↞ Chapter Twelve ↠

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Episode Five

"Remind me, once we get through all of this, remind me to get my wife the newest and longest lasting phone battery." Danny groans tossing his phone onto the table, and looking back at the computer screen. "How could we have pulled over this many Muslim people today?"

"It's New York." That was my simple reply, I looked across the desk as I propped my hand up on my desk. "What 'ave you got?"

"Mildred Ames, stopped at 2:35 in Chelsea." He snorts, "You know what, call me crazy, but 72 years old seems a bit to old to be a suicide bomber."

"Could be a remote detonation, we've got no idea what it is either way." I look back at my screen, and click to the next profile, which of course leads me to squat.

"Mary Jo Clarkson, Long Island-" Suddenly, he stops talking, and when I look up he's got a funny look on his face. "Married to Alex Hass."

I suddenly shove myself around the desks, rolling to a stop next to Danny. "Like, Steve-y boys cousin? It's never a coincidence."

"Well, she's got no priors. Her husband was questioned in relation to his brother at 1400 hours. Teaches economics, westernized, no ties to anything." He shakes his head a bit, continuing to read the computer screen in an interested manor. "The SUV matches the description."

I roll back around to my screen, typing her name into the database and scanning through all of her social networking with vague interest. 

"Mary Jo Clarkson, married name Hass. Husbands name, Alex. One son, Jacob." He snorts, "Well look at this, part of the same radical mosque as Khalid."

"She's who we're looking for."

"Wait what, how do you know?" It's Danny's turn to look surprised, he pops out of his seat and hurries around to my side of the desk.

"She's got a link to a suicide bomber video right there." I prod the screen, hovering the mouse over the video and letting a few seconds of it play.

"How the hell has she not been flagged by Homeland Security?" He leans back, giving a tug to his collar, and sighing loudly.

"I've got no idea." I click the mouse a few times, watching as the screen flashes. Danny is going on and on about all of the potential places she could be when I smack his arm. "Danny, she's got a kid with her."

He leans in and squints at the screen taking a good long look at the image of the woman and kid. "You know what, let's go scoop up the husband."

I nod, standing to my feet with a flourish, snatching my coat off of the back of my chair and pulling it on. Danny grabs Kenai's leash and attempts to click his tongue to get her to follow. He fails a bit at the clicking, and Kenai stays sitting on the ground looking up at him with her tongue lolled out of her mouth. He tries to click again, but nothing comes out.

"Come on you big lug." He tugs on her leash, before looking up at me and giving me a look. "I could use some help."

I snort before clicking my tongue twice. Kenai hops to her feet and stands next to Danny with her tail lightly wagging. He glares at her playfully, before leading the way out of the building. I follow behind him, checking all of my pockets to make sure I've got everything before finally pulling the keys out of my coat. I click the unlock button, and slide into the front seat. Just as I start the car I realize that Danny hasn't gotten in yet. I turn around, and see him with the back door wide open and his hand pointed at the seat.

I could vaguely hearing him telling her to get in, but she wasn't listening to him.

"Dans la voiture." My voice carries well enough, and a second later Kenai hops into the back seat. Danny slams the door shut and slides into the front seat with an annoyed look. I put the car in reverse, and pull out into the road. The guy loved on 57th street, so we had a little bit of a drive, and the stops and go of the traffic checkpoints wasn't helpful.

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