↞ Chapter Twenty-One ↠

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Season Two, Episode Sixteen

"Noble," My voice was firm, and certainly more confident than I felt.

Noble turned, his face showing that he was scared, before resting in a calmed smile. He approached me, holding his arms out and wrapping his arms around me with a bright smile. I accepted his hug, careful about the length of it. He stepped back, and I waited for him to speak. Nobel suddenly got very angry, shoving me backwards, I stumbled but did not fall.

My hand moved to my lower back, and I pondered whether or not to pull my weapon. I waited letting the man speak angrily as he practically shouted.

"What did I tell you? What did I tell you!" He grabbed me by the collar of my coat, pulling me forward. I did not respond, I just let him get angry, not caring about my own safety but rather the people around who were starting to stare. "I said don't make a move,  without checking with me first! I'm the guy with the map alright."

He groans, letting go of my collar. I take a step back, smoothing out the wrinkles that he had caused in my coat without a change of face. Though inside I was reeling, I had no idea what any of this was, I had no idea what he had thought I had some hand in.

"What is it you think I've done?" I finally asked. Stepping back as he stepped forward.

He looked rather shocked, shaking his head as he searched his pockets for something. "You really don't know." He finally found whatever was in his pockets, as he pulled a carton out from one of his pockets. He groaned once again, and I realized that the carton that he had removed from his pockets was empty.

"Here." I sighed, pulling my own carton out and offering him a cigarette. I take one for myself, lighting both of ours, and sending a quick internal apology to Jameson.

I had, after all, promised to quit.

Noble took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke from the cigarette. "Tesla's dead."

He said it with such assurance that I had to think twice about what was spoken, before allowing myself to react. My face twisted into a scowl, and I sent a prayer to God for his family. Though I did not like the man, not one bit, I did not like to hear the news that he shared with me.

"I had nothing to do with that."

"Obviously numb-nuts, but you are going to tell me everything you know. Now. Because if they  don't like what I bring to them. They're going to want to talk to you directly, and trust me," he chuckled harshly, "you do not want that."

"I swear to you Sandino, I know absolutely nothing." I spoke, and he frowned.

He reach forward, grabbing me by my shoulders with both of his hands. I tried to pull back, but he wouldn't let go of me. "You know what Uncle Phil's favorite saying is? Let's peel back the onion!" Noble had reached the point where he was nearly going crazy. "The fucking  onion. Do you want to be an onion? Tell me what you know."

"I told you I don't know anything." I shoved his hands off of me, turning away, and looking at him with a look that would silence anyone. "Where done here." I spoke firmly, telling him as it was. I would not let anything continue. I would not let him blame me for something that I would not do.

I turned away, starting back towards my car.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. No." He grabbed my arm, attempting to spin me around. I did not budge. "I say when we're finished here." I clenched my fist, reacting rashly, and doing something I instantly regretted.

I punched him directly in the nose.

"As it turns out, you don't Sanfino." I turned away, once again walking in the direction of my car. I could hear Sanfino groaning on the ground, and I felt bad. I did not want to react like that, but it just happened.

As soon as the corner I slowed my pace, rubbing the palm of my hand against my knuckles as they ached. I unlocked my car and got in. Pulling my phone out as I started the car, and dialing the same number as before. I made sure to drive the opposite direction of Sanfino. 

"Lieutenant," I greeted the woman on the other end of the phone.

"Detective Inspector? I did not expect to hear back from you so soon." She did sound genuinely confused as she spoke, and I shook my head as I spoke. 

"Didn't take as long as I thought it would. They think I killed Johnny Tesla."

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