↞ Chapter One ↠

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Season Two, Episode One

"Your dad called me this morning." I spoke to Jameson through the phone as I walked through the park. It was late in the day on Wednesday, and Kenai was rather anxious for a walk, so I did two things at once. Jameson's been stuck on the graveyard shift for the past few days and we hadn't seen much of each other in a while.

"What for?" Jameson sounded just a bit confused, but I knew that it was only because he was looking at a menu. He always sounded confused when looking at a menu.

"Dinner in an hour or so." Jameson grunted at my response. "The first since the attempt on Frank's life."

It got quiet for a minute, and I bent to pick up Kenai's poo and throw it away. "You don't have to go Jett." His voice was soft when he spoke.

I sighed, nodding as I continued through the park. "But-"

"No buts, if you don't want to go, tell him no." His voice muffled for a moment, and I could hear him make his order. "He'll understand why you don't want to go."

I thought about it, before nodding. "I'll go." I could hear Jameson's sigh. "I just, I feel like I need to show him that I trust his team. That I trust that something as simple as dinner with the Commissioner can-" I paused, both in step and in words. The sun was just starting to set, early for the time, but it was getting colder, it distracted me.

"Jett? You alright?" Jameson sounded a bit concerned.

"I lost my train of thought." He laughed, and I laughed too, before continuing to walk. Kenai started to bounce and tug on her leash, and when I looked up I notice a large smattering of dogs running through the park. I leaned down, unclipping her and watching as she took off.

"So you're gonna go?"

"I'm gonna go." I muttered, taking a seat on a park bench as I keep an eye on Kenai. Jameson makes a noise of acknowledgement through a full mouth. "Alright, I gotta go, Kenai started a game of tug-a-war, and I gotta get her off of this dog. I'll call you later."

"Bye Jett."

"Bye Jameson." I hung up my phone, taking a deep breath, before pushing myself off of the bench. "Kenai!" I shouted, whistling as I walked towards her. She looked at me, bouncing forward for a moment, before bouncing back. I walked closer, getting low to the ground and smiling as I reached for the rope in her mouth. She dove away, "Kenai, we need to go. Le temps d'y aller."

She starts to walk back towards me, and I smile, reaching into my coat pocket and grabbing her leash. The second she saw it she took off, running through the main grass of the park. I groaned, throwing my head back, before taking off after her. I jumped past people, dodging around walkers and strollers and everything in between. "Kenai je jure que tout va bien!" I shout, she stops, turning and dropping the rope before sitting down with a smile. I sighed in relief, slowing down in my run, before walking towards Kenai.

Suddenly I slammed into someone, a few cuss words leave my mouth on my way to the ground, the guy I bumped into followed suit, and suddenly Kenai re-appeared. I rolled over, nudging Kenai away and trying to stop my laughter as I stand to my feet. The guy I crashed into, or maybe he crashed into me, either way, he wasn't trying to hide his laughter. He rolled on his back, a bright smile on his face as he laughed loudly. I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at him, I held a hand out once he calmed down. He accepted it, and as I pulled him to his feet he introduced himself.

"Noble Sanfino," He smiled, readjusting his hand in mine before shaking it twice.

"I'm," I pretended to catch sight of my watch, "late for work. Sorry mate." I smiled in a form of a pretend apology. I heard him hum as I turned to face Kenai and clip her leash on her. I waved goodbye before turning to walk away.

"Maybe I'll see you around luv." He mimicked my accent, and I shrugged before speaking over my shoulder.

"Probably not." I shouted, ignoring his terrible attempt at my accent, before picking up the pace and jogging away. Sanfino. I recognized the name, and as I hailed a cab I scribbled the name on the palm of my hand. To remind me that I needed to look him up later, I don't think it'll come to anything, but the name sounded so  familiar.

"One Police Plaza, please." I spoke to the cabbie as I climbed in, before speaking to Kenai, "Du repos." I muttered, and she laid in the floorboard, propping her head on my feet.

"You got it." The man spoke with a thick Brooklyn accent, before he pulled off of the curb and drove to the direction of One PP. I pulled my phone out, checking the time, before looking back up, the man made a turn onto Broadway, and I looked out at the marquee signs as we drove by them.

We got stuck in traffic a few blocks away, and I leaned forward, tapping the man on the shoulder and passing cash to him. "I can walk from here, thank you." He asked if I was sure, and I nodded yes before sliding out the right side door, grabbing Kenai's leash as I went. I slammed the car door shut, waving to the man as I passed by the front door. I moved quickly, dodging the few people on the streets before ducking into a Chinese food takeout place. I ordered, glad for the short wait, before hurrying to One PP. I held the door open for a few people, before slipping inside.

"Hello Detective Inspector!" The receptionist called out to me as I walked in, I smiled to her, remembering the fact that she was learning French before replying.

"Bonjour Idina." I shouted back, waving to her as I passed the front desk and pressed the elevator button. I bounced on my toes as I waited, before hurrying in without the doors opening all the way. I checked my phone as the elevator went up, and stepped off as it went ding. "Hullo Detective Baker." I smiled as I approached her desk, and when she looked up she smiled just as bright.

She stood, walking around the desk and giving me a hug. American's always seem so oddly affectionate, but I hugged her back. As she stepped away, she scratched Kenai's head before standing. "It's good to see you again." I repeated the same, rolling back on my heels and watching as she walked around to the other side of her desk. "You can go on in."

"Danken." I muttered, tapping her desk as I passed by.

I placed my hand on the door, starting to turn the handle before Bakker spoke. "D.I. Howards?" She called, and I turned with my hand still on the handle. "My son will be here in a few minutes, and he loves dogs, can Kenai stay with me?" I smiled, before nodding as I bent down to unclip Kenai.

"Va t'asseoir." Kenai obeys, walking over to Detective Bakker's desk, and just as I disappear into the office I see Bakker melt into Kenai, patting and muttering nonsense over her.

I enter with a smile.



Le temps d'y aller = Time to go.

Kenai je jure que tout va bien = Kenai I swear to everything that is good

Du repos = Rest

Va t'asseoir = Go sit down.

Danken = German Translation: Thank you.

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