatic way.

"This, is Kenai. The best dog in the whole wide world." Maria's voice turns back into a baby-voice as she scratches the top of my dogs head.

Jameson looks at me for permission and once I give it, he bends over to scratch behind Kenai's ears. I smile as the two of them and between the crack in their shoulders I can see Kenai smiling smugly at me. If a dog can even do that. This goes on for a few minutes, the whole time I stand their vaguely amused at the whole ordeal. I've always loved seeing how big and tough people act around cute dogs, they always seem to melt around them, it's an interesting sight.

"So are you visiting? From London, or from over there?" Jameson asks as he stands back up, straitening his uniform as he does.

"Sort of, but more like I am moving back." At Jameson's confused look, I explain in simple words. "I was born in Queens, but London was my home for most of my life. But now I'm back."

Jameson nods once I finish, and welcomes me to New York City. Maria lets out a prideful holler. "And here to stay!" She shouts loudly, swinging her arms around. I nod, and smile at the two of them.

Suddenly Jameson turns, as if he heard his name being called, I suppose he did because he waves in greeting to a large group of people. I place a hand on Maria's shoulder, lightly pulling her towards me.

"I'll see you next time Maria." I throw a glance to Jameson, wanting to say goodbye, but only to find him hugging a few other people. "Tell Officer Jameson that I hope to see him again to, and that I apologize for not saying goodbye."

She nods, returning the side hug, and bends down to tell Kenai goodbye. I promise to see her soon, before weaving my way through the crowd of Rookies and family members. It takes me a minute of navigating, but the second I'm out I calm down a bit. I parked my motorcycle behind the building, and it was easy enough to get around back, and then came the hard part.

In London, Kenai has been riding along side me ever since she was a puppy. Of course when she was twenty pounds it was easier to just hold her, but as she got bigger it got harder to just hold her in my lap. So through plenty of practice we both learned how to have her ride on the back, like a person-ish. She would sit on her hind legs, with her front legs on my shoulder. I of course, for safety reasons, make her wear goggles and a helmet, but overall Kenai's favorite thing is going for a ride.

It takes a few minutes for us to actually set up, but the second we are ready, I take off, slowly at first, but once I'm to the edge of the alleyway we're off. The streets of New York are shit to drive on, but I didn't mind the challenge. Here, you had to be careful that no one knocked into you while swaying in there lane. In London, people would straight up crash into you with no care in the world. It's an interesting contrast, but I gladly welcome the random merging into me then the crashing any day.

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