↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Episode Five

"I'm so sorry Jett, I was totally ready to come in today, but last minute my wife-"

"Hey, it's no big deal Danny. I can handle the paperwork. Spend time with you're family, everything is alright on this end." I could hear him sigh on the other end.

"You're the best Jett, I own ya one."

"How about you pay for coffee next few stops?" He laughs at my ask, which makes me snort at his obnoxious laugh.

"Deal. See you Monday Jett." I could hear the gratitude in his voice, as I replied the same. I shook my head as I hung up the phone, slipping it into my back pocket and I looked down at Kenai. "He's not coming anymore."

She flops her head to the side, her ears following, before whining and whacking me with her paw. I make a noise of dramatic surprise, before swiping a hand across her nose. She tucks her head low before whacking me again. I glare playfully at her before turning to focus on my work. I could see Kenai relax out of the corner of my eye, and the second she turned away I swiped out and flopped her ears forward, she reacted slowly moving to playfully nip at my hand. I just laugh in response, before picking up my pen and actually starting on work.

Twenty minutes into it my phone goes off in my pocket, I flip it open with my right hand and answer it, while continuing to fill out the paperwork with my left. "Detective Inspector Howards."

"Jett I just got a call. I'm on my way to the city-"

"Danny it's your day off, pretty sure I can handle initial inves-"

"It's a credible threat." He interrupts me.

"We caught the case?" It was a hypothetical question from me.

"We caught the case. All the information is on it's way over, you'll be there?"

"I'm already here, see you soon Reagan." I hang up the phone before hurrying over to the scanner. A light is blinking on it, and a few minutes after I reach the machine it starts to spit paper out of the mouth. 

Confidential: Detectives Reagan and Howards.

"Well, that's me." I mutter, taking the first page off of the scanner. It takes another minute for it to print all of the pages, but when it does I take them all in hand and start to flip through the stack. I wait around for at least five more minutes before deciding that it was actually finished printing, and walking over to my desk.

Confidential Information

Detectives Reagan and Howards

Counter terrorism units have a twenty-three year old Muslim-American boy in custody in Queens. Steven Hass, now known as Khalid Hassan, was arrested in connection to an email set to Al Qaeda leaders this morning at 0600 hours.

Arabic Translation: "Today no rest for oppressors in New York City. In area of fireball slaughters crusader enemies. 

Along with the email instructions for a car bomb were found on his computer, precursor chemicals, tools wires, but no device. No car is registered in his name, but he was spotted in a older-make dark SUV. No location was specified for the attack, but a map of the 59th Street Bridge was found.

Steps have already been taken at every bridge off of the city and major traffic areas. Checkpoints have already been doubled in the area. 

The rest of the stack consisted of a print-out of the email, the instructions on the computer, and picture surveillance of the area near his house. Reading the information sent a wave of panic through me, thinking of all that had gone down less than ten years ago. Whatever the case it needed to be solved before anything could come of it. I grabbed my coat off of the back of my chair, pulling both arms through it in a rapid motion before grabbing Kenai's leash and clipping her to it. 

I sat back down for a moment, collecting the papers that I had received and folding them in half. They made it into the inside right pocket of my coat, before I bent over and opened the bottom drawer of the desk. It's protocol to have your weapon un-holstered and tucked away while in the precinct, and so I decided early on to tuck mine in the bottom drawer, for relatively easy access in case of emergency. As I stood I slipped it into the holster and moved away from the desk.

I had barely gotten a step away when the world seemed to twist, my head got a little fuzzy for a second, but as quick as the feeling was here it was gone. And I was left with a light head and a dazed look. Kenai let out a whine from beside me but I ignored it, walking with firm footing towards the back door. I smile at the officer behind the desk, accepting the keys for the car, and walking through the double doors.

Tires squeal lightly as I come out, and I nearly duck, before recognizing the car as Reagan's. I nod to him as he gets out of his car. He runs to the passenger side of the car as I let Kenai in the back row.

"Right!" I slide into the seat, clicking the car on and backing around in one fluid motion. "Here we are."

I grab the stack of papers from my coat pocket and hand it over to him, using one hand to direct the car into the street. 

"An old SUV huh?" Danny mumbles under his breath, bracing himself as I swing around a turn. "There's like, 50 million in the city alone."

"I know. They've done everything but close the bridges out of the city, so expect-" I slam on the breaks suddenly as a car cuts me off. I let out a yelp in a very un-police way at the jolt the vehicle gives me, before beeping the horn at the car. "Delays."

Danny snorts, nearly falling against the dashboard at the sudden jolt the car took with the braking. "Tell me about it." He folds the paper closed, and turns to face the side of me. "They know the target yet."

I shake my head no, "Somewhere in Manhattan but no specifics yet."

"Damn." I thought Danny was reacting to the news, but when I look over he's fumbling to pull out his phone. "Linda is taking the boys to Central Park Zoo for my oldest's birthday."

The car goes quiet for a minute as he dials his wife, and dials his wife, and dials his wife. He leaves the same message each time, "Linda, babe, it's me. Listen, when you get this message, just-just turn around and take the boys home okay? I can't talk about it right now, just don't be in the city? Call me as soon as you get this. I love you babe." He hangs up, before letting out a string of cuss words that under any other circumstances would get him a formal write up.

He squints a bit at the phone, before stuffing it in his pocket. "Where are we headed?"

"They took the guy to the FBI holding, but we get to talk to him." I pause, wiggling my head side to side, "Well, you do. The FBI thinks you've got a way with interrogation."

I could see Danny nodding out of the corner of my eye, but my main focus stayed on the road ahead. What would be a ten minute drive became upwards of twenty, and the only real conversation to happen was with Danny and his wife's automated response.

"Linda, you know, what is the point of having a cell phone if you're not going to pick it up babe? Call me back, please."

"Central-Zoo on the weekend is chaotic." Danny rubs a hand along his chin, "Wall-to-wall baby strollers, sound like an American target to you?"

I turn the blinker on, and start to move into the right lane.

"Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going? That's not right, left turn on the next block." Danny is quick to try and correct me.

"We are going to get your family."

"And what about the hundred others, just let them get blown up?" Danny shakes his head, and tells me to get back in the right lane. "No, we are going to solve this, and then nobodies going to get hurt."

I could almost be inspired by his sure-footed resolve, I moved into the right lane with a nod, before nearly instantly turning right. Suddenly Kenai pops in the middle on top of the console, she wines, scratching at Danny's arm. He looks confused for a moment, before reaching over to scratch at her ears. When I get the chance to look over she's got her head on his shoulder, and her tongue sort of lolled out.

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