↞ Chapter Nine ↠

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Episode Two

"Handsome never rides in the same car as the rest of his gang." Danny mutters, tapping a pen on his desk.

"Yes, he calls them, tells them where to wait, they do the robbery, and then Handsome is gone again." I had a map of the subway lines through New York city on my desk, and I was marking it up with the probable and unlikely places he was going to hit. 

"After the video, he's going to assume we have the two train covered."

"Which means twenty-six lines, four-hundred and sixty-eight stations in less then an hour." Danny gives me a funny look, "I read it somewhere, it just stuck with me."

"We need to look at all of this with a different angle." Danny stands up and comes around to my side of the desk, holding the papers that previously sat on his. He grabs a red marker, using the pages he had brought over to make dots on the map. It takes him a minute, but when he finishes, I nearly understand his point. "Every police contact, every known associate, relative home and work in the last six months."

"It's all over the map." I take a deep breath, starting to step away before catching something I hadn't noticed originally. "Wait, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens. He's gone everywhere but the Bronx, and since there isn't a station on Staten Island-"

"Then he's headed to the Bronx!" Danny moved away from my desk quickly, hurrying around to his computer and typing quickly. "He's got a farebeat summons on 149th and 3rd, and a stop and frisk on Westchester and Courtland."

I make the marks on the map, before marking it one more time with the location of a bar. "Denise said that Lee used to hide out at this bar off of 147th street."

"Still doesn't tell us where he's gonna hit though." Danny retorts, tossing my market back at me.

I catch it easily as I pick up my phone, "We don't need to, we just need to know where he's getting on." I dial a number on my phone, and speak quickly. "This is Detective Inspector Howards with the 54th, I'm working the high profile Samaritan shooter case and I need officers at every station north and south in your area. We are looking for the man called Handsome. As soon as possible mate. Thank you."

When I look up Danny is hurrying to put his gun into his holster and grabbing his keys. I nod, patting my leg for Kenai to follow, and together the two of us jog out the back of the precinct. He pauses at the front of the car, and tosses the keys to me.

"You drive." He has a smile as he says it, snatching Kenai's leash from me and going around to the passenger side of the short car. I laugh, hurrying to get in and buckle up. He follows, and buckles faster than I thought anyone ever could. I shift the car into reverse, and back around until I'm facing forward. I shift to drive and can hear the tires squeal as I hit the gas, Danny grunts, leaning to flip the lights on as we clunk onto the road. "God, don't make me regret it."

I laughed, honking at the car that happened to cut me off at the same time. It was a quick drive to the Bronx thanks to the lights and sounds of the car as we went.

"If we go to the station by that bar, we've got a better shot of finding Handsome." I shoot a glance over my shoulder at Danny and he nods.

"Then you'll want to turn left up ahead." I snort as he responds, shooting past his recommended turn. "Or not."

"I do know my way around."

"Well, yah'd never know based off that accent of yours." Danny retorts, bracing himself as we take a right. I laugh again, shaking my head as I make one last turn.

"You're not the first to say that to me." I slam on the breaks, pulling into a parallel parking space with ease. Danny is out of the car first, I pop the boot before getting out, and when I stand tall Danny tosses a vest to me just like before. I pull my jacket off, and pull the vest over my chest. My next task was setting Kenai up in a vest, it was easy enough, and once we were ready Danny and I walked down the steps of the subway.

The only sound as we made our way down was Kenai's claws clicking on the stairs, and it seemed to echo throughout the whole underground. When Danny and I reached the bottom of the stairs I slowly removed my gun from its holster and lifted it just a bit. Danny motions over to the right, and there he is, standing on the phone waiting for the tube. The front pocket on his jumper was weighted down.

"Gun. Jumper pocket." Danny nods, standing straighter and walking closer to the man. I follow behind, scanning the surrounding area for anyone else.

"Hey! Haven't I seen you in the movies?" I stop walking a few feet behind him, keeping my gun raised in the direction of the man. Handsome turns quickly, stumbling backwards when he sees the two of us. He turns and starts to run, hopping off the track and sprinting away. Danny and I gave trace, and I was already cursing the man for running.

"Stop!" Danny shouted as he chased after the man, as if it would do anything.

"Kenai, Atrrape le!" I shouted loudly, and she took off faster than the pair of us, she disappeared into the dark of the tunnel, and a few minutes later I can hear Handsome shouting ahead of us, a gunshot, and then the sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

I speed off faster than Danny, the sound of my feet pounding the floor as I go. When I catch up to Kenai she has her teeth wrapped around the guy's arm just like she's trained to do. Handsome's gun had fallen to the ground, and I was quick to kick it away from him.

"Get your fucking dog you pig!" Handsome pulls on his arm with panic in his eyes. I grab his hand and yank it behind his back.

"She doesn't bite." I respond, snagging my handcuffs from the loop on my belt.

"You know what, fuck you." Handsome wriggles aggressively, attempting to pull himself from me. I click the cuff around his wrist.

"Liberation."I mutter, and Kenai responds, releasing the mans arm and moving a foot or so away before sitting down. I grab his other arm, ignoring his dramatic shout of police brutality and cuff it behind his back. When I pull the man to his feet Danny is smiling proudly at Kenai, and scratching the top of her head. I could just barely hear him whispering praises to her, before he stands up and brandishes Handsome's gone to me.

"A nine." He states, before tucking it into his jacket. I pull Handsome down the tunnel towards the service exit while Danny calls in that we had our man. When we make it to the top Danny takes over holding Handsome as I jog to the car with Kenai. She gets in the back, and I climb in the front of the car and pull into drive quickly. I screech dramatically to a stop next to Danny and click the unlock button a few times for him.

He tosses Handsome into the back of the van, and when he sees Kenai he panics a bit. Scooching all the way against the window and keeping a firm eye on Kenai. Danny climbs in the front seat and checks the image in the back of the car. He chuckles a bit, before motioning for me to continue on.

A light growl sounds from behind me, and when I check the mirror Kenai isn't even looking at Handsome, just at the front of the car. What brought the growl was Handsome moving towards her.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you mate." I didn't speak loudly, just enough for him to hear.

I could see Danny's smirk out of the corner of my eye, and I nearly laughed. Taking the next left, I could be proud of this collar, my first collar working for the NYPD.

Wonderful how that works out. 



Attrape le: grab him

Liberation: Release

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