↞ Chapter Twenty-Two ↠

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Season Two, Episode Sixteen

Noble Sanfino called me back within an hour. Telling me that I had made everything worse, and that his Uncle Phil wanted to talk to me. I informed IAB of the meeting place, and of all the information I had on the situation, before going to Danny in a flurry. He was closer to finding out who was stalking Miss Melanie Maines, but he wasn't there just yet.

We spoke for a few minutes on everything that had happened within the past few hours, before I insisted we move on. And while I was only able to assist Danny for a few hours, I did help in finding a lead, something he did not have yet.

I was to drive to the nearest precinct to the meet up, where they would give me everything needed to be successful. Which included a wire, that I was not confident in wearing, and a tracking device, to make sure that if I change locations they will always know where I am.


I told them repeatedly that I was going to take my weapon, but later that evening I climbed into a cab weaponless, and very nervous.

The man driving the cab was an officer, a detective with the 19. He did not speak to me during the drive, and I did not speak to him. Instead, I pulled my phone out, dialing the number that I had memorized for a long time and holding it against my ear.

"This is Jamie Reagan, sorry I can't come to the phone right now-" I hung up, upset that he wasn't able to answer, but happy that he wouldn't worry about something that he didn't know about.

To him I was just working late, and I wish more than anything that that is what I was actually doing.

I stepped out of the cab,.

"Noble." It was my version of hello.

"Alvie." He walked towards me quickly, and I realized how awful he looked from earlier. His nose all black and blue, his left eye matched.

"I'm sorry about your face." I said as he walked forward. He tried to hug me, and I stepped out of the way. He was obviously disappointed, but shook it away. The hum of an engine alerted me to a car fast approaching, I turned, looking at it unflinching as it stopped a few feet away.

"Get in." Noble put a hand on my shoulder, nudging me towards the car.

"Where are we going?" I stood unmoving as he attempted to get me in the car.

"What the hell does it matter?" Noble spoke with a frustrated tone, nudging me once again.

I spun quickly, grabbing him by the front of his jacket and holding him close in a threatening way. Fear flashed through his eyes, I was unmoved by it.

"I want to know if you where we are going to see if you are at all capable of telling the truth." My voice was low when I spoke, and Noble thought about my words for a moment. He nodded, and I slowly let go of him.

"To his club a few miles from here." I got in the car, and Noble followed just after.

In reality I did not care where we were going, my focus was more on not panicking. The information was more for those listening in. I was told not to go anywhere with them, and me disobeying would be an annoyance. But I reckon they can handle it.

"What does he want to know?" I asked, not looking at Noble as I spoke.

"About where you went for starters. What you know about Tesla. And-" He cut himself off, and didn't speak anymore.

"And what Sanfino." Noble sighed, before setting a hand on my leg, I flinched, turning my body away from him.

I could see his face out of the corner of my eye, and I could nearly feel bad. "They, they think you give off some sort of cop scent."

A stab of fear went through my heart, and I felt everything go cold. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Last chance, what they hell are you hiding?" Noble's voice had a sharp edge to it, something that I hadn't heard from him before. "Are there cops watching you or something?"

I laughed dryly, in a way to ease the tension. "No way in hell."

"Really? Cause the guy mixing the drinks at the bar we went to, he seemed to think that there were cops there, and that they were watching you." The last part of his sentence was spoken all in one breath, like he was flirting but in a condescending angry sort of way. He slid closer to me on the seat, not bothering with the fact that whatever he was going to do would not be reciprocated. "You're wound pretty tight for a guy without a secret."

He spoke inches from my ear, before attempting to touch me once again. I grabbed his hand, moving as well as I could in a space as small as this, twisting his arm around his back and threatening him with my words.

"You will not touch me again, not without my permission."

I let go of him, sliding out the car door as the van pulled to a stop. I threw a glance over my shoulder, watching as Noble slide out of the car after me, rubbing his shoulder as it apparently ached.

"Noble!" The character of Uncle Phil approached us, throwing his arms around his nephew and smiling brightly in an uncharacteristic way. This look disappeared when he looked at me.

"Alvie Jones." It was spat, more like an insult. "Go inside Noble, I've got it from here."

Noble protested, loudly, but was knocked away by two of the men standing at Phil's side. They grabbed me, and I did something very uncharacteristic of me to do.

I begged.

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