↞ Chapter Thirty-Four ↠

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Season Three, Episode Twenty-Three

"Bless us, O Lord, for these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen." Frank was smiling when he finished praying, and we all echoed 'amen,' before starting to dig in.

Jameson was beside me, smiling brightly and unable to stop himself from continuing to smile.

They let him out of the hospital yesterday evening, as long as he promised to keep it easy, I swore that he would. He reached for the plate in the middle of the table and I reacted before he could, reaching for it and spooning some potatoes onto his plate so he wouldn't have to strain to do it himself.

"Aww, you've upset the baby." Danny chuckled as he spoke, and I snorted, unable to stop myself from laughing at the face that Jameson was giving me for putting food on his plate.

"I get shot one-"

"Three times." I corrected, he was trying to be dramatic in saying he's only ever been shot once, but it's been three times. "You've been shot three times, twice in the past year."

Erin spoke up from her end of the table, "Your one to talk." I looked over at her with an open mouth, and it took everyone a moment to get over the shock of her comment before we all started to laugh.

"You're not wrong," I muttered, spiking a few pieces of chicken for Jameson's plate and then mine. The table was quiet for a minute, as everyone focused on their food.

"We need to keep Carter Poole in our prayers, for his family and for his recovery." Frank spoke up, "From what I've heard he has not likely, but they aren't sure about the quality of life afterwards."

"Oh that's awful to hear," I muttered, setting my left hand on Jameson's thigh and forking another bite of potatoes into my mouth.

"Danny and I are taking my sister's house in Quogue the second weekend of July," Linda started, smiling at everyone around the table as she spoke.

"Quogue?" I asked, not familiar with where that was.

Frank was the one to clarify, "The Irish Riviera, biggest bluefish I ever caught was off the jetty east of there."

Danny leaned over to his wife, speaking through a mouthful of chicken. "You trying to rub it in?"

Linda waved her husband off, speaking to the table, but more specifically to Frank. "The house next door is for rent too, same weeks. It's got four bedrooms, comes with a boat and slip."

"Are you asking what I fink you're asking Linda?" I asked, smiling brightly and looking over at Jameson.

She nodded, and Frank sighed before speaking. "I have always wondered what kind of fantastic woman has dinner with her in-laws every single Sunday without complaint."

"Thank you Frank." Linda looked genuinely excited about the idea of the whole family going on a trip with hers. "Look, I know I'm not the matriarch or anything, but I am a mother and a nurse, and I think it's the perfect prescription for this family. No cases except cold beer, and no shifts except who digs the next batch of clams."

Jameson's hand landed on top of mine as he spoke to Linda with a nearly sad smile. "Well, I'm kind of moved. Thank you Linda."

"I'm the only one at the table who, when I cut myself, I don't bleed NYPD blue, but from where I'm sitting," Linda laughed twice, shaking her head before continuing, "You all need a break."

I spoke up after her, smiling brightly, "And anyone who talks shop gets kicked off the bloody island."

There was some laughter across the table, and Linda looked between us all for a moment. "So what do you say?"

"We can take you crabbing Uncle Jett and Jamie!" Sean announced excitedly.

"If you're taking me crabbing I'm all for it." I smiled at the boys before looking over at Jameson who agreed instantly.

There was a pass of confirmations from everyone, and I was glad for this trip. It give us all time to reconnect and take a breath of fresh air from the job. Jameson would be able to relax and heal, and I'd get to take a breather from my time in New York. I feel as though I haven't had any break from it all, and I was ready for one.

Jameson leaned over, whispering in a low voice to me. "What are you thinking about?"

"How lucky I am to have you." I muttered, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

The creaking of a chair drew my attention away from Jameson and Frank smiled tapping the edge of his glass and speaking to the table.

"I want to propose a toast." Frank said, taking his glass in hand and looking at the two of us. "It has come to my attention-"

"From me!" Danny interrupted proudly which earned him a smack on the arm from Linda.

"Yes, from Danny, that it is Jamie and Jett's three year anniversary as of today. So then, if you'll all raise a glass," Frank motioned with his glass towards the two of us, "To Jamie and Jett!"

The table echoed, "To Jamie and Jett!"

I smiled brightly, looking across all of the table and thanking them individually with an incline of my head.

They started to talk between themselves, and the volume at the table started to rise, I looked over at Jameson with a smile.

"I love you." I leaned towards him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything, for trusting me, for loving me, for all of it." I smiled, and Jameson leaned a bit closer, pressing a kiss to my lips before speaking.

"You never need to thank me for believing in you."

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