↞ Chapter Nineteen ↠

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Season Two, Episode Sixteen

"I am the investigative reporter who specializes in stories of financial and political corruption." The woman, Melanie Maines, still looked rather shocked at what had happened to her, her hand in Kenai's fur, and the other pressed on her chest. I nodded along to what she was saying. "I have angered a lot of people with my work, I wouldn't know where to start."

"You are currently working on a story, yes?" At her nod, I continued, "Who would be threatened by what you're digging into?"

"Nobody that would try and throw acid in my face." The tone of her voice told me that she didn't want to go into detail, but she had barely given me anything to work with.

"Well, maybe we should be the judge of that." Frank spoke.

"And suppose the subject of my interview may or may not be a person of interest to the NYPD." Maines continued, a knowing looked passed across her eyes, and I rolled my own. "I don't know where he is, so don't ask. He gets in contact in his own way and at his own time."

I sighed, knowing that getting information from Melanie Maines would be like pulling teeth, I looked at Frank. Nodding my head at Miss Maines as if asking if he could reason with her in any way.

"Please Miss Maines, you've got to give me something here." I stuff my hands in my front pockets, and lean back on my heels, waiting for her to speak.

"Detective," She starts, "in that closet over there, is a Walter PPK that I am licensed to carry in 48 states, including this one. I will not leave my room, or this hotel without that gun in my purse for the rest of my stay."

"Well them, case closed." I muttered sarcastically, nodding and feeling a little reassured in her confidence in herself.

"I apologize Detective, I'm not trying to be cavalier, but I am not going to give up my source." I understand her dedication, and I understand her reasons behind it. But I did not have any information from her. I can also trust her abilities with the weapon locked in the safe, no one would carry something without a spark of knowledge towards it.

The look that passed between Frank and Miss Maines suddenly alerted me to the relationship that they had, though I had my suspicions beforehand.

Danny was going to have a field day with this.

"How about stalkers? Threatening mail?" I spoke up, interrupting their looks.

It took her a moment to look away from Frank, but the answer came easily. "My producer keeps a file on all the cranks and the," she pauses, "the creeps." The way she spoke made me believe she had someone in mind, I did not doubt that, but I also know that she will not share whomever it is with me.

I nodded, asking for the details for the publisher, before finally deciding that whatever little information I had would be enough for the moment. I reached into my front pocket, pulling out one of my courtesy cards, I passed it across to Melanie Maines.

"That's my number, my phone's on at all times, give me a call if anything happens." She thanked me, and I shake Kenai's leash in my left hand, calling her to me and clipping the leash on her back. I smiled, before nodding goodbye at the pair of them and leaving the way I came in. Frank called my name in the hallway, and I paused, letting him catch up to me.

We both got in the elevator, and it was silent for a moment. Frank focused himself on patting Kenai's head and scratching her ears, before finally speaking.

"Sorry to wake you Jett, but thank you for coming down." He felt awkward, I could tell, in the way his shoulders hunched over, and how he wasn't making eye contact with me. "We see each other a few times a year, when she's in town."


"We met at dinner the year before last. She lives in Atlanta, spends most of her time on the road." Frank kept talking, and the more he said, the funnier the entire situation got. "We both like to keep the friendship quiet."

The bell dings, the doors open, and we both step out. I had the luck of having my car parked just out front, but when we reached the outdoors, I realized the the Hummer wasn't there.

"Can I give you a lift?" I asked, clicking the button on my keys.

"Thanks," he climbed in the front, and I let Kenai in the back of the car. I climbed in, tuning the radio as soon as I started the car. The sounds of Sinatra came through the speakers, and the drive was rather silent.

"I want to ask, but I don't want to push." Frank spoke, and I threw a glance at him.

"Go on then." I muttered, looking back at the road and taking the next turn.

The question he asked was not one I was expecting. Everything pointed towards something involving work, but when he asked about Jameson and I, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jameson.

It was simple enough of a question, but I don't think he expected an answer to last the entire drive. I spoke of the odd quirks Jameson had, the way he liked his coffee, how every little thing seemed to make him smile. I spoke of his kindness, and about everything that made me happy when I was with him.

We pulled to a stop out of the front of the Reagan house, and Frank smiled as he turned to me. "You love him."

"I do." I answered without hesitation, looking at Frank for the first time since his question.

"Good." He set his hand on my shoulder, smiling in a way of approval, before climbing out of the car. I smiled, feeling tears well up behind my eyes at the idea of officially receiving Frank's stamp of approval.

I took a deep breath, before starting back towards home. I'd be able to get a few hours of sleep in before my shift officially starts, and the fact that Jameson was waiting in a still warm bed for me made the ride home worth it.

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