↞ Chapter Thirty-Seven ↠

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Episode Twenty-Two

When I left the Reagan household, I drove to the location Cliff had told me, but in my attempt to find him I found Malevsky instead. He sat inside a diner, and the only reason I had seen him was because I had stopped at a red light beside it. I called Frank to tell him, and learned that Danny had found Buchanan and was following him a few streets over. Danny's car passed me, and he halted, rolling his window down to speak to me.

He joked first, an American joke that I didn't really understand, before telling me to get in. I considered it, before telling him to climb out. Danny laughed, before nodding, and parking his car in a space down the road. I kept my eyes trained on Malevsky as he Buchanan entered the diner. I stood, removing the second helmet from the compartment in my bike, and offering it to Danny as he hurried over.

He pulled it on, and I swung my leg back over. Danny followed suit, and I watched as both of the men walked out of the diner and into the car. I counted to six, before driving off after the car. They were quick to get onto the motorway, and as we drove another car joined the first. Everything was about to happen, Danny called Frank, and I could just barely hear the conversation. The cars pulled to a stop, and as watched as the group got out. I pulled to a stop a few blocks away, pulling my helmet off, and waited as Danny scrambled off the back of my bike.

He bent over, propping his hands on his knees and taking deep breaths as I watched. "I wasn't expecting your driving to be worse on the bike." I snorted, shaking off his dramatics as I called the Commissioner.

"They've pulled off, and come to stop at a pub-er-a bar." I corrected myself, before relaying the address to the Commissioner. He told me that him and the team would be there soon, and he wasn't wrong. Within fifteen minutes the team came peeling around the corner, the Commissioner's protection detail stepping out before him. Danny and I walked over, and as we approached another officer handed the two of us bullet proof vests, which I accepted with a firm 'thank you.'

I approached the Commissioner as I pulled on the vest, "Are you ready sir?" He nodded, but I could see the worry in his eyes. Jameson stood next to him, and I nodded to him, and left the greeting at that.

The team lined up just outside the door, Danny stood first, ready to lead the charge, but I stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. I stepped in front of him, muttering that I would not want him to be hurt in the surge. I took a deep breath, glancing over my shoulder and locking eyes with Jameson. He nodded, and suddenly I had just a bit more confidence. Danny's hand pressed into my shoulder, and I looked forward, I started to count.

"One..." My voice was just above a whisper, and I took a deep breath. "Two..." I took another breath. "Three..." I pushed through, shouting the usual 'Police! Don't Move!'

The team followed me in as I lead the way, my gun raised high, I shout over and over again. The men surrounding the table tried to pull their guns, but were stopped by the other men on my team.

"You know the drill! Hands on the table, if you try anything stupid, you will catch a bullet!" Danny shouted, approaching those that surrounding the table and working on removing their weapons. The others followed, and I waited a moment, before stepping back and announcing that it was alright for the Commissioner to step in. He did.

He looks across the men at the table, their hands pressed into it, he takes them all in. "Alex, you I did not expect." The man in question, Alex Bello, looks up at the Commissioner.

"That was maybe the hardest part Frank, getting over you." Frank clenches his teeth.

"I won't ask why, there are about a million reasons in those bags." The man makes another comment but I miss it, looking at those surrounding the table. I recognized some, but not all. "Before I take your shields, there is a question I want answered," Frank takes a breath, taking another step forward, before continuing, "Which one of you killed my son?" Frank's voice nearly broke at the end of his question

I felt a surge of sadness, Joe's face appearing in my mind, but I pushed past it, readjusting my gun's position in my hand. There was a sudden clatter, Frank had taken an arm to the shelf full of liquor, knocking it to the floor. A few of those at the table jumped at the sudden anger, I had never seen Frank act in such a way.

"I'll ask again," when he spoke, his voice was eerily low, anger apparent in it. "Who shot my boy?"

A sigh came from the table, and Malevsky stepped out of his spot, turning to face Frank with his hands at his sides. I stepped forward, hefting my gun just a bit higher, I stepped so that I was just barely in front of Frank.

"It's not like he wasn't warned." Malevsky spoke, before motioning to Jameson. "Just like the Rookie over here, again, and again. But you people, you don't take a hint."

"Not from you we don't." Danny stepped around the table, removing a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and pausing seven or eight feet away from the man.

"For what it's worth," Malevsky sighed, "I am sorry." He suddenly pulled a gun, one that none of us had realized that he had, and pointed it at Frank. I acted quickly, stepping in front of Frank and pointing my gun at Malevsky. The group still at the table tried to get him to lower it, and I squinted, aiming my gun just a little bit better at the man's arm. He sighed once again before speaking, "It was nothing personal against Joe.

"It was personal to us you bloody fool." I spoke, Malevsky looked at me, and I watched as every muscle in his chest and arm tensed, a shot went off, and I hadn't even realized that the bullet had come from me, not until Malevsky hit the ground hard. He groaned, and I knew that I had hit my target. Danny rushed forward, and I lowered my gun.

"Take their shields Detective Inspector." Frank spoke from behind me, and I nodded, stepping away from my spot in front of Frank, and turning as I placed my gun back into its holster.

"Sir." I nodded as I faced him, watching as he walked away. I turned once again, moving to do as Frank said. It felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders, knowing what I knew now, everything seemed to fall into place.

By the end of the night, I had all eight of their shields.

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