↞ Chapter Two ↠

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Season Two, Episode One

"Jethro." Frank smiled as I walked in, standing from his desk and walking to me. His eyes catch the bag of takeout in my hand, and he cracks a smile, "I assume this means 'yes'?"

"I know it's not anything like Karl's food, but do you think it'll do?" Frank assured me it would motioning to the couch for the two of us. I took a seat, pulling my jacket off as I went and relaxing into the couch.

He asked me if this was because of last time, and I answered truthfully. I was nervous, and he understood. After a moment of understanding silence we talked about anything from the job, to the upcoming family dinner. The one topic found the best to talk about is the idea of 'family dinner,' the practice of it gave everyone the chance to meet up and see each other. To talk about their week and to poke fun at the others, and now I was a part of it. I got to joke around with people that cared about me, and see what a family was like, after nearly sixteen years of not having one. Frank and I have known each other for a long time, but at these dinners we do I seem to learn something new from him every time.

"I feel like I remember you being something of a baker?" Frank asks, pausing to take a bite of his food. He remembered correctly, but I hadn't done it in a long time.

I swallowed my bite, humming a bit as I did, "A little, nothing crazy."

"Nothing crazy my-" He stops himself, before laughing in his boisterous way. I eat a few more bites, watching as Frank picks up his fork again, "Make dessert this week." He says it like it's no big deal.

I start to say no, but he gives me a look, as though it would be wrong of me to say no. I give in, "I'll make Baked Alaska." He laughs again, before he is interrupted by my phone starting to ring. "I apologize Frank."

He waves my apology off, and I stand, setting my food on the table before taking a few steps away from the couch. "Detective Inspector Howards." I furrow my eyebrows as I listen to the officer on the other end speak. "Right, have you called Reagan yet?" At the negative response I nearly groan, "Call him. He is just a bit closer to the location and will make it there before me. I will show up where I am needed." At the officers acknowledgement, I hang up, turning to Frank and smiling in an apologetic way.

"Duty calls." I nod, watching as he sets his plate down. "Who is it?"

"A man called 'Fogerty'?" I pause, rethinking the name as I tap my phone on the palm of my hand. "No, Farragaut." I correct myself, walking back to the couch to grab my jacket. Frank hummed at my response, and as I pulled on my jacket he told me he would take care of the food on the table. He wished me luck as I left the office.

Detective Baker stood as I left, her son stood next to her, and I smiled at them both. I knelt down, "Hullo little man." I stuck my hand out to him, and he put his little hand in mine, I shook it twice. "What is your name?" Baker had a smile on her face, before encouraging her son to answer me. 

"Adam." I smiled, before slowly standing up.

"Well, Adam, thank you for keeping an eye on my dog for me." My knees pop as I stand, I pull Kenai's leash out as Adam says his goodbye's. I clip the leash on her, and wave goodbye to Adam. "Have a nice night Detective Baker."

She replied the same, and I walked away, pulling my phone back out of my pocket and dialing Danny's number. He answered on the third ring.

"Yeah Jett." He sounded a bit distracted, and I asked him if he had seen the crime scene. "Yeah I have, the guy who died? His wife is a friend of my sisters, and he's a big guy with the new mayor."

"Damn." I muttered, already thinking about the publicity of the case. "I'll call the wife?"

"No, call Erin, she's with the wife right now. Her name's Lisa." Danny corrected, and I confirmed as I stepped into the elevator. "You don't need to come to the scene. I can handle this. Call Erin, get the wife to the precinct."

"Alright Danny." I hung up, immediately turning around to dial Erin's number. She didn't answer the first time, and as I dialed again I reached the first floor.

"Jett?" Wherever she was was ridiculously loud, and as she continued to speak I had to really listen to hear her. "I'm in a restaurant right now. Can I call you right back?"

"No Erin, listen," She hummed, "Are you with Lisa Farragaut right now?"

"Yeah, I'm at-" I interrupted her. 

"Erin, I need you to bring her in, it's about her husband." She asked what I meant, "He's dead Erin. He was found dead in his car in a shady part of the Lower East Side."

"What-" She pauses, and I can hear her speak to someone. "Are you positive?"

"Yes." I truly was, and she said alright and that she would call me back in a few minutes. As she hung up, I sent a prayer to the woman, wishing that this wasn't happening to her, and that everything would come to light in the end.

As I left One PP I was unlucky in hailing a cab. I took to walking instead, hurrying down the street a few blocks to a much more densely populated area of the city. The walk was silent, and I was glad for the bit of exercise. My eyes caught sight of the ink on my hand, Sanfino. With the past few hours I knew for a fact that I recognized the name. I should have asked Frank during dinner, but I'll have to settle for running it through the system.

Something tells me that I won't like whatever comes up.

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