↞ Chapter Twenty-Five ↠

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Season Two, Episode Nineteen

I woke up to my phone ringing, which seemed to happen more often than I would like. I was quick to snatch it off of my dressing and answer it. My sleep schedule was jacked up at the moment, because of repeated night shifts that I had been pulling, and while I should probably be awake by now, I couldn't bring myself to leave Jameson in the bed.

"Danny hold on a second." I whispered, putting him on hold, and turning my face into Jameson. I kissed his shoulder, slowly moving him off of me and rolling to the edge of the bed. The floor was freezing under my feet, and I subconsciously shivered, grabbing the blanket that I had been using and wrapping it around my shoulders. The warmth from the bed was so much better than the rest of the flat, and as I stepped out I wanted more than anything to go back and lay with Jameson.

"What's up Danny?" I was careful with how loud I was, but I wasn't whispering anymore.

"My youngest, Sean, he's got this friend, and his dad just committed suicide-"

"Oh, I'm sorry." I was not sure why he was mentioning this too me, but I assume that he has a point to it all.

"Yeah, thanks" He was dismissive of my apology, which makes me assume that he did not know the man very well. "His kid is convinced he didn't do it, that someone else did it. He asked me to look into it-"

"Which in turn means me." I wasn't annoyed, the opposite in fact, I was intrigued.

"Yeah, yeah, but you don't need too." Danny spoke in a way that told me he really wanted me to help, but that if I didn't he would respect my decision.

I thought about it for a moment, thinking about my warm bed with my love laying waiting for me. I could easily say no, I was off for most of the week, and this would turn into quite a large amount of overtime for me. I sighed, before telling him to keep going about what he's got so far.

"Well, not much, Gormley won't let me have the case file because I've done my overtime for the quarter. I've got the funeral today,-"

"I'll get the file Danny no worries."

"Perfect." I couldn't help but smile at the idea of Danny wanting to help this kid so much that he would push past the usual rules of the precinct and use his partner to look into the case. "Thank you Jett."

"No problem Danny, good luck today." I hung the phone up after his reply, turning to head back to my room. I smiled as I stepped in, Jameson had spread himself across the entire bed face down. I tip-toed forward, stepping with light feet on the sort-of creaky floor. Jameson didn't move, and as I got closer I dropped the blanket, slowly laying on top of Jameson in a way of smothering affection.

He groaned, and I smiled. "Good late-morning my love." I kissed his shoulder as I laid down, smiling brightly.

Jameson groaned again, "I've got to get up."

"Don't." I wrapped my arms around him, wiggling my hands to get them under his chest. He hissed.

"Why are your hands always so cold?" He mumbled, and I made sure to touch as much bare skin as I could. 

We laid for what felt like a long time, before Jameson rolled me off of him and started to stand. I whined for him to stay, but all he did was shake his head and stand anyways. Jameson stood above the bed, looking down at me with just a hint of a smile on his face. I reached out, grabbing his hand and kissing his palm before letting him walk away.

"Maybe I'll treat you and Renzuli to coffee my love?"

"Tomorrow." Jameson sounded disappointed, and I questioned why. "Renzuli has court today so I'll be at the precinct doing paperwork mostly. But he'd probably take you up on that, if," he put emphasis on the world, "you throw a donut in the mix as well."

"Consider it done," I rolled myself out of bed, draping my arms around his shoulders and hugging him lightly.

Jameson had been staying with me for a while, and as we both got dressed we worked off of each other. Tossing socks and such in a form of practiced ease. I finished first, leaving for the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for him, and tea for myself. Kenai sat patiently by her bowls, and while I waited for the water to boil I filled them up to the brim.

"You ready to go to work?" I asked her excitedly, and could basically see the disappointment in her face at the idea of having to go to work with me.

"You'd think she was human with that look." Jameson kissed my cheek as he came into the room before grabbing the thermos of coffee off of the counter.

"She basically is." I spoke to him, before bending down and kissing the top of her snot. "Are you human Kenai," I speak in a high pitch kiddy voice, kissing her nose after I finish speaking, and letting her nuzzle my face. I stand, turning to Jameson only to find him looking at me with a fond smile on his face. 

He looks away quickly, before lifting the thermos up. "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"For sure." I step towards him, ducking my head slightly so he doesn't have to stand much higher. I kiss him lightly, "I love you."

"I love you too babe."

I watched him leave, practically melting from the use of the affectionate term. Once he's down the stairs I spin around, pouring my tea and adding a bit of sugar. Kenai sits beside the door, waiting as I pull my coat on. I check the pockets for her leash and my badge, before opening the cupboard next to the door out. One of my weapon safes sits on the bottom shelf, and I am sure to be careful when I remove the weapon from its spot, placing it directly into the holster at my waist.

Kenai goes down first, and I follow a moment later.

"Goodbye Mrs. Jefferson!" I shout loudly, not waiting for her reply before stepping out the front door.


Ya'll I swear to god I can never remember the landladies name, and I never want to look for it. So if I got it wrong, please please please comment to tell me.

Hope you enjoy!

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