↞ Chapter Twenty-Eight ↠

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Episode Eighteen

Danny was true to his word, he picked me up at 8:30 the next morning, and took me straight to the precinct, where Sargent Gormley was waiting for the two of us.

"After the two of yous make the arrest, I'm having a detail assigned to you Jett." I nodded. "You got any family in the city you want us to put a detail on?"

I considered his question for a moment. Jameson was the first to come to mind, but I had a feeling that he could handle himself. The rest of the Reagan's came to mind, but in the end I just shook my head.

"I don't have any family left."

Sid seemed a little surprised, but he tried not to show it. Instead he just nodded, turning away and pulling out his phone. I walked to my desk, taking a seat and looking at the papers scattered across my desk. Danny leaned against the side of my desk.

"You really have no one?" He sounded sad, and I nodded slowly. My hand landed on the top of Kenai's head and I scratched her ears. "Damn."

He stood there for a second, before walking away. We sat around for a little bit, I took a few calls from the man in charge of the case, Green, but otherwise I just sat at my desk. Thinking through everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours.

My thinking got away from me, and suddenly an hour has passed. Danny pats my shoulder as he walks by and I nod, taking Kenai's leash into my hand and standing. My coat was draped across the back of the chair, a different one than the first one I wore when I first arrived in America. This was black, as opposed to the tan one that I gave to Jameson a month or so ago. He wears it a lot, which I love, but it left me with a coat that looks like I'm gloomy all the time. Which Jameson loves to tease me about.

"You drive." I smiled, dramatically skipping my way around the front of the car and letting Kenai in the back. When I actually climb in the front of the seat, Danny was tensed up next to me, like he was ready for it all to go wrong.

"Oh sod off," I mutter as I start to drive the car. "I've had practice."

Danny snorts, before I swing out of the parking place and through the gate onto the street. The entire drive Danny was tapping his leg, which was not only driving me nuts, but Kenai is well. Every pat to his leg Kenai would perk up, ready to listen to whatever command. I gave it a minute, hoping that he would stop on his own accord, but by the time we were five minuted from the precinct 

"Mate, stop." I say, smacking his hand with mine. "Every time you do that Kenai gets ready for a command."

"Sorry." He mutters, relaxing a bit.

"You're nervous?" It wasn't really a question, I knew he was in some way overthinking something. The statement was more a prompting for him to explain exactly why he was so reactive, and it took him a minute. To actually start speaking that is, and when he did his words were sort of, soft? If that makes any sense, they were missing the usual Danny Reagan edge.

"I'm not." He sighed, "I keep thinking about the fact that you don't have any family if I'm being honest."

I snorted, slowly nodding my head as I watched him from the corner of my eye. "I count you as family, but I think you can handle yourself." Danny laughs, well, more like tutters. Short little bursts of laughter that sounds more forced than anything else.

When he quiets it's with a sad sigh, and I'm starting to feel rather odd at the idea of Danny feeling soft to me. "What about your mom and dad? Siblings? Cousins?"

"Bloody hell, I feel like I'm being interrogated." I mutter. "No dad, left my mum and I when I was young. My mum died when I was fifteen, which started my move to London. She had no siblings, I'm not sure about my dad. No cousins, just me. But I'm alright with that."

Danny hummed in a sort of understanding kind of way. There was no more time to talk, as I pulled up to the side of the barber shop. He climbed out, letting Kenai out as well, and I followed a moment later. I unclip Kenai's leash, stuffing it into my pocket and pausing as Danny opened the door to the Barber shop for Kenai and I to pass inside.

"Mister Salazar, change of plans." I flash my badge at his associates, and step towards Salazar.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Salazar stands up in a flash, turning to face me with an angry look.

Danny walks forward, grabbing both of the mans hands as he speaks. "You're under arrest for the murder of David Taylor." He clicks the handcuffs on him, shoving him towards the door of the barber shop.

As Danny drags him by I grab Salazar by the arm, leaning close. "Good thing you missed me." I let them pass.

"Tonto Detective." One of Salazar's detectives says from behind me, and when I glance their way I could see the flash of a gun in his waistband. "Le dispararé ahora." I take a deep breath before turning to face them.

"Y morirás antes de que llegue tu bala." I say, looking at him dead in the eyes. He takes a step towards me, my hand moves to my weapon, and a low growl starts to come from Kenai. The man glares for another moment, before lifting his hands and taking a step back. "Wanker." I mutter as I leave the shop. I let Kenai into the back of the car, before climbing into the passenger seat.

"It's a waste of time. I not gonna be here long." The man speaks with a thick accent, and Danny throws me an annoyed glance as he speaks.

"You'd be wrong, you're going down for an A1 Felony." I turn in my seat, looking the man square in the eyes, "You've scared everyone of the witnesses that 'ave come against you, but you won't get me."

I turn back forward, taking a deep breath as I do. It'll be one hell of a trial.



Tonto Detective: "Dumbass Detective"

Le dispararé ahora: "I should shoot him now."

morirás antes de que llegue tu bala: "And you would die before your bullet hits."

If you want a Christmas themed one-shot for your favorite ship send me a DM, Tellonym (link in my profile), or simply comment on this line and I'll write it for you!

Include the ship characters as well as if you want a specific Christmas thing (ice-skating, or decorating, or something like that).

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