↞ Chapter Four ↠

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Season Two, Episode One

I've been at my desk since the partial raid last night at the pub, mostly filling out paper, but at the moment I found myself dozing off with my head propped on my hand. I got a call a few hours ago that Sanfino was alright, and that he was asking about me, but I told them that I wouldn't need to speak with him further, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be the end of it.

"Jett?" I popped up, suddenly very awake as I turned to face whoever called my name.

"Erin!" I stood, "What can I help you with love?" She smiled like she wasn't sure how to start.

"Lisa, er- Mrs. Farragaut doesn't want this case to go to trial." I sighed, leaning against my desk and crossing my arms.

"You're saying she would rather see her husbands killer go free?" Erin nodded, and I suddenly realized how tired she look. I nudge my chair towards her, and she sat in it with a grateful smile. Kenai perked up, moving towards Erin and laying her head in Erin's lap.

"If the alternative is exposing him as getting murdered for his obsession with a hooker, then, yes." She shakes her head as she pets Kenai, "Plus, the girl admits that Farragaut started it, so if we put Kiril on trial, any decent defense attorney is going to run with that."

"You've got a way round the murder charge then?" I asked, and Erin nodded.

"I think I can indict Kiril on sex-trafficking charges, and with the right judge, get a comparable sentence." I nodded along, only understanding a little bit of what she was saying. "Nikolina named six other girls. So, if I can get her and the others as cooperating witnesses, I have a case."

"Right, brilliant plan, but I see two problems. One, there's no guarantee that Farragaut's relationship with the girl isn't going to be revealed in court. Which means, you've got the risk of looking like you're covering it up, and that's one hell a bloody risk." Erin shrugged her shoulders, thinking about my words, before asking what the other problem was. "When someone's murdered in the city I care about, I kinda like to see the killer brought to justice."

Erin nodded, and just as she started to speak her phone began to ring. "ADA Reagan." She answers it, turning to me and mouths an apology but I wave her off. She stands, turning away from me as she speaks to whoever's on the other end of the call. I stood, sighing and walking to get myself a cup of coffee. A shout comes from my immediate left, and when I look up I catch sight of Danny in the box with Nikolina, the girl looked on the verge of snapping, but I new that Danny could handle himself. No one could get in between him and the truth.

Danny happened to look up at me, and opened the door of the box. "Erin here yet?" I nodded, "Great, I can't get anything else from her. She can do the interview."

I grabbed my cup of coffee as I turned to walk back to Erin. I waved her over, and she came hanging up the phone as she went. I explained the situation and she walked into the box with a confident air about her. She sat down, placing a notepad on the table before introducing herself to Nikolina.

"No need to sugar coat it-" The door shut between the two of us, cutting Erin's voice off. I took a sip of my coffee. I moved away from the box, my concentration faltered as I yawned loudly.

I sat back at my desk, assuming the same position as before with my head propped on my hand. Hopefully we would know more in an hour or so, but for now I had literally nothing to do, and as I started to doze off my mind wandered to the Baked Alaska sitting in my freezer. I've always had lucky with them, so I had no fear for its collapse, but I always had a bit of a worry when it came too a dessert I needed to leave alone for a certain amount of time.

I fell asleep, at least for a little bit, and woke up to Danny shaking my shoulders. I was a bit out of it for a minute, grabbing Kenai's leash and following Danny out before I was fully awake. He drove, and I let Kenai in the back before sliding in the front. He took his time pulling out.

"Nikolina said that Kiril holds up at an Astoria cafe where they play Croatian football." I nodded, rolling my shoulders and working on waking myself up as he drove. "He's a big guy, but he won't put up any form of fight."

"Brilliant." I muttered, checking my pockets, before yawning.

"You sleep at all last night?" I shook my head.

"Not a wink, Renzuli's favor turned into an all-night thing, and when I started to go home I got a call about paperwork." My shoulder pops loudly, and I grunt, reaching to rub it. "So not much sleep for me."

Danny laughed, before apologizing. "Once we pick this guy up and take him back to the precinct you can go home. I'll handle the paperwork."

I thanked him, already excited about the prospects of a warm bed and a cup of nighttime tea. Maybe even Jameson would be off, I hadn't heard from him all day today, and the last time I had seen him was as I was leaving the 1-2 last night. And that wasn't a very fulfilling interaction.

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