↞ Chapter Twelve ↠

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Season Two, Episode Six

(This will not be the full episode)

"Look at this, gun collar, two weapons possessions, two outstanding warrants." Danny led the way up the stairs, shouting over his shoulder as he went. I clumped up after him, pushing the guy in front of me a bit as I went. I had one hand firmly on the center of the handcuffs behind his back, and the other on the handrail, to make sure I didn't fall back down.

When we both reached the top, I passed the guy I had arrested off to someone else, and waited at the top of the stairs for Danny to make his way back. "You know J, we should take transit assignments more often." I snorted, but agreed, it was easy going anytime. The pair of us started down the stairs, and I tugged my skullcap a little bit lower on my head, tucking the tops of my ears underneath as a gust of cold air came from behind.

"Well, maybe they should think a bit more before jumping a turnstile with a loaded pistol in their pocket." I stated as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I've decided, since riding the Subway in New York, I will never, ever, complain about transportation in London every again.

Shouting sounded from up the stairs, and Danny and I look at each other, before sprinting back up them. I assumed that one of the transit arrests had gotten loose, but when I get to the top, all the officers are moving around quickly. "What's it? What's happened?" I grab the arm of the nearest officer, and she pulls away, shouting over her shoulder as she goes.

"Officers in distress! 112 Lennox."

I nodded, looking to Danny, he nodded his head, and we both took off running down the street. "What out! Excuse me!" I shouted, dodging pedestrians as I went. When I turned the corner, I could see a gathering of people around a patrol car. I picked up the pace.

"Step back!" I shouted, stepping in between the downed officers and the group of people that looked to be on the verge of a mob. I set my hand on my weapon, holding the opposite hand out and shoving people away. I looked over at Danny, he was helping the officers get out of the way. Just as I turned back to the crowd, someone body slams me to the ground. I let out a shout, shoving the man off of me and standing to my feet.

"What are you doing?" Danny came out of nowhere, lifting me to my feet and grabbing the guy who smacked into me. "That's assault of an officer!" Danny slammed the guy onto the hood of the squad car, handcuffing him before turning back to me. I had already moved back to crowd control, trying to get some form of control over them.

"You better watch your back pig!" I heard one of the men shout, and I turned, holding a hand out, and trying to calm everyone down. A group of officers arrived, and Danny and I stepped back. 

I watched the crowd for a second, before grabbing my right shoulder with my left hand and rolling my shoulder and wincing at the tenderness that came with the movement. The pain radiated down my arm, feeling as if it went all the way to my fingertips. I took a deep breath, trying to dispel the feeling. "You alright Jett?" Danny asked. I looked at him, trying to shrug but stopping myself halfway through.

It wasn't a big deal, just the way that the guy hit me made me land on the shoulder at a funny angle. I wasn't too worried about it. I started to walk over to the ambulance, to check on the officers that were injured in the events of the past half hour. Danny called my name.

I turned, "I'm checking on the officers, maybe they can tell us who shoved them." Danny nodded, and I started to continue towards the officers. Danny hurried forward, stepping in front of me. I stepped to the side, he followed.

"Jett, maybe you." He paused. "Maybe you should hold off, and not  go over there for a minute."

The way he was looking at me, I suddenly had a very strong feeling what was going on. I tried to step around him, but he stepped in front of me. "Danny-"

"Jett, just don't. Alright." I ignored him, shoving past and walking around the back of the first ambulance next to me. The paramedics were just starting to close the doors, but I was able to glance inside, and what I saw made my blood run cold. Sargent Renzuli. I sprinted around the back of the ambulance, running towards the second one. I stopped short, looking at the uniformed figure of my boyfriend.

"Jameson." I spoke carefully, worried for a moment that it maybe wasn't him, but the way that his shoulders slouched, the curve of his hands. It was him no doubt. He turned to face me, and I panicked. I rushed towards him, kneeling down and pressing my hand to the side of his face. I didn't dare touch any part that was bleeding, but I looked at him with worry.

Jameson grimaced at me, starting to speak, but hands grabbed my shoulder. Danny pulled me to my feet, standing in between me and Jameson and trying to get me to calm down. "Jett, kid, let the paramedics do their work. He's alright, I promise." I nodded along to what he was saying, trying to take a look at Jameson from over his shoulder, but he stepped in the way. "Breathe Jett."

I did as he said. "Sorry Danny. It's just-"

"I get it, I freaked out too." He looks over my shoulder, before grabbing me by the forearm and leading me away from the open road. "There's news reporters here." He explained, and I tensed up, pulling my skullcap a little lower around my ears.

"I can't stick around."

"I get it, I understand." Danny kept an eye on everything over my shoulder. I had already told him about the undercover business, there's no way I would keep it a secret from my partner. He was fully alright with it, not that I was expecting anything else. He got in touch with an old friend of his, someone who works a desk now, she said under the circumstances she would come back in the field when need be.

This case was already to public.

Danny took a look over his shoulder, before looking back at me. "Go on." I stepped around him, hurrying over to Jameson. He looked at me as I reached him, and I pulled him to his feet, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Jett, I'm fine." His voice was muffled as he spoke, and when I pulled back I smiled.

"Good." I mumbled, before taking a step back. We may be out to his family, but I'm sure he doesn't want everyone knowing. "You get a good look at the guys who pushed you and Sargent Renzuli?"

Jameson stood a little straighter, before nodding. "Yeah, it was a big guy, uh, with an earring, and a skinny guy. African American, both about as tall as you."

I nodded, "You see them over there?" He shook his head. I'd need to separate business and personal life, in this case more than anything, not that I would stick around for long enough to solve it. "I'm glad you are alright my love."

He smiled, reaching his hand to me, I took it, squeezing it tightly, before stepping away. I walk over to Danny, telling him that I've got to leave, before anyone else shows up. He nods, and I catch a ride with a squad car.

I find myself ready for this undercover business to be over with, and I've only been at it for a few weeks. I hadn't told Jameson yet, but given what happened today, I didn't want him to be afraid of where I was just because he didn't know. On the other side of things, I didn't want anything to happen to me, and him not know every secret of mine.

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