↞ Chapter Fourteen ↠

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Season Two, Episode Eight

"Right, so stuffing is always made with cornbread, and butter is a necessary ingredient in everything?" I asked, as I measured the ingredients in front of me.

"Yes, and you can never have stuffing next to any form of casserole on the table." Henry added, and I paused, looking up to him, before shaking my head and looking back down.

"What about pies?" I ask, turning to grab some vanilla from the cupboard. I'm really not sure what I am making at the moment, but it smells heavenly so far.

"Right." Henry stopped what he was doing, and started to use his hands as he spoke. "Pecan pies, pumpkin pies, and apple pies, never ever  any other sort of fruit pie. Don't even get me started on chocolate pie." He makes a fake gagging noise, before turning to grab a step ladder. I watch him carefully, he looks as though he's moving a bit slower than usual. Just before he steps onto the ladder, I speak up.

"Let me Henry," I step forward, "What am I grabbing?"

"The turkey platter." I nodded, assuming it had a turkey on it as I stepped onto the ladder and opened the cupboard.

"No Henry, not the turkey platter." Linda groaned, and I smiled at their interaction.

"I feel as though I might regret asking, but what is the story?" I could hear Linda reply with a light 'oh no' as Henry launched into a story. I reach into the cupboard, lifting a few dishes out of the way as I listened.

"The platter, was a gift actually, from the  Eleanor Roosevelt to this family some time ago." I started to say how wonderful that was, but as my attention turned to actually lifting the platter from the cupboard I heard Linda speak.

"No, allegedly, it was a gift to a family from Eleanor Roosevelt, whose garage sale you bought it at." I laughed, passing the platter over to Henry as I came off the ladder.

"Thank you Jett," Henry turns to Linda. "With that attitude, maybe I'll leave it to Erin when I die." I snorted, collapsing the step ladder and tucking it back in its place in between the fridge and counter top.

"Erin thinks it's ridiculous as well." Linda muttered as I turned back around, Henry shook his head before responding quick witted-ly.

"Then I'll leave it with Jameson and Jett." I felt touched at his words, before coming up with a comment myself.

"Yes Henry, leave it with the Brit that hasn't celebrated Thanksgiving in nearly eighteen years." That got a chuckle from everyone, and we moved on, looking at the next parts of our individual recipes. I had finished with whatever it was that I was making, and just as I looked at the recipe again, I realized it was some sort of casserole. A rather strange one at that, as it had marshmallows in it, and some where suppose to go on top one it came to the end of it's time in the oven. "I don't think I've ever heard of a sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top."

Linda started to ask a question about what I had said, when Kenai came prancing into the room, she sat at Henry's feet, rubbing her head against his leg. I started to shoo her off, before Henry suddenly made a strange noise, his mouth was wide open and he was clutching his shoulder.

"Henry are you-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying, as he started to fall over. Linda let out a scream, but I reached Henry first, grabbing him before he hit the ground and supporting his weight as I lowered him to the ground. "Linda, call 9-1-1, quickly. He's having a heart attack." I spoke slowly, before grabbing the side of Henry's face and tilting it towards me. "Right, Henry, you've got to keep breathing."

He looked terrified, and Linda was crying as she was on the phone with the paramedics, but once someone was on the way, I took her hand, squeezing it tightly, before telling her that I need help laying Henry flat on the ground. Her hands shook as she helped, before setting his head on her lap and speaking lightly to Henry under her breath. Kenai sat beside her, keeping out of the way, but watching Henry with a firm look.

"Linda, you keep breathing, I'm stepping out front to get them in here alright? I can already hear the sirens love, stay calm." I hurried from the kitchen, stumbling out the front door, and waving at the ambulance as it pulled to a stop. "He's in the kitchen." They nodded, grabbing their stretcher, before following me inside. When we all entered the kitchen, Linda stood up out of the way, and I reached a hand to her. She fell into me, hugging my torso and watching the paramedics as they lifted Henry up. Kenai followed closely, keeping an eye on Henry, but sticking next to me.

"We'll follow behind." I told them, and they nodded. Linda hurries around to the passenger side of my car, I let Kenai in, before moving in a hurry to pull out behind the ambulance. I reach across her, pushing a button, to reveal the lights on my car. It's silent between the two of us, I could see Linda's shoulder shaking in silent tears as we drove. I reached my hand to her, and she grabbed it holding on tightly. "He's going to be alright Linda." I didn't dare say 'I promise' out of fear that I would jinx it.

"I need to call everyone." Her words were broken as she spoke, little gasps of tears came through.

"I'll do it Linda, I'll call once we reach the hospital alright?" I saw her nod, as I pulled into the hospital emergency car park she got out before I was fully stopped. "Kenai, va avec elle." Kenai runs off, and I take a deep breath before following. I grab my phone, dialing Henry's personal number first. 

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