↞ Chapter Thirty-Two ↠

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Episode Eighteen

It took Danny three hours to get the full truth out of me.

Why Jameson was meeting up with me. Why I seemed to know him so well. Why I knew the family before I met Danny Reagan. Why I moved to New York in the first place. What the hell was going on.

I gave him every answer. I know some of it should have stayed between Jameson and I, but I couldn't give him only a little bit of the information and hope that he would trust me for the rest. So he got every answer that he wanted, he told the family on my behalf. Using the excuse that he was grabbed in relation to the case, not directly to me.

To say that Danny was surprised that Jameson and I were together would be an understatement, and I can't tell you what he was feeling, but it wasn't anger. It wasn't anything negative, which was good, more than anything it was surprise. After the initial conversation we didn't talk much about the relationship. Our concentration fell onto finding Jameson, and we weren't successful for a long time. The day turned into night, and I could feel the exhaustion creeping in. 

Danny was sitting across from me at his desk with a mountain of information covering his already over crowded desk. Mine wasn't much better, and when he let out a loud groan I looked at him from over the top of the folders. He leaned back, throwing his hands through his hairs and closing his eyes tightly. When he opened them he stood up from his desk, declared that he was getting a cup of coffee, and checking with TARU for the tracking. I watched him go, and just as I turned to the papers on my desk a phone started to ring.

I scrambled to find mine, hoping that it would maybe be Jameson, only to find it wasn't even my phone ringing. Danny's phone was flashing on his desk, and I picked it up, starting to stand to find Danny when the call ended. I tossed his phone back onto his desk, looking to the list of places connected to the El Mal gang. My phone started to ring from the corner of my desk, and I was quick to pick it up.

"'Ello Commissioner."

"Jethro." His words were firm, and for some reason it made me nervous. "They found the Hummer under a bridge on 59th street." And suddenly I knew why I was nervous, I stood up quickly, nearly knocking over my chair in the process. I grabbed my coat, pulling it on quickly as my heart rushed inside my chest. "They found an unidentified body in the car. We don't know who it is."

"I'm on my way." I hung up quickly, rushing off to find Danny. In my panic I shouted the information at Danny, informing him that I would drive. He followed me outside, abandoning his cup of coffee in his hurry. I watched Kenai take off towards a patch of grass, he beat me to the car.

"I'm driving." His hand landed on my shoulder, and when I tried to tell him that I was fine he interrupted, informing me that I wasn't, and I gave in quicker than I usually would, whistling for Kenai as I opened the back door. She lept in, and I slammed it shut, sliding into the front seat and telling Danny to drive before I had barely closed the door. He complied, taking off at such a speed the tires squealed. The lights went on, and cars got out of our way as quick as they could.

I couldn't think of anything other than Jameson as we raced to the 59th street bridge. Every part of me was wishing, even praying that the body wouldn't be Jameson's, and that I knew the family wouldn't know what to do if it was his. After what had happened to Joe, I don't know if they'd ever recover from loosing another son.

I didn't have to hide away in my thoughts for long, we reached the bridge in record time, and I was out of the car before the car had even come to a complete stop. I could hear Danny shouting at me to wait, but I couldn't. The smell of burning plastic filled the air, and I coughed at the sudden rush of the smell, I ran towards the burning car, dodging every officer and fire fighter that tried to stop me. I could feel the panic building with every step, when suddenly arms stopped me. Two hands on my shoulders, I was forcefully turned to face whoever it was, and I was confused to find the Commissioner standing there.

He looked worried, but he spoke quickly, "It isn't Jamie." He repeated it, but it took to long for me to realize what he was saying.

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure, you okay?" He followed my line of sight to the car, and I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath before I started walking towards the car. The Commissioner followed, "Preliminary indicates that it's Sylvie Montoya."

"Salazar's girlfriend." I muttered, shaking my head as I approached. "She's the one that led us to him." I could see the Commissioner nodding out of the corner of my eye, but I suspected he already knew as much. Danny approached, already hearing that it was Montoya, but antsy nonetheless.

We waited for a long time, just hearing the information from the SOCO team that was looking at the car. The Commissioner stuck around the entire time, despite the few words from his security team he waited for the full report that they could provide. I mentally went through the list of potential places that Jameson could be, occasionally making a call to get someone to check out a certain location. Nothing came from it, and with every empty location I felt more and more despair.  

"Go home Jethro, get some sleep." The Commissioner put a hand on my shoulder, startling me from my thoughts slightly, and I shook my head.

"I think I'll go back to the precinct, I don't think I'll be able to sleep, not with everything that's 'appening." I rub my face with my hand, accepting Kenai's leash from Danny and starting to turn away. A hand wrapped around my upper arm, and I paused.

"We will find him Jethro." The Commissioner sounded as though he was trying to assure himself just as much as he was me. I don't know if I could believe it, but I nodded either way, and once he released my arm I continued to the car. Danny told me he'd catch a ride with his dad, handing me the keys and telling me how much I should get some sleep. I just nodded, getting into the car and breathing deeply as I started it.

It took the entire drive to the precinct for me to realize the strange part that the Commissioner had played. He comforted me first.

He knows, and I don't know whether that comforts me or not.

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