↞ Chapter Twenty ↠

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Episode Eight

"After we went through five cycles of IVF, Dr. Wakefield suggested adoption." The woman seemed confused as she answered, but she didn't hesitate with the answers. Kenai was sitting next to her, accepting all the scratches that the women and her husband would give. Something that she (being Kenai) was always good at, keeping people calm and on track with what they were saying.

Danny and I had been working the case for the past few days, with minimal success. We've only just gotten this lead, a young couple that had connections to a free clinic in Soho.

"This Dr. Wakefield, he suggest anything else?" Danny was seated in an armchair across from the couple, I took to standing just off to the side. The woman was seated closely to her husband, practically using him to support herself. She went on about how the man, Dr. Wakefield suggested they adopt a Chinese baby, and that the two of them had no protest against it.

"Did he tell you when you would receive the baby?" I readjust my footing as I ask.

The man seem surprised at my accent, but it didn't deter him from answering. "He said someone would bring it to us. His wife is Chinese, and has some like, political connections, so we wouldn't have to fly to China to get her."

"Sorry to break it to you mate, but that isn't the reason you aren't going to China." The couple looks confused, the man shakes his head and starts to ask something but I jump in speaking before he could. "We believe that your baby is coming to you from a place much closer to home."

I stop talking, letting Danny continue, "There are women in Chinatown that are being paid money to give their babies up for adoption. Your baby is coming from one of these women."

The wife gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh dear god."

"Did they tell you when you could expect the baby?" Danny stood up at this time, straightening out his jacket as he did.

"Any day now." The husband followed and stood as well, "Dr. Wakefield said the mother was due this week, and that we could expect the baby a little bit after that."

"My god, are we going to loose this baby too?" The women grabbed her husband's hand as she speaks, only sounding concerned for her family, rather than the fact that this women is going to loose her family as well. I squint at the woman, shaking my head before excusing myself and letting Danny finish up with the, distraught, couple. I click my tongue, Kenai prances toward me and follows the entire way outside, before taking a seat right outside the front door.

A few minutes later, Danny comes out, shaking his head as he does. "Dr. Wakefield is a real piece of work. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into."

I nod, walking to the car and letting Kenai in. "Ming-Tai probably doesn't know either, nine months is a long time with someone, guarantee she changed her mind about all of this. Which of course the Triad doesn't give a shit about."

Danny snorts my choice of words, but nods anyways. He puts the car in drive and heads into the city, driving the city streets with ease, something I wish I was a little better at. But that's why man invented taxi's. Danny pulls off the road just a bit, and I unbuckle sliding out of the seat and standing on the sidewalk, waiting for Danny. Kenai stays in the car for this, just because I there is no need to bring her in.

"Docta' Wakefield!" Danny's New York accent came through as we approached the doctor and his wife at their lunch table. The doctor in question looks up, and is instantly angry at the sight of the two of us. I smile sarcastically, waltzing up and slamming my badge on the table. He pulls his phone out, starting to dial the number to who I can only assume is his lawyer.

Dr. Wakefield glares at the two of us, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head as he hangs up his phone. "Don't even bother, I'm not saying anything until my lawyer gets here."

"Look, don't you want to save your asses?" Danny looks at Dr. Wakefield's wife, "Both your asses?"

Nancy Wakefield looks upset, she leans forward and starts to whisper to her husband but he tells her to shut up. His hand wraps around hers in a way that could be comforting, but I couldn't be sure.

"Tell us where Ming-Tai is before those Triad goons get her, okay?" Danny grabbed a chair from a table next across the isle, swinging it around and taking a seat. Dr. Wakefield looks unshaken, keeping a hand on his wife and reaching forward for a sip of his drink.

I look at the wife, and when she looks up at me I speak directly to her, "If you don't, you're looking at accessory to murder love."

She looks confused, before mouthing the murder. 

"Ming-Tai changed her mind, she doesn't want to give up her baby." Nancy Wakefield looks confused, "What do you think's going to happen to her?"

"Warren, honey, please." Nancy Wakefield leans forward, trying to talk to her husband.

"No." His words were harsh, and the grip on her hand tightened, I could tell from the wince that she gave that it was too hard.

"Alright you tosser, here's whats going to happen." I reach across and thunk his hand, "You're going to let go of her, and she is going to come and have a chat with me."

The doctor glares at his wife, saying something under his breath to her before letting go of her hand. I smile lightly at her, waving my hand and walking towards the exit of the restaurant.

"Where is Ming-Tai Mrs. Wakefield?" She glances over her shoulder towards her husband, who is glaring daggers at the back of her head. "No no, don't worry about him. Worry about the fact that Ming-Tai is probably going to die if you don't help me find her."

She sighs, "This all started with my brother, Dennis. He'd see all these girls come into the center pregnant, no husband, not a dime to her name. He came to my husband and said about the fact that we know all of this rich people who can't have any babies. He thought that these people that we know could give a better life to these unwanted babies."

"You do realize that selling babies is illegal, for a reason." I put emphasis on the end of the sentence, and Nancy looks upset. She shakes her head before speaking.

"It was just suppose to help the girls and us, but then Dennis got the Triads involved. He pays them to make sure the girls keep up with their end of the deal."

"Where is Ming-Tai?"

"The Triad, they have their own doctor." She pauses, "His name, it's a man called Dr. Yi. His office is at Bayard and Mott Street."

I smile, muttering a thank you, before shouting for Danny. He hurries out of the restaurant, just as I call for a patrol car. Luckily one was right around the corner, they hurry out of the car and I pass along the information about arresting the Wakefields.

Danny tosses me the keys, and we are off, speeding away to the address that Nancy had given. Danny braces himself the entire time, and it was nearly laughable. Emphasis on nearly.

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