↞ Chapter Nineteen ↠

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Episode Eight

"These are some of Grant Lee's known associates." I had the photo's to the young woman, and gauge her reaction as she looks at them. Wai-Chee barely looks at them before shaking her head and handing the photo array back to me. "I have to be honest with you, I don't believe you."

She looks up at me, before quickly looking back down at her hands. I sigh. Danny shuffles a bit in his seat, motioning to Wai-Chee with an offhanded gesture, as if telling me I can handle her. He stands up, patting his legs and mumbling about getting coffee. I take his seat, moving myself closer to Wai-Chee and handing her the photo's again.

"I know these chaps are scary, but your friend is in real danger. She can only hide for so long, and it's loads better if we find her first, before them." Wai-Chee looks unconvinced, but continues to stare at the photos. "Look. I don't care about your immigration status, its got nothing to do with the case, I just need to know where your friend is."

"Ming-Tai no-t my friend." Wai-Chee speaks just above a whisper, shaking her head firmly as she speaks. "I ju-t meet her."

"Ming-Tai is her name." I write it down as I say it, "Where does she live? Do you know?"

I could tell that Wai-Chee was worried, but she considered my words. Wai-Chee takes her time, forming the words with her mouth before speaking them. "Gong-Si-Fong."

"Gong-Si-Fong." I mutter the words under my mouth, scribble it onto my notepad. "Where is that?"

"I show you. We live in same Gong-Si-Fong, then she move."

Danny comes back right then with three cups off coffee, handing one to of each of us and asking why Ming-Tai and Wai-Chee moved.

"Trouble." The answer was simple, and I was perfectly okay with leaving it at that. It was lucky, just when I was done with my questions, my phone started to ring. I muttered an apology, before standing up. Kenai follows a few steps behind as I make my way out the back door, and I instantly regret it. The temperature dropped even more, if that's possible.

"Kenai reste à l'intérieur." Kenai wiggles her butt at me, accepting a scratch on her head before prancing back inside. "Detective Inspector Howards."

"Good morning Jethro."

"Commissioner." I smiled, bouncing on my heels in an attempt to get warm.

"Frank, please." I could hear Frank sigh on the other end. "I was just making sure that our monthly dinner reservation still stands?"

I shook my head, stiffing a snort before reply to him. "Of course it is. Now then, were you actually calling about the reservation, or are you looking for information about your son Jameson?

He laughed. "Well, if I was calling as the Police Commissioner, it would be to the Detective Inspector in a politically sensitive case."

"Right, yes." It got quiet for a minute, and I lifted my hands to my mouth to blow warm air onto them.

"Are you outside right now?" He sounded concerned when he asked. "It's 25° outside."

"If I say no, I'd be lying." I bounced around on my heals as I responded. The door behind me creaked open, and Danny poked his head out.

He cocked his head to the left, motioning back inside, before whispering, "We're going to Gone-see-fog." Danny butchered the pronunciation, but I got the picture.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, "Gong-Si-Fong." I corrected, before telling him that I would be in in a minute. He nods, before ducking back inside. "I've got to go Frank. I'll see you tomorrow night for dinner." I paused, "I'll keep you inconspicuously updated on the case."

"Thank you Jethro, and good luck." He was the one to hang up, and I was quick to to stuff my phone back into my pocket and rush back inside. The heat of the precinct was fantastic compared to the low temperatures outside, and I sighed happily as I approached my desk. Danny looked up, waving a peace of paper at me and saying about having an address.

I just nodded, grabbing my jacket from the back of my chair and pulling it on. Some part of me wished I had my overcoat, but it was at better use with Jameson. Kenai wiggled at me before sitting still and letting me clip the leash on her collar. She took the lead, prancing her way out the back and to the car.

Danny takes over letting Kenai in the back, and I get into my seat in the front.

"So is it just going to be a surprise every time you speak a new language?" I snort, and shrug my shoulders.

"Depends." I reply, clipping the buckle on my seat belt. He throws the car into drive and pulls out onto the road.

"Do you know German?" Danny asks, and I smile before nodding. "Say something in German."

"Ich flirte mit deinem Bruder."



Kenai reste à l'intérieur= Kenai stay inside.

Ich flirte mit deinem Bruder= I'm flirting with your brother.

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