↞ Chapter Twenty-Three ↠

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Episode Fifteen

I could hear before I could see when I woke up. The sound of beeping and rushing air filled my ears. Voices filtered in from a distant place, nothing distinct. I opened my eyes to see someone in a white coat. Just as I went to close them again, she looked at me. The doctor hurried to my side, reaching above my head and pushing something.

I tried to talk, but something was caught in my throat. The doctor shook her head, "Don't, you're intubated right now. I'm going to check your lungs, and then we'll see about taking it out."

I nodded, barely understanding what she was saying. My head is fuzzy, and it feels like there is cotton in my ears. Pain radiated up my side at every breath I took, but it was manageable. I tried to remember what happened, but it was all fuzzy. I remember the gun, and the car, but I don't remember what happened to the Commissioner.

Some more people came into the room.

"Breath sounds are good bilaterally." The first doctor spoke, "Let's take him off of intubation."

A chorus of yeses came from the others in the room, and another face appears above mine.

"Good Morning Detective, we are going to remove this tube from your throat. You are going to feel a little discomfort. We'll go as quickly as we can."

A click sounded, and then he started to pull. I coughed, feeling like I was choking as they pulled it out. It was out, and a dish appeared in front of my face, a hand rubbing my back, I spit into the dish before leaning back and taking a deep shaky breath. I was able to look at the others in the room now. A few med students, another white-coat doctor. At the door stood two officers, hands on their weapons. All-in-all too many people for just one patient.

"Where," I swallowed harshly, trying to talk around the lump in my throat, "Where's the Commissioner?"

An amused look covered the face of the first doctor, whose name I know see is Firth. "He is alright. You did one hell of a good job detective, the Commissioner was lucky to have you."

I smile, feeling my lips crack at how dry they happen to be. "That's good."

It got quiet in the room, and Dr. Firth dismissed the students. "Well, you've got quiet the group of visitors waiting outside to see you. You feelin' up for it?"

I nodded, shuffling a bit on the bed. Dr. Firth smiled, nodding once as she left the room. It was quiet, except for the beeping of all the hospital machines, I was already finding myself bored out of my mind. Footsteps approached the room.

"-ure he's alright?" I recognized the voice right off the bat, smiling as he came into the room. Danny looked a bit flushed, but for good reason. I mean, his dad was just shot. I tried to sit up, which resulted in a groan of pain, and me laying perfectly still on the bed after.

"Watch yourself Jett." Danny walk to the side of the bed, pushing a button that lifted me into a seated position. He put his hand on my shoulder, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel great." It was mostly true, maybe a bit sarcastic. A second later a few more people came into the room. "Hullo." I nodded to them.

The older man walked over and extended his hand to me. "Henry Reagan." I commented on the fact that he was the retired PC and he smiled, standing just a bit straighter and nodding his head. "I wanted to thank you personally for what you did for my son." He nodded his head towards the others in the room, "We all did."

I smiled a bit awkwardly, "Well, I'd do it a hundred times again."

I could see Danny look a bit proud at my answer, before he stepped around and started pointing out who was who in the crowd. "This is my wife Linda, and our two boys Jack and Sean." I smiled, nodding my head to Linda, and wiggling my fingers at the two boys. "You know Erin."

"ADA Reagan, pleasure to see you again." She smiled, shaking her head and replying the same.

"That's her daughter, Nicki."

"Big family." I muttered, chuckling lightly. The family joined in, a few scattered laughs came from them all. "I do know that you're missing someone."

Erin spoke up, "Jamie is sitting in the waiting room, they wouldn't let him back here with your dog."

"She's fantastic!" Sean piped up, bouncing up in down next to his mum.

I smile, "She is, isn't she." I look to Danny and sort of nod to the kids. He looks at them and nods, before ushering the three kids from the room. Linda kisses her husbands cheek, before leaving with them. The mood of the room darkens a bit. "How bad is it?"

"Not as bad as it could have been." Erin says, walking forward and sitting on the edge of the bed. "He got shot in the left shoulder, missed everything important. He was lucky to have you there with him."

"You on the other hand," Danny shakes his head, whistling a bit as he does. "Three gsw's. Can't believe you're not moaning in pain right now."

I chuckled a bit, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm bout ready to pop off. Already disliking this sitting here." Danny shook his head again.

"I hate to ask you this, but what can you tell us Jett?"

"Well, they ruined my last coat." I said this with a laugh, to let them know I wasn't serious. "Dark sedan. It was an old revolver, antique sounding. He was going for the Commissioner, but gave up trying to hit him after I knocked him over. The man inside the car was your build. I couldn't see his face, but he was white." I leaned my head back on my pillow, looking towards the ceiling as I did. "I'm sorry I can't remember much else."

A hand pats my leg, Erin's, she speaks; "It's more than what dad had. Thank you Jett."

"We'll leave you to rest." Henry Reagan spoke, and I nodded to him, accepting his hand to shake. "Thank you for what you did Jethro, the Reagan family owes you."

I watch the two of them leave the room, "You'll keep me in the loop." It wasn't a question.

"Of course, these guys are toast." Danny patted my shoulder before leaving the room.

I took a deep breath, thinking to the events of everything. My whole left side had a dull ache to it, and I felt drowsy. The morphine kicking back in, I was starting to doze. I leaned my head against the pillow, shutting my eyes and starting to let myself fall asleep. A knock on the door came, and when I finally brought myself away from sleep and opened my eyes Jameson was at the door.

My face lit up, and I smiled brightly, "Jameson."

He stepped in, closing the door lightly behind him, before sitting beside me on the bed. His hand fell into mine, and he squeezed it tightly.

"I was terrified." Jameson spoke softly, looking like he was near tears.

I sat up a bit, using him to sit myself up straight, I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I'm perfectly alright my love." He looked at me with a disbelieved look, before kissing me on the lips, conveying exactly how scared he was in the intensity of the kiss.

When he pulled away I was breathless. Without me asking, he helped me lay back, before sitting in the chair next to the bed. Jameson's hand stayed in mine as I dozed off, a little bit of domestic life in the middle of a hospital.

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