↞ Chapter Four ↠

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Season Three, Episode One

Everything felt like it was in high def when I arrived at the hospital. I was dropped at the emergency room doors, even though it wasn't an emergency.

I stood just inside the doors, looking at the commotion of the emergency room in a dazed sort of way. No one noticed me for a while, at least not until Linda walked in. She hurried to me instantly, pressing a hand to my cheeks and forehead.

Only then did I notice how clammy I felt. My palms were sweating, but I felt cold. My heart was racing and my breathing was shallow.

"Jett come with me." She led me by the arm through the emergency room, sitting me down on one of the beds and asking me to remove my coat. I didn't move, my eyes looked unwavering at the ground. I felt her hands on my shoulders, pulling my arms from the sleeves before huffing out a sigh. "Jett, the quicker we do this, the sooner I can take you to Jamie."

That seemed to get me out of my funk. I let out a sigh of my own, looking up at her with a sad sort of smile. "Is he alright?" I took off my coat as I asked, and Linda nodded as she approached with one of the blood pressure things.

"He was in surgery last I heard, but there shouldn't be any complications, it's a relatively simple surgery." Linda explained, putting the blood pressure sleeve on my arm. It was silent between the two of us as the machine did what it was suppose to do. "Your blood pressures a bit low, but that's understandable. You've got your color back in your cheeks. How do you feel?"

I leaned back on my hands, "A bit out of it honestly. I just want to see Jameson."

"Come on then." She nodded for me to follow her and I hoped off of the bed quickly, yanking on my coat as we went. As Linda led the way, she made notes in the chart she was carrying. We stepped into the elevator, and I looked up, watching the floor counter. I could feel her eyes on me, but I ignored it, willing the elevator to go faster. "I get off in an hour, and I'll join the rest of you soon. Henry's already there, and Frank. Nicki was picking up my boys last I heard."

I just nodded, stepping off of the elevator the second the doors opened. Linda pointed the way, and as we paused outside the door to his room, she placed a hand on my arm.

"He'll be okay Jett." She wrapped her arms around me, surprising me with the sudden affection, but I didn't protest.

"Thank you Linda." I pat her on the back, before stepping away and into the room. I smiled at everyone. There was only one bed in the room, on the far side, which the two boys sat on with Nicki. The big gaping hole of a missing bed made me worried, but as soon as I stepped in Henry and the two boys got to their feet.

"Uncle Jett!" Sean and Jack shouted at the same time, I fell to my knees as they both ran in for a hug.

"Hi boys." I tried to sound excited, but I couldn't bring myself to. Henry placed a hand on my shoulder, hugging me as soon as the boys stepped away.

"He's alright. We got to see him before he went in." I nodded into his shoulder, smiling in a way that I hoped was comforting to Frank. Henry stepped back, smiling at me as he continued. "It's not a major surgery, just to stop some bleeding and remove the bullet."

I didn't say anything, instead I stepped towards Frank, holding my hand towards him. "I'm sorry Frank."

Frank forced a smile, as he took my hand. "What have you got to apologize for? He was on the job, the guy who did it was apprehended." He seemed to not realize that I meant sorry for how he felt, and when he finally looked me in the eyes he just shook his head. "He's going to be alright, we all are."

The way he was talking made me realize that he had no idea what had gone down today, which made sense.

If the five declined calls earlier told me anything, that was when Jameson was shot. Which meant that Frank had probably been here since then. By the looks of it, neither Garrett or Detective Baker had been by, which meant we'd all need to deal with it whenever it was finally brought up.

A knock sounded on the door, and I let go of Franks hand, looking excitedly in that direction. In stepped a doctor, a bright smile on his face. He stepped out of the way of the door, and in rolled a very out of sorts looking Jameson.

The two nurses rolling his bed placed him in the proper place, hooking him up to the necessary machines and such, before leaving the room.

Jameson smiled in a tired sort of way, and I rushed to his bedside, carefully taking his hand as his head lolled over to look at me.

"Babe." His voice slurred, and I couldn't help but smile. I could feel tears start to fall, and I smiled sadly.

"You bloody fool," The tears started to fall and I wiped them away, pressing a kiss to his hand. "I love you so much Jameson."

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