↞ Chapter Thirteen ↠

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Season Two, Episode Eight

Amizo's cafe was busy as ever when I walked in, but I didn't mind it. I stood in line, but didn't have to wait for long, and when I reached the front the cashier was chatty as he rung me up.

"Will that be all for you?" He asked, I hummed, and he continued to push buttons on the cash register. "You have any Thanksgiving plans?"

His question threw a hitch in my mind, I had forgotten about Thanksgiving. "Well, no. Now that I think about it." I wished the boy a good day, before stepping of to the side and waiting for my mocha. I thought back to Thanksgiving. I hadn't celebrated it in seventeen years, since my move to the United Kingdom, and for some reason, I couldn't even remember what the big deal was.

"Mocha for Howards!" I perked up, grabbing the cup off the counter top before dodging the other coffee house people and going back outside. Kenai perked up, prancing over to me and waiting for me to grab her leash. I picked it up, before heading down the street, the sudden realization that Thanksgiving was in fact a thing that American's did made me realize why there were so many people in New York this week.

I was nearly to my car when my phone started to ring, "Detective Inspector Howards." I answered, setting my coffee cup on the roof while I worked on unlocking my door.

"Jett, hi!" I smiled, realizing it was Linda. I paused what I was doing, leaning against the side of my car and replying with just as much excitement.

"Hullo Linda."

"Jamie mentioned you like to cook, and that you're good at it, what'd'ya say about coming to help Henry and I get ready for Thanksgiving today?" I smiled, considering what she had to say. Gormley gave me today off, given the fact that I had worked forty-eight hours, which resulted in a massive drugs bust, and other than getting some coffee I hadn't planned anything else.

"Sounds great Linda, I can be there in," I checked my watch, glancing to the traffic covered streets. "Twenty minutes?"

"Great, thanks."

I smiled, saying goodbye, before hanging up the phone. I unlocked my car door, letting Kenai in the back before climbing in and starting the car. Just as I pulled away, a hand smacked onto my window, and I jumped in surprise.

"Your coffee!" I squinted, realizing I had left my mocha on the roof, and started to roll the window down. I went to reach for it, but the hand handed it to me.

"Cheers mate." I muttered, grabbing it from him and setting it in my cup holder. I looked up, trying to catch sight of whoever it was that handed it to me.

"Alvie! Wow, what are the odds man?" I recognized the voice that time around, and nearly sighed. "Hows it going?" I tried to stick my head out a bit more, but stuck my hand out holding up a finger, before rolling the window up.

I climbed out of the car, unclipping my shield from waistband and shoving it into my front pocket. Unexpectedly, Noble Sanfino wraps his arms around me in a greeting, before pulling back and asking his question again. "How's it going?"

"Brilliant, you just saved me from spilling my coffee, so it's a good morning." I smiled, leaning against the door of my car. "What about you? It's been a while, yeah?"

"Yeah, a few months at least. I've been good." Noble throws a glance over his shoulder, "You got plans tonight?"

I considered it for a moment, "Just working on Thanksgiving dinner with my," I paused, "Friends." It felt strange, but he nodded.

"Get drinks with me tonight." Noble's response was quick, and I took a minute to think about it. I'd need to tell the Lieutenant that I was, but it shouldn't be an issue either way.


"Great!" He suddenly took a step closer to me, and I tensed up. "I know this little hole in the wall in Lower Manhattan, the Nitecap. I'll meet you there, 7?"

I rolled my wrist over, taking a look at the time. I nodded, before looking back up. "Brilliant Noble, I'll see you there then." Our eyes locked, and while I felt no other emotion towards him than mild like, I could tell that he felt something just a little bit stronger, his actions mirrored it. Noble reached up, his hand brushing my face, I tried not to flinch, but I felt uncomfortable like this.

Jameson places his hand on my face often enough, but when Jameson does it, it is a movement full of love and compassion. When Noble does it, it feels forced, or like he is expecting something from it.

He pulls away, and I give him a nod and a smile, "I'll see you then Noble."

"Laters Alvie." Noble steps onto the curb, and I climb back into my car, starting it, and pulling out of the space in a hurry. I cursed the fact that I was in my car, he could recognize it now, and I had to be careful about everything I did after this.

I took deep breaths, checking my phone at a stop light, and sending a message to the Lieutenant about tonight. I glanced into my back row, happy to find a change of clothes on the seat. "Well Kenai," She perked up in the passenger seat, looking at me as I continued driving. "How do you feel about staying the night with the family again?" She huffed, like she was disappointing, before putting her head on the armrest that sat between us.

I reached over, searching the glove box for my carton of cigarettes and nearly whooping when I find it. I roll the window down, lighting it at the next stop light and taking a long drag of it as I start to drive again. I reached the Reagan residence a lot faster than I thought I would, and as I pulled to a stop, I cursed the fact that I hadn't finished my cigarette. I climbed out of my car, busying myself with pretending to grab things in the back as I tried to finish it off in a hurry.

"Can I help you get something Jett?" The voice startled me, and I tried to stand but only succeeding in smashing my head on the roof of my car.

"Bloody hell." I muttered around my cigarette, I turned to face whoever it was and smiling innocently at Henry. I plucked the cigarette from my mouth, tucking it behind my back and waving a bit. "Hullo Henry."

He stuck his hands in his pockets, walking towards me with a smile. "Go on, I don't mind."

"But Jameson does." I muttered, "Our secret please?" Henry nodded, and I inhaled once again. Henry asked about the day so far, and I replied that it was as fine as it could be. I let Kenai out of the car, snuffing the last bit of my cigarette in the tray in the car, and clapping my hands. "Right, so we're cooking? If I'm being honest, I do not remember Thanksgiving."

"What?" He gaped, leading the way inside. "How could you not remember Thanksgiving? It's my favorite holiday."

"Brilliant Henry, you can teach me the ways of American food." He laughed loudly, and as we stepped inside Kenai ran immediately to one of the armchairs, hoping up and curling herself into it. Linda was in the kitchen, and as the pair of us stepped in I was startled at the amount of ingredients spread across the tables. Linda walked around the island, giving me a quick hug, I kissed her cheek lightly, focusing more on the sheer amount of food than the interaction with Linda.

She turned to face the ingredients, and as she faced me she laughed. "You look a little overwhelmed."

"Just a bit, I don't think I've ever seen a turkey that large before." The other two laughed, and I couldn't help myself from smiling. "Right, you've got an apron for me?"

The apron in question, was white, and had the words 'Kiss the Cook' inscribe across the chest. I put it on with a laugh, the three of us got to work. 

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