↞ Chapter Eight ↠

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Episode Two

I was up and out of my apartment by six a.m. for my morning run with Kenai. She was annoyed, like usual, to be woken up. But the second we were out of the building she was off like a rocket through the streets. Since moving back to New York, I've only missed one morning run, but it was an okay miss because it was my first morning in New York and I had a ridiculous amount of sleep that I needed to catch up on.

I stopped for coffee at the bodega on my way back, and when I reached my office I had a missed call from an unknown New York number. I spent the short amount of time it takes for me to shower to debate whether or not to call it back, and when I got out and dressed the number was calling me again.

"Detective Inspector Howards." It's the go-to for me to answer any call this way, because a large portion of the time it's some scammer, and if they know I'm an officer they tend to hang up.

"Good Morning Detective, this is Detective Abigail Baker with the Commissioners Officer. Commissioner Reagan asks for your presence in a meeting at eight o'clock this morning. Is this a possibility with your schedule?" Detective Baker is a fast talker apparently, and a busy worker, I could hear the shuffling of papers through the phone receiver.

I considered it for a moment, before responding. "Yes, that will work."

"Wonderful. I'll leave your name with the first floor desk, and you will be set to come straight up." She expressed a quick goodbye and hung up before I even got the chance to reply to it.

I got dressed in a loose suit, light blue shirt with dark gray slacks and jacket. I usually don't wear a tie, but for the sake of image and the Police Commissioner I added a gray tie to the mix. Kenai was waiting by the door as I approached, her leash was in her mouth and she handed it to me to clip on. We make our way through the door of my apartment and I double check the lock on the door before leaving.

Kenai hoped up on the bike first, settling carefully on the back seat and waiting eagerly for me to put her gear on her. Once we are both set I pull of the curb in one fluid motion, riding the streets of New York with little interference from the other vehicles. Every now and then I have to remind myself of the New York motorcycle laws, as they are drastically different from London and the laws found there.

The One PP is twenty uneventful minutes away, with a small parking lot behind the building. I pulled into the few motorcycle spaces that they have lined up and let Kenai off of the bike first. She sits and waits for me to tuck all of our gear into the seat container and grab her leash before standing up and sticking beside me as we make our way to the door. I let her through first, and follow with a nod to the woman who is on her way out.

There is a man standing behind the desk as I approach and he offers me a forced smile while asking me who I was. I responded, and he sent me to the elevator after asking to see my badge. It was empty when I stepped on, and only on flour fourteen did I gain someone onto the elevator. They stepped off a floor before me, and when I stepped onto the floor DCPI Garrett Moore happened to be passing by the elevator.

"Mr. Moore, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"Detective, are you here to see the Commissioner again?" Moore paused in his stride and waited for me as I stepped off of the elevator.

"Yes sir, he has asked me to sit in on a meeting this morning."

"Hmm." He nods and readjusts his stack of papers to his other arm. "You can call me Garret detective."

"Only if you call me Jett."

"Deal." He chuckles, and we watch as Baker stands from her desk as we approach. She smiles, stepping around her desk and knocking on the Commissioner's door.

"Commissioner, I have Detective Inspector Howards, and DCPI Moore here." She opened the door and spoke lightly as she did, I was unable to hear the Commissioner's reply, but when she stepped back and held the door for the two of us, I followed Garrett in.

"Sir." I stood at attention for him, and waited until he told me to me to continue as I was.

"Thank you for being here Detective Inspector, Garrett." He was on his feet when we walked in, and made no move to sit down, instead walking to a door in the corner of the office that I had not noticed before. Just before he opened it, he looked down to Kenai, "Maybe leave her out here."

"If you wish." I turned back and set the top of Kenai's leash on the edge of the desk. "Asseyez-vous et attendez." She lays down at the edge of the desk, and watches as I turn and walk away.

Frank nods, before opening the door and admitting all three of us in. When I enter I had no idea who I expected to be in there, or even if anyone was going to be in there, but sitting at the table was Kelly Richardson and another man, who appears to be a lawyer. We all take a seat on the other side of the table, and wait for someone to break the silence, which understandably so was Frank.

"This is Kelly Richardson and her lawyer, Mrs. Richardson you know DCPI Moore." The woman says hello to him, and then Frank points to me. "This is Detective Inspector Jethro Howards, this is his and his partners case."

She just nodded in my direction, before motioning to the screen in the room. "There is no need to sugar coat any of this so I'll just jump straight to the point. This video was emailed to my news channel late yesterday afternoon."

The video to play was as unexpected as could be, and the look that the Commissioner gave me after it finished was one of hurried undertones. This needed to end, the sooner the better.



Asseyez-vous et attendez: Sit and wait

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