↞ Chapter Twenty-Ten ↠

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Episode Eighteen

I woke up to a disappointingly empty apartment.

Jameson had left a note on his half of the bed, which wished me luck on my day, and that he wanted to meet for a late lunch if I could fit it in my day. I smiled at his thoughtfulness before rolling out of bed and onto my feet.

I dressed quickly, working on tucking in my shirt as I walked through the kitchen of my flat and to my front door. I looked through the hole in the door, and I'm surprised that there isn't an officer sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I turn away from the door and starting the coffeemaker. Kenai took her time getting out of her bed, stretching and whining as she did. I fed her, pouring my coffee into a thermos and grabbing Kenai's leash from the hook by the door.

She pranced over, but I waited to hook her up, instead opening the door and letting her run down the stairs. I locked the door behind me, double checking my pockets, holster, and coat pockets as I did.

"Goodbye Mrs. Jefferson!" I shouted as I left through the front door. Kenai took off, running across the road into the front of the park. I could see her from where I was, but turned away as she did her business.

"Detective Inspector." I tensed up when I heard the voice, my hand moving subtly towards my holster as I turned. I relaxed, nodding towards the Sargent from last night as she approached. "Can we give you a ride back to the precinct?"

"I'll be alright, I'm not headed there first." I smiled, reaching to shake her hand. "Go home Sargent, get some sleep. Thank you."

She nodded, "If you don't mind DI Howards, we'll wait until you are on your way before leaving ourselves."

I nodded, before turning back to the park and whistling. Kenai came prancing back, and I pulled her harness over her head and pull her front paws through. I nod to the Sargent once again, clicking my tongue and drawing Kenai toward my motorcycle that was parked off to the side.

We got on as we usually do, and as I started my motorcycle I could see the Sargent's amused smile. I waved as I drove off, leaning into the turn as I went. The odd feeling was back, but I didn't have much time to think about it, as I pulled into the District Attorney's Office parking lot.

I walked in through the front door, emptying my pockets into the plastic tins they give you to go through the metal detector. I obviously beep as I go through, and I show them my shield, before showing my weapon. The security guard standing there nods and lets me through, I mutter in French as I go. Into the elevator, up to the third floor, smile to the receptionist by the elevator entrance, and go through to the back to Erin's office.

The usual woman at the desk in front of Erin's office wasn't there, so I walked on past, knocking on Erin's office door frame. She looked up from her desk smiling and waving for me to come inside.

"Jett, glad you made it through the night." I laughed, walking into the office and reaching across the desk to shake her hand. "What can I help you with?"

I smiled, "The last time I answered a grand jury summons I was just twenty-three, and it was for at my home in London." She nodded, and I continued, "I'm afraid to say that I've got no bloody idea what's going to happen tomorrow." She laughed, standing from her desk and making her way around to the couch. She offers me the armchair, and I take a seat, leaning forward to listen to her words eagerly.

"How about a trade?" I squinted my eyes, before nodding for her to continue. "You tell me how you met Joe, and I'll give you some notes for tomorrow?"

I thought about Joe, and nodded, leaning back in my seat and thinking through the time he spent with me in London. "Your grandfather didn't even remember that I knew Joe. How'd you remember?"

She followed suit, leaning back in her seat, and crossing her legs. "At the dedication, you were the only person that dad invited personally, and he wouldn't have done it unless there was a reason."

"Hmm." I hum in understanding. "Joe and I knew each other pretty well, he came over to London for a semester or so, during the few years he went to college. He stayed with me when he did, it was a sort of spur of the moment thing. I fink," I pause, saying the word 'think' again, before continuing, "he was just eighteen or so, and we met at the pub that I worked at. Joe was sitting at the bar, he had," I tried to remember what it was, when Erin spoke up.

"Whiskey on the rocks."

I smiled, nodding before continuing, "That's it. Some how we got talking, I poked fun at the fact that he was an American, and one thing led to another and I offered him the other room in my flat." I laughed, shaking my head, "He didn't tell me his full name, we never got around it, but once I did I realized that he was a Reagan, and I thought it was some twist of fate."

Erin shifts a bit, looking confused, and I take a deep breath before clarifying.

"Your dad was the first Reagan I met. He was still a beat cop, low on the totem poll. When he had the minging jobs. He saved my life." Erin suddenly understood.

"That's why you came back." She said, and I nodded.

"Your da' asked me too, and I couldn't say no." She looked a little sad at my answer, and asked how he saved my life. "No matter how much it's my story, you should ask your dad. Frank is the only reason that I became a cop, and the main reason why I became a detective."

She nodded, and stood from the couch. "A deals a deal," she grabs a stack of papers from her desk and she smiles as she passes it across. "I'm glad you knew Joe."

I smiled, accepting the papers before speaking "Me too."

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