↞ Chapter Twenty-Six ↠

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Season Two, Episode Nineteen

"Promise me ya aren' doing this because Detective Reagan asked you too." Sargent Gormley stood between me and the file that I needed, and I couldn't seem to look him in the eyes. I of course, knew that I was doing exactly what he said, but I wasn't sure if I should lie in some dramatic way, or tell the truth.

But of course, because it is me, I had to tell the truth. "He asked me too, but I want too."

Gormley sighed, rubbing his face before shrugging. "Just don't let it bite me in the ass."

"Understood sir." I nodded firmly, as if it would reassure him in my abilities as a detective inspector, and as being not-Danny. He always seems to ruffle a few feathers no matter where or what we happen to be doing.

I passed Gormley, grabbing the file from the cabinet and opening it as I walked away. I suppressed the urge to groan as I realized that the man in question was a firefighter. Though I did not know why, I, along with many police officers, seemed incapable of getting along with firefighters.

The firehouse that he worked at was a few miles from here, and luckily in the direction of the Reagan residence. I'd be able to drop the file there, before going home to get some shut eye before Danny gets to far into the case.

"Viens Kenai." I pat my leg, pausing for her to catch up, before walking out the back door of the precinct.

I was in my car at the moment, though I wished I had my motorcycle, the air was cool, but not too cold. The only problem with it all is that people do seem to grasp the fact that I am a Detective Inspector just a bit more if I am in the car, rather than the motorcycle.

The temperature had started to drop already, and the days seemed to stretch on. I wasn't ready for winter, but I was excited, I've always loved snow, though it is a pain in the ass to drive in. When I lived in London, there would be days when I was off of work and had the chance to take the train up north to see the snow covered hills. It was beautiful.

It's days like that that I miss, and I hope to see some sort of snow here. Hopefully.

"Are you coming in miss priss?" I asked Kenai once we reached the fire station, she did a little but wiggle, before ultimately following me out of the car and sticking by my side as we walked in. I ignored the feeling of being small as I passed through the dozens of firefighters. It appears that they had just started shift, as most of them were still carrying duffel bags and so on. "I'm looking for Dylan Carney?"

A few of them straight up ignored me when I asked, but after a moment, a young woman pointed him out to me, and I smiled in thanks.

"Dylan Carney?" The man nodded, so I pulled my shield off of my belt, showing it to the man. "Detective Inspector Howards. I'd like to ask you a few questions about Chris Keenan?"

"I already answered a bunch of questions about him with some other detectives." The man pulled the strap of his duffel bag over his shoulder, and started to walk away. I huffed, before hurrying after him.

"Yes sir, I am aware of that. I'd like you to think of this as some sort of follow up?" The man showed no sign of stopping as he passed through a door marked 'Fireman Only', so I followed through. "You and him were good friends yes?" All I got from him was some sort of half assed nod. "Does any of this make sense? Him committing suicide?"

Carney sighed, stopping and dropping his bag with a loud clunk. The way he turned made me think he was angry, but the look he gave made me realize that he was just disappointed.

"Does anything like this ever make sense?" He sighed, "I wasn't surprised when I got the call."

"What do you mean by that?" I relaxed my stance, no longer having to worry about him rushing through the hallways of the firehouse.

He rubbed a hand down the front of his face, "I mean, he was going through a divorce he didn't want, and he's got big financial trouble-"

"Wait, financial troubles? What kind of financial troubles?" There was nothing in the man's file about financial troubles.

"Our last project together, we bought this big old house. Remodeled it," it was the house that Keenan was found in. "It cost twice what we thought it would to fix it up. So Keenan took out a home equity loan on his house- 150,000 dollars."

I was shocked, and I voiced this to Carney. "Why didn't you just sell the house?"

"'Cause we had to get the certificate of occupancy, and you seem we couldn't get it because- I mean, have you ever had to deal with the Buildings Department?" I hadn't. "Inspectors coming and going, they're always finding something else to be done, months and months went by and the bank comes looking for their money." He was getting riled up, his words becoming firmer and faster, I just nodded along. 

"And you believe that is what made him suicidal?"

"Wouldn't it make you?" Carney asked me, I knew that it was rhetorical, but I was quick to shake my head no. "Listen, the guy had a life insurance policy worth half a million dollars. He knew, he knew, that it would get his family out of the hole that he had put them in."

"He spoke to you about the life insurance policy recently?" While I did not exactly believe the man could kill his business partner, especially for a reason that did not relate to him directly. The loan was not against his house, but still, I had to wonder.

"He told me he was worth more to his family dead than alive."

I was not expecting to hear that from Carney, but once I did, I felt like it made the idea of someone killing him a bit more unlikely, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel like everything was too consequential.

Good thing Danny is the cynic in this partnership.



Viens: Come

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