↞ Chapter Sixteen ↠

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Episode Five

"Detective Howards!" I kind of deflated when I heard the voice, thinking that it was another officer with an authority mindset, but when I turned around I was pleasantly surprised to see Jameson.

"Jameson," He approached me with a smile, and a hand firmly on Kenai's collar. She was whining loudly, and nearly pulled Jameson over when she ripped herself free. I smiled bending down and catching her as she lept at me.

"Hi pretty puppy, hi!" I scratched her sides and the top of her head as I held her in my arms. She howled a bit, dramatically licking my face before jumping out of my arms and sitting next to me. Jameson smiled at me, like he wasn't exactly sure how to greet me. I would've loved a hug, but I know that wasn't going to happen.

"I'm glad you're alright." He smiles, and I mutter a thank you. "You gave everyone quite the scare earlier."

I laugh awkwardly, using one hand to rub the back of my neck. "Sorry about that."

He took a step closer, "Can I offer you a ride?"

Say yes, "No." What?  "I'll just get a cabbie, don't want to put you out." You should've said yes.

"You won't." Jameson smiles, before turning around and walking away. I look at Kenai, before clicking my tongue and walking after him. He pauses, letting the pair of us catch up to him, before leading the way to a beautiful car.

"Chevelle?" I nod to it, and he looks at it with pride.

"Yep, 71. It was my dads, then my older brothers, now it's mine." He opens the passenger side door, pulling the seat forward to let Kenai in, before offering the front seat to me. I mutter a thank you as I slid in, looking at the interior of the car with admiration.

He slides into the front seat with a light smile on his face, and I could feel the light dusting on my cheeks. Jameson started the car and put it in reverse, before doing that thing where he puts his arm on the back of the seat to look over his shoulder as he pulls out of the parking space. I just looked at my hands as he did it, unsure really what to do.

When he faced forward again it was silent for a minute, before we both spoke at the same time.

"I live-"

"You gave-"

I snorted, an unflattering noise, before motioning for him to continue.

"You gave us all quite the scare." He turned his blinker on as I indicated to turn up ahead. It took me a second to process his words, but when I did I felt a panic pass through me.

"You were-" I swallowed through what felt like a dry throat, "You were on scene?"

He threw a glance over to me as we hit the turn, I could see him nodding, 

"Yeah I was, I was part of the team clearing the park, and when the woman in the car noticed what we were doing, I was-" He sighed. "I was worried I had screwed everything up in that moment. But you..."

He let out a breath of air with an astonished undertone. "You were impressive, handling everything that was going on, and staying calm it was. It was wow."

I awkwardly laughed, "Well, thank you Jameson. I wasn't calm at all, I've got to say that was, that was pretty damn terrifying."

He let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he turned again. "When you started to fall over, your dog was going nuts. Barking and howling and trying to get to you, no one understood why, until-"

"Until I actually hit the ground." I nod a bit, some part of me taking control as I turned to scratch the top of Kenai's head.

"Exactly. And then the Commissioner tried to catch you, but I think he thinks he made it worse."

"Wait, what?" I point to another turn, as I turn to face him.

"'Wait what', what?" He throws a glance at me that was to quick for me to gauge why. "You didn't know he tried to catch you?"

"I didn't." I mutter, trying to think back to what had happened. I remember hands on my coat, but I assumed they were Danny's. "Good ole Frank. I'll have to thank him next time I see him."

He laughed again. "I don't think the PC would appreciate that sentiment."

"Oh, no disrespect, Frank and I. We're," I paused, considering what to say, before choosing the simplest explanation, "Old friends."

"Hmm." Jameson makes a noise of acknowledgement, but it sounded like he didn't really understand.

"This is me." I mutter, pointing to the building to our right. Jameson pulls over into a space and I climb out of the car, he beats me to letting Kenai out, so I awkwardly wait on the sidewalk for him to come around. "Can I invite you up for a drink?"

He smiles without looking at me, leaving his attention on Kenai and scratching her head. "I would love to-"

"Great." I smile, unlocking the door to my flat and holding it open to let Kenai in.

"But," his hand brushes my arm and I stop before turning to face him. "I can't, family dinner." I make an 'oh' face while I nodding.

"That's alright. Another time then?" I smile, attempting to show that I wasn't disappointed. I lean against the door frame as he smiles up at me.

He's short. Well, understandably so, in this moment he stands on the sidewalk, and I stand just inside my apartment with to stairs inbetween us. Everyone is short to me, but he is particularly short. But he definitely isn't tiny. Jameson is toned, and very, very handsome. The smile he gives seems almost like a secret, like it shouldn't even be shared with me, but the fact that it has makes me feel special. I smile back, leaning my head against the door frame. It's silent between us.

Jameson takes a step forward, pausing on the first step before continuing smiling up at me. "Definitely." He takes another step up, some part of me wants to step back, but I don't. "Tell me if I'm out of line, but drinks? Tomorrow?"

Yes! "That sounds great." I sound like I don't care. "I'd love to."That's a little better, but not much.

Jameson smiles even brighter, if that's possible. "I'll pick you up from here?"

"Perfect." It takes Jameson a minute to walk away, I watch him go, waving as he pulls away. When I close the door and turn around Kenai is sitting there smiling at me. I nudge her with my hip, "Go on then."

She takes off up the stairs like a bullet, and I follow behind moments later, huffing as I go. I unlock the door to my flat, letting Kenai in first before following behind and locking behind me. My coat comes off, and I hang it on the rack before sighing and moving into the kitchen. Kenai was waiting for me when I walked in, her bowl was inbetween her feet, and when she saw me she nudged it with her nose.

I smile, scratching her head before taking the bowl and filling it with her kibbles. The night ends with toast, a cuppa tea, and a decent novel. I curl up on the couch in my robe, and open the book with a huff before beginning the first page.

On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.


The bit at the end is from "Crime and Punishment" by Fydor Dostoevsky.

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